George Lucas: Obama es un Jedi y más... LOL asegurado!!


Rey del forochateo

Atención a las respuestas de los comparecientes!


Y el bochorno se desata. Ejemplo: "Obama es un Jedi" (Leed, leed, majos...)

El director y productor de cine, George Lucas, ha testificado ante un comité de la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso estadounidense para hablar de no se qué ley de fondos de servicios universales. Los vericuetos de Capitol Hill me la traen al pairo cuatro de siete días. Pero hete aquí que el martes de esta semana resultó ser una excepción en el momento en el que Barabapapá compareció ante varios representantes para expresar su opinión respecto al decreto y solicitar la creación de una “Web 3.0? destinada exclusivamente a usos educativos.

Una vez presentado testimonio, los representantes reunidos procedieron a expresar su opinión al respecto. Y si bien puedo entender que los políticos de hoy en día parecen estar obligados a recurrir a la metáfora, comparación, aliteración o cualquier puñetera figura literaria de esgrima verbal para demostrar que son más listos que tú, votante idiota, sus respuestas a la declaración de Lucas son de las que provocan embolia cerebral.

Primero. REALMENTE SE LE PREGUNTÓ A LUCAS si el candidato demócrata a la presidencia, Barack Obama, ES UN JEDI. La respuesta fue clara y contundente. “Yo diría que es razonablemente obvio”, contestó Lucas, comenzando el desparrame. Podéis verlo en The Examiner.


Foto REAL de la comparecencia de Lucas. Señalo los detalles más bizarros del acto.

“El fondo universal debe estallar como la Estrella de la Muerte” - Representante Mike Doyle (Pennsylvania, demócrata)

“Rick Boucher y yo somos los Luke Skywalker que tratan de salvar el fondo universal de aquellos que quieren destruirlo, los Darth Vaders” -Representante Lee Terry (Nebraska, republicano).

“Los Fondos de Servicios Universales se convirtieron en ley cuando el congreso los aprobó como parte del Acta de Telecomunicaciones y lo hemos defendido con nuestros sables de luz desde entonces” - Representante y FUCKIN’ presidente del subcomité, Edward Markey (Massachussets).

Lucas, que se declaró no partidista –en parte porque a) tiene demasiado dinero, b) tiene demasiado dinero y c) tiene aún más demasiado dinero– se negó a contestar si Bush era un señor oscuro de los Sith, aunque sí que reconoció que el “mote” para el vicepresidente Cheney es Darth Vader “porque sé que a él le gusta que se lo llamen”, declaró el director.

Que alguien me explique esto, por favor...
Bufff...... o está muy mal redactado el articulo....o es una gran coña.....

O tiene algo que ver con la Ley de Fondos de Servicios Universales discutida en el Congreso y que desconozco su contenido... supongo que habran llamado a Lucas porque está interesado en ella (mas bien en contra.... creo :sudor) Y Obama tendrá la misma posicion. Y por ello llaman a alguna personalidad de renombre que está contra esa ley. Lo de Jedi está claro, lucha contra los malvados republicanos

Parece que los democratas están en contra, la ley va de algo asi como garantizar un acceso universal a cierto tipo de telecomunicaciones en ciertos ambitos.

Universal service includes:

the ability to place and receive telephone calls
touch tone dialing
single party service (as opposed to a shared, multi-party line)
access to emergency services
access to operator services
the ability to place long distance calls
the ability to turn off long distance calling
directory assistance

Igual lo he entendido todo al reves.....

por cierto, veo a Lucas mas delgado, ¿no? :cotilleo

Joder, es sólo imaginarme de repente a Lucas en una sala de juicios acosando al jurado y esgrimiendo con furia montañas de papeles con fotos de Star Wars y me entra la risa floja...
Además, ¿qué hace con libros "colorea a C3PO" en la mesa? :inaudito


"Señoría. El día 15 de febrero de 1997 el supuesto acusado, Anakyn Skywalker, alias, Darth Vader..."

No sé, un poco cajón de sastre. Sobre todo la señora de atrás que está disfrutando de lo lindo.
A mi la noticia en si me la pela, es mas, demustra que este pollo ha perdido el norte desde hace muuuuucho tiempo

A todo esto, que mata de pelo tiene el hijoputa :diablillo
No solo no he entendido nada de la noticia, los propios redactores no saben lo que dicen, pero la foto es la mejor de todos los tiempos. Realmente tiene un cuadernillo coloreable de C-3PO en la mesa. O será uno de esos cuadernillos de pegatinas. GRANDIOSO.
Qué gran hombre, qué gran frikazo.
Ostia puta, es verdad, es un puto cuadernillo de "pinta y colorea" JAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJAJ

