Hinomura Krycek


Los de las cámaras de cine se sacan un móvil de la manga.

"el primer dispositivo de comunicación holográfico multidimensional" que no necesita lentes, proporcionando capacidades "multivista, 2D, 3D, RA/RV/RM y de captura de imagen" y "cambiando para siempre" la forma en la que son concebidas.


mas info aqui:
No dudo que será una gran máquina pero vender preorders sin soltar ni una mísera especificación, vaya huevos.

Asi y todo, ansioso por ver la primera review.

Puedes usarlo como monitor y para controlar las cámaras RED EPIC. De ahí van a pescar las primeras reservas y ventas. De profesionales del cine.
Lo mismo hicieron cuando anunciaron la primera Red One. Un render pintón, cuatro pinceladas...y hasta hoy :-D

No obstante eso de "dispositivo holográfico multidimensional" me da a mí que va a ser una pantalla 3D al estilo 3DS y al peo.
Holographic significa que la pantalla ofrece "4 vistas" no solo "2 vistas" del 3D "stereo":

Lo explica Jim Jannard, CEO de RED, en los foros REDUser, además de dar otros detalles:

So… very interesting day to say the least. I love some of the reactions.

In no particular order, let me take a few swings here.

The Holographic Display.
It is incredible. It is multi-view (4-view) as compared to stereo 3D (2-view). Watching shocked faces light up when people see it is really motivating. There is no good way to describe it until you see it. Hopefully we will get some skeptics eyes on it soon… then they can tell you.

Our display is technology you haven’t seen before. It is not lenticular, which is inferior tech in every way, has been tried many times before and failed for good reason. (see Amazon 3D Fire, LG Optimus, etc). Lenticular display dramatically lowers resolution, cannot be turned off for standard 2D content, only works in one direction (usually landscape), has color crosstalk… to name just a few issues. My bet is that other “big” companies will try to re-package lenticular 3D displays with eye-tracking in response to our program. Don’t fall for it.

Why did some Redusers blindly order HYDROGEN today without even reading the release? This seems incredible to those unfamiliar with the RED program. Over the past 10 years RED has gone from scam (announcing the impossible) to delivering the impossible… over and over. Our core customers have seen and participated in this process and have stories to tell. Apparently we have earned their “blind trust” because we have not let them down. We understand that those unfamiliar with our history will certainly not get this.

Some additional details. One website said it was unclear whether HYDROGEN came with a battery. Let me assure you that it does. :-)

It also comes with internal storage and an external micro SD card slot. And a headphone jack. A selfie camera and a back camera. These cameras will not produce cinema quality images. No cell phone does. What we will have is a modular system that adds image quality well beyond any other camera short of our professional cameras. Remember that we have a lot of elbow room on this front. Our Weapon Helium sensor scored 108 on That beat the Sony A7RII by 10 full points.

So why do we feel we can make a difference in the cell phone market? Because we are doing everything different and (we feel) better. That is the only way to enter a market. That was the thinking behind Oakley. It was the thinking when we released the RED ONE. Same formula. Make something significantly better and you have a reason to be.

We look forward to releasing many more details and specs about the project as time goes along. Anytime you don’t like what you see, full refund for any reason spoken here. However… be prepared to be surprised on the upside. It only gets better the more information you have.

Today we saw the full range from “complete trust” to “hard skepticism”. I have seen this before… many times actually. Makes me smile.


David Fincher, con Brad Pitt en la sede de RED, mirando la pantalla de un prototipo:

Última edición:
El careto que pone no se si es que está flipando fuerte o está pensando "vaya pedazo de mierda que...".

Y brad estará pensando "a ver, esta mierda del 4D desde aquí NO LO VEO"
No, es un masajeador facial, en plan..."para ver 4D te pegas un par de hostias frente a ésto y...prueba, Brad, prueba un poco, anda. Que no duele, guapi" xDDDD

Vale, ya me voy a dormir la siesta :sudor
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