Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel


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Marvel presentará al superhéroe en la Comic-con

Haremos esto muy breve: Latino Review informa –citando a cuatro fuentes distintas– que Marvel presentará el film sobre el superhéroe Pantera Negra (Black Panther) en la próxima Comic Con de San Diego.

De momento, el proyecto solo cuenta con un guión desarrollado el año pasado por Mark Bailey. Interesante este señor: criado bajo la tutela de la HBO, responsable del libreto del documental Ghosts of Abu Ghraib.

Pantera Negra se distingue por ser un superhéroe africano, el primero de raza negra de la historia de la Marvel creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby en 1966. T’Challa, rey del ficticio país de Wakanda, político, estratega, acróbata, y con poderes extraordinarios derivados del Vibranium, un extraño metal hallado en su tierra.
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

Predigo hostión en taquilla.
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

Como dicen en el Violinista en el tejado:

"Yo sólo me dedico a decir lo que dice el periódico". ;)
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

No se si se hara o no, pero es un personaje muy interesante para una pelicula. Mezcla aventuras, ciencia ficcion, misterio, intriga, politica internacional, temas interraciales, etc. T'challa es uno de mis favoritos de la marvel.Es un batman en version africana.
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

Luke Cage, si que sería un Super Negro.
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

Es que es lo que comenta Lennon, veo que el personaje tiene un potencial para deparar algo, como mínimo, interesante de caer en buenas manos.
Respuesta: Black panther / Pantera negra: el próximo Marvel

Lucke Cage es mas urbano y si tiene poderes, pero es de un tono mas racial aun , como de negrata bocazas de los años 70 en plena black explotation y demas. Es un personaje mas racial aun que pantera negra y con un campo de accion y una historia menos atractiva que la de este. Puño de hierro , su socio, si que es mas interesante de cara a una posible pelicula, y los dos juntos aun mejor.

'Star Wars 7' Star John Boyega Aims for 'Black Panther' Role. Will John Boyega be announced as 'Black Panther' during Marvel's Saturday Comic-Con panel?

It's kind of a horrible time to be joking about Marvel movies and the actors who may or may not be appearing in them, especially with the studio set to make some epic announcements this Saturday during their anticipated Comic-Con 2014 panel. But that's exactly what Star Wars: Episode VII star John Boyega has done on his personal Twitter.

The young actor wants to play Black Panther and even claims he's heading to Africa. Is he joking? Check it out...

John Boyega should know by this point what will happen when joking on twitter, but maybe that's the point. He wants Marvel to know he's interested. He may also be sending this out into the open so that eager fans and journalists who loved him in Attack the Block ask Marvel this question over and over again at the panel and during the press lines this Saturday. Its out there now, so we doubt this is will be the last we hear about it.

The young actor also chimed in on the recent changes to the Marvel comic books.

Perhaps he can play Nova in Guardians of the Galaxy 2?
Predigo hostión en taquilla.

Marvel se ha convertido en una marca atractiva para el publico. Veremos lo que hace Guardians, por su concepto tan outre y su razón de ser puro space opera, pero hostión, no creo. Ya veremos.

Stan Lee confirma que la película de “Pantera Negra” está en marcha

Con tanta entrevista, tanta comparecencia, tanto de todo, es normal que eventualmente se cuelen comentarios. En una charla en Fan Expo Canadá, a Stan Lee le han preguntado acerca de la futurible aventura en solitario de la Viuda Negra, el personaje que interpreta en el universo cinematográfico Marvel Scarlett Johansson. Respuesta: «hay posibilidades de que tenga su propia película porque todos los superhéroes las están teniendo. Ahora están trabajando en “Ant-Man”, “Doctor Extraño” y “Pantera Negra”, y hay otros de los que no puedo hablar». Ahí queda. Kevin Feige ya había comentado el tema, pero si viene de The Man ─vía Comic Book Resources─, mejor.

'Boardwalk Empire' Star Wants to Play 'Black Panther'
'Kill the Messenger' star Michael K. Williams reveals he will bring a 'New York City edge' to Marvel's 'Black Panther' if he signs on.

Black Panther has been in development for quite some time at Marvel, and while casting hasn't officially started yet, a number of actors have expressed interest in the title role recently, including John Boyega, Chadwick Boseman and Djimon Hounsou. Now another actor has thrown his hat in the ring for the role, Boardwalk Empire's Michael K. Williams.

While doing press for Kill the Messenger, the actor revealed he hopes to join the Marvel family, although he hasn't had any discussions with the studio yet.

"No not yet. And I'm saying 'yet' with a lot of emphasis. But hopefully I'm looking forward to being apart of the franchise."

When asked if there was a particular character he's eyeing, the actor said he wants to play Black Panther.

"Black Panther. Yeah, definitely."

The actor added that he grew up with admiring a number of comic books as a child, listing his favorite comic book characters.

"I grew up with it, but I'm more excited about the opportunity. I'm a little more old school. I was into Superman, Batman, Spider-Man. My three top favorites by far. And then you know Wonder Woman, Aquaman--you know that's my world. That's my childhood."

It isn't known how far along Black Panther is in the development process, or when it may be ready to start production. Back in July, just before Comic-Con 2014, Marvel Studios announced five new release dates for Marvel Phase Three and, presumably, Marvel Phase Four that go up to the year 2019, and it is believed that Black Panther will fill one of those release date slots.

The actor revealed that he would bring a "New York City edge" to Black Panther, if he was given an opportunity to portray him.

"It would depend on the script. I would definitely bring that quintessential New York City edge. You know, just a little bit of that grit."

Michael K. Williams stars in Kill the Messenger alongside Jeremy Renner, who plays Hawkeye in next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's possible that Jeremy Renner may recommend Michael K. Williams for the Black Panther role, when the project gets ready to start casting.
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