Ahora que me fijo... eso no es la enciclopedia STar WArs? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Esa foto tiene que estar manipulada, sino es lo más friki que he visto nunca: que un tio acuda con eso a un pleno :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Os juro que llevo todo el día pensando en esto... y no se me ocurre nada que comentar... :pensativo

:mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto
Pues desde que leí la "noticia", he pensado que era un fake y de los malos, porque es que hasta lo escrito apenas se entiende. Si eso ha sido cierto, tiene que haber la tira de artículos en periódicos serios que den veracidad.
Lo leí ayer y no me enteré de nada .
Vuelvo a intentarlo hoy, sigo sin entenderlo.
Lo veré mañana y..... :disimulo
Esque, tercinvar, my friend, a mi me pasa lo mismo. NO HAY POR DONDE PILLARLO.

No me extrañaría que en su testamento cediese todo su patrimonio a Yoda, Chewbacca y C3PO.
Muy bueno lo del pinta y colorea :lol

El problema basico es que tanto el articulo en español como la fuente en ingles están horriblemente redactados... pero vamos, creo que la cosa va por lo que ya dije en mi primer post.....:cafe
Pero que invento es esto? :inaudito
Que alguien lo aclare por favor, que hace Lucas en un jucicio con enseñando cosas de Star Wars??!!
Es que en esa foto falta que en la mano tuviese enganchada alguna pegatina de haberse estado entreteniendo (o en su defecto una caja de ALPINO y un C3PO a medio colorear) con la frase mítica:

- Espere señoría, ahora voy (la lengua medio sacada, de lado y coloreando a toda mecha).

Ostia, calla, calla. Esa foto de Darth Vader es lo que ha pintado, fijaos bien. Cuadra. Si hasta tiene un rotulador en la mano. :L
Como diría mi amigo Peter:

"Este post es mio"

Con lo guapo que va nuestro Lucas.
Hacedme un monumento...he encontrado más fotazas:





Y este es el discurso entero que dió el otro dia... Se trataba de su fundación educacional para el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación...

© The George Lucas Educational Foundation | Page 1 of 6
Testimony of George Lucas,
Chairman, The George Lucas Educational Foundation
San Rafael, California
Submitted to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet
Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
June 24, 2008

My name is George Lucas. As founder and chairman of The George Lucas Educational
Foundation, I’m pleased to appear again before this Subcommittee and to submit this

A Vision for Education: Edutopia
I. Nearly fifteen years ago, I testified before this Subcommittee and outlined my vision for
education in our schools. I called it “Edutopia” to signify a more ideal learning
environment. It included six themes:
1. A student-centered approach where students’ individual curiosity and motivation is
supported and personalized educational opportunities meet the needs of each student.
2. The family as an integral part of learning and the importance of schools reaching out
to include parents as a positive force for children’s learning.
3. The teacher changing from authoritarian subject-matter expert to facilitator of the
learning process. Though teachers still need to be knowledgeable in their subject
areas, their real gift is to help students find and interpret information and to learn the
skills of communication and cooperation.
4. Communities—including local governments, nonprofit organizations, and
businesses—as co-facilitators of learning for their young citizens. More learning is
taking place outside of the classroom. Community members need to get more
involved and share their expertise with students and teachers.
5. Schools as the gathering place for learning, with more flexible schedules and group
work areas, rather than only large classrooms. Community members could also use
the school facilities for their lifelong-learning activities.
6. The essential role of technology for students to locate and assess information,
communicate with others, and create works expressing their knowledge.
These information-literacy skills are not narrow skills; rather, they encompass deeper
learning across the traditional curriculum. Being able to locate, assess, and use
information involves the ability to think critically about a variety of information and data
and to think deeply about core concepts in different subject areas.
And developing products of one’s knowledge should involve teams of students, rather
than one student toiling alone. The ability to listen to and work well with others, to
collaborate in teams to create a product greater than one person can achieve alone—this
type of teamwork defines the modern workplace and should be the way schools organize
the work of students.

