Curiosas fotos de rodaje

"Taken very loosely from a 1971 novel called Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers Arkady and Boris, the version of Stalker available to us is essentially the second version that was made.

After filming in Estonia for roughly half a year to make the first version of the film, the crew and cast returned to Moscow to find that all of their film stock was heavily tinted dark green. They had been using a Kodak film stock unused before in Russia and many thought it had simply been processed wrongly. Tarkovsky always suspected foul play, either by a rival filmmaker or the state, rather than technical incompetence, although it was never proven. They were forced to start again from scratch.

“Tarkovsky considered it a result of scheming by his enemies. But I think it was just the usual Russian sloppiness.”
  • Vladimir Sharun (Sound designer on Stalker) – interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper
The setback led in part to Tarkovsky having a minor heart attack in 1978; this was only the first of many health issues that would become associated with the film. The next year, Tarkovsky returned to the outskirts of Tallinn in Estonia. Filming took place around a disused heavy industrial zone.

Some years later, Tarkovsky, Larisa Tarkovskaya who was his assistant director and wife at the time, and Anatoliy Solonitsyn who played the Writer all died from similar cancerous diseases, which many believe were related to the prolonged shoot in a contaminated heavy industrial wasteland, downstream from a chemical plant."

Stalker – Script Analysis






Si alguien encuentra las localizaciones del Total Recall de Verhoeven le pago un viaje a Méjico.
Lo que ya no se ve es ese servicio de "catering" :inaudito Parece que sea de una prisión.
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