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Achieving Edutopia
How Far We’ve Come
Fifteen years ago, that vision could have been considered futuristic and unattainable, a
pipe dream that would never come to pass. But now, especially with the growth of the
Internet, this vision of Edutopia has become a movement. The features I described are
now commonly incorporated in discussions of modern learning environments and twentyfirst-
century skills in educational conferences across the country and internationally.
Across the globe, ministries of education in many nations, including Australia, China,
Singapore, and the United Kingdom, are moving ahead with plans to re-create their
schools for fostering twenty-first-century skills. They are investing substantially in
Internet access, hardware, and software for schools and training for teachers to enable
their students to achieve at higher levels and fuel the economic growth of their countries.
According to a recent report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), in Paris, the United States ranks fifteenth in broadband Internet
access and is outpaced by Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Korea, and the
Netherlands, among others.
Since its launch in 1998, the E-Rate program, administered by the Universal Service
Administrative Company (USAC), has provided more than $20 billion in discounts for
schools and libraries. According to a 2005 report from the National Coalition for
Technology in Education and Training (NCTET), Internet access in public school
classrooms jumped in one decade from 4 percent (1996) to 94 percent (2005).
Connectivity is high in rural classrooms (95 percent), minority school districts (92
percent), and high-poverty districts (92 percent). Furthermore, almost 100 percent of
public libraries provide Internet access.
These data, however, do not capture whether the connectivity is at broadband levels. We
have come a long way, but we have a long road ahead to keep pace with how technology
has advanced and can support learning. In its study of the Digital Economy in 2003, the
U.S. Department of Commerce reported that out of fifty-five industries, education is dead
last in its use of technology.
What Still Needs to Be Done
My vision for schools hasn’t shifted, but technology has—dramatically. Two
revolutionary changes in telecommunications technology have occurred in recent years:
broadband and wireless technologies. The processing speed and memory of computers,
following Moore’s famous law, has continued to double roughly every two years.
In just the past four years, we have seen the explosive growth of multimedia on the Web.
Multimedia content, including films, television, and music, is now routinely published,
viewed, and shared on Web sites. This content includes excellent educational resources
for our schools from our nation’s museums, libraries (such as the Library of Congress’s
American Memory project), and government agencies (such as the NASA Web site,
which brings space exploration into the classroom).

© The George Lucas Educational Foundation | Page 3 of 6

It is now possible for students to look at simulations of planetary movement NASA
provides. We have produced a film in which students videoconference with surgeons who
are performing heart-bypass surgery. Online simulations have been produced to help
students experience ancient civilizations. All these online media require high-bandwidth
connections beyond what was anticipated in the 1990s.
Now, our goal of universal service must be redefined to include much faster, broadband
access to current multimedia content and address the next generation of broadband
technologies to come. I encourage the Subcommittee to anticipate broadband speeds that
enable current applications and plan for the much higher-speed networks now available
only in universities and research centers.
The other major transformation in Internet access has been wireless networks and mobile
computing. Now, students can access the world’s knowledge without being tethered to a
wire at schools and libraries. Teachers tell the staff at my foundation of students who sit
in cars in high school parking lots in order to access the wireless Internet hub inside.
While the school doors are closed, their minds are still open.
Schools still operate on the agrarian calendar: open nine months a year, six hours a day,
five days a week. Those three months used to be important for children to help harvest
the crops, but the summer could now be valuable time for planting and harvesting new
seeds for learning. In this broadband, wireless world, information is always on, ready for
students to exercise their curiosity and broaden their minds. Now, it is possible to
conceive of a world where students can learn 24/7/365, anytime, anywhere.
Extend Universal Service to Broadband at the Desktop
In order to support this vision of twenty-first-century schools, it is very important that we
not rest on the accomplishments of the E-Rate funding and the Telecommunications Act
of 1996. We should not simply declare that the program has been a success and end it.
Instead, we must recognize the even greater possibilities made possible by broadband and
wireless and expand the program to keep pace with technology.
I urge the subcommittee to go beyond the current E-Rate discounts for public schools and
libraries. Our goal should be to extend the definition of universal access to include
modern broadband connectivity. We also need to define speed and bandwidth in terms of
what students see on their computer, not just one connection to a school or library that
must be divided among many users.
The current cap on E-Rate needs to be increased. I note that, as reported by the Education
and Library Networks Coalition (EdLiNC), the administrator for the E-Rate program, ERate
discount requests for 2008 totaled $4.3 billion but were capped at $2.25 billion. So
we still have work to do to achieve the goal of universal access. I agree with EdLiNC’s
2005 statement that “all students, educators, and library patrons should have high-speed
Internet connectivity to fully participate and learn in an information-dominated economy
and world.”

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Provide Free Internet Access for Schools
I applaud the program of E-Rate discounts to schools and libraries, ranging from 20
percent to 90 percent based on the economic status of communities. But I believe that the
eventual goal should be to make these connections free for all schools and libraries. This
goal is as ambitious and as important as the creation of free public schools and libraries
themselves, free and open to all.
Telecommunications provides the new learning platform of this century and is replacing
the textbook as the medium through which a modern education is provided. The world’s
knowledge is now available online, far beyond what books and materials can provide in
schools and libraries themselves.
In affluent Marin County, one middle school has a laptop program where each student
has his or her own computer and is able to access the Internet via a wireless hub in the
school. But just over the Golden Gate Bridge, only 10 miles away, some San Francisco
high school students do not have access to even basic computers and Internet access to go
online and do research for class assignments. Teachers in San Francisco tell us that they
feel they cannot in good conscience assign students to use computers and the Internet
when five students in a classroom of twenty-five do not have access in school or at home.
Just as access to a high-quality education is a civil right, access to modern
telecommunications tools for education should be viewed as a digital civil right. We
should seek to guarantee that right to every student, regardless of ability to pay.
Connect Telecommunications Infrastructure to Teacher Professional Development
Although I recognize that teacher development does not come under the purview of this
Subcommittee, I do want to note the importance of educating teachers about how Internet
resources can be used for learning. A report issued recently by the National Education
Association, titled “Access, Adequacy, and Equity in Education Technology,” points to
this critical relationship. Many educators feel that technical assistance and training
support is inadequate, especially on how to incorporate technology in instruction.
I understand that teacher training is a focus of the Achievement Through Technology and
Innovation (ATTAIN) legislation being discussed as part of the reauthorization of the No
Child Left Behind Act. ATTAIN is supported by the Consortium for School Networking
(CoSN), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and the State
Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA). ATTAIN’s funding of
professional development for educators on how to use technology is a vital complement
to E-Rate connectivity.
I hope this Subcommittee will continue to coordinate its funding and policies with your
colleagues on the House Education and Labor Committee. Your policies could encourage
school districts and states to adopt an integrated telecommunications platform for
schools, teachers, and students. Teachers and principals could use such a network as a
platform for their own communications, sharing, and training.

© The George Lucas Educational Foundation | Page 5 of 6

We already see signs of such school networks in the United States, where new teachers
are sharing their experiences with each other and their mentor teachers. This year, in our
Edutopia magazine and on our Web site, we described a project from
Scotland called Glow, the first national schools intranet, which provides every Scottish
school with a common e-platform for student and teacher email, for parents to have
regular communication with their schools, for publishing school Web sites, and for
features such as online courses and videoconferencing between schools.
This kind of common platform makes perfect sense. As companies and government
agencies do, school districts and states should invest in ensuring that each of their
locations has the same suite of online tools for their work and communications. But
school districts and states have been slow to invest at the level the Scottish government
has done for its schools. For a nation of five million people, the system cost $75 million
and took four years to develop.
Students as Producers, Not Just Consumers, of Internet Content
Today’s students desperately want to use technology and the Internet for their learning. It
is ironic that nearly all students participate in this digital generation outside of school—
talking on cell phones, playing video games, or socializing via Facebook—but many are
disconnected from the educational benefits of telecommunications during the school day.
Students tell us that technology provides the kind of choice and engagement that would
keep them in school and motivate them to go on to higher levels of learning. This is the
new frontier in telecommunications, where students can share the multimedia products of
their knowledge.
In one of our Edutopia magazine articles, one high school student from Florida said,
“You think of technology as a tool. We think of it as a foundation—it’s the basis of
everything we do.” Another student, from Albany, New York, said, “If it’s the way we
want to learn, and the way we can learn, you should let us do it!” A third student, from
West Virginia, added, “If I were using simulation in school, that would be the sweetest
thing ever!” The students “get it” and are moving ahead. It’s up to our schools to catch up
with them.
In 1994, I talked to this Subcommittee about students as authors of their own learning and
said, “I don’t want to make educational movies. I want kids to make their own movies,
programs, and presentations. I want them to have the experiences I have when I create;
those are the experiences that help me continue to learn and feed my creative spirit.” We
have reached an era in telecommunications when students can now do this via the
Internet, but they will need the increased bandwidth to do so.
Harnessing Telecommunications at This Moment in Our Nation’s History
We pride ourselves on being a nation of laws. Why shouldn’t we also be a nation of
learning? Americans were pioneers in creating the truly wondrous technology we are
talking about today. Innovation is in our DNA. Now, we need to make sure it is also in
our classrooms and that every American child grows up knowing how to use the Internet
and how to benefit from its rich and powerful resources.

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There was a time in our history when only the privileged few enjoyed literacy. The
Industrial Revolution made paper and books more readily available, and reading was
soon a requirement to getting ahead. The technology revolution we are living in today is
another historic opportunity for advances in learning that arrive every few decades. We
simply cannot afford to miss it.
Back in 1994, the United States was enjoying an era of prosperity. Now, fourteen years
later, we see a much different world and much harsher realities confronting our nation.
The climate crisis, soaring fuel and food costs, and terrorism are high among the threats
to our future economic and political security. This Subcommittee can put in place crucial
legislation to answer whether we confront these challenges successfully as a nation,
because all these challenges require much more highly educated citizens and a much
better-prepared workforce. Telecommunications and the Internet hold valuable keys to
unlocking our brighter future.
I thank the Subcommittee for inviting me here today to share my thoughts about the
critical role of telecommunications in the future of education.​
Arriba Pie