Iron Man 4... con ¿Robert Downey Jr?


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Está claro que va a haber Iron Man 4 sí o sí vistos los resultados recaudatorios de la última entrega y viendo que Downey Jr. dijo que ya no quería hacer más de Tony Stark... (aunque está por ver de que Downey rechace el talón que le den cuando llegue el momento).

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Mark Wahlberg Wants to Replace Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man!

While doing press for the international release of his action-thriller 2 Guns, Mark Wahlberg revealed he is interested in taking over the Iron Man franchise from Robert Downey Jr., and revealed that he was previously in talks for another superhero role.

"I would like to take over the Iron Man franchise for Robert Downey Jr., [but] it's one of those things where I kind of like playing real people, [so] I've never been asked. Once I was kind of being talked about for the Robin role in Batman Forever -- somebody dodged a bullet!"

Back in April, Robert Downey Jr. expressed his interest in retiring from the Iron Man role, and it was later confirmed that Iron Man 3 is the actor's last stand-alone Iron Man movie, although the actor will be back as Tony Stark in The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Despite his desire to play Tony Stark, and his starring role in Transformers 4, Mark Wahlberg revealed he isn't exactly fond of CGI-driven movies.

"You know, there's so many effects-driven movies. What people have a tendency to forget, because you look at a lot of the trailers and the summer movies that came out... they all look very similar. Certainly all the end of the world movies. It's like you can only do so much with effects. I don't think any person sitting at home watching a television spot, a 15-second spot or a 30 second spot, is gonna say 'Oh I'm gonna go see a movie because I haven't seen that!' You've seen it all before. People haven't been wowed by effects since Jurassic Park or The Perfect Storm with the wave, you know? It's like now everybody does everything. It's all kind of the same sh*t. They're recycling a lot of the stuff."

Marvel hasn't announced any plans for an Iron Man franchise without Robert Downey Jr. yet.
Iron Man es y será siempre el careto de Robert Downey Jr. Por mucho que el Walhberg lo quiera interpretar, a priori no pegaría ni con Loctite.
Por curiosidad, ¿cuánto se ha embolsado Downey con cada entrega?
No podría haber un candidato peor: el anticarisma por definición para un rol que requiere justo lo contrario.
Pero de toda esta gente que se ofrece para papeles, ¿acaban cogiendo a alguien alguna vez? :pensativo

Is 'Iron Man 4' Part of Marvel Phase 4?. A new survey from Marvel Studios suggests that we could see another 'Iron Man' adventure in the very near future.

While Iron Man is one of the most popular movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with three adventures and over $1 billion in ticket sales, the future of Tony Stark is uncertain. We know we'll next see Robert Downey Jr. reprising the role he made famous in Avengers: Age of Ultron. And he has commited to The Avengers 3. But after that, Marvel hasn't offered any details. Now, a new survey sent out by Marvel Studios over the weekend during NYC screenings of Captain America: The Winter Soldier suggest we may be seeing Iron Man 4 sooner than later.

The sequel is certainly on the minds of those at Marvel. This portion of the survey asks fans which Marvel movie are they most interested in seeing next, and it includes Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Iron Man 4, Thor 3 and Captain America 3. Not included are Guardians of the Galaxy and suspected Phase Three movie Doctor Strange, which has been hinted at but not yet confirmed as part of the line-up.

Iron Man 4 Marvel Survey

Where Iron Man 4 winds up is an interesting question. An even more interesting question is, will Robert Downey Jr. return to play Tony Stark in another stand-alone sequel? The actor himself has said he will retire the character after returning for The Avengers 3, which will rap up Marvel Phase Three, a slate confirmed to include Ant-Man and Captain America 3. Right now, its presumed that Phase Three will include 5 movies total, and while Thor 3 hasn't been given the official greenlight, Marvel has already set up a writing staff with Craig Kyle (producer on Thor and Thor: The Dark World) and Christopher Yost (one of the writers on Thor: The Dark World). That leaves one other film, and all signs point to it being Doctor Strange, as Marvel looks to establish another new franchise along with its returning favorites.

This can only mean that Iron Man 4, if it were to happen, will be part of the Phase Four line-up. Robert Downey Jr. had this to say about retiring from the character:

"It got me thinking about how big the message from your cosmic sponsor needs to be before you pick it up. How many genre movies can I do? How many follow-ups to a successful follow-up are actually fun? Because, as quiet as it's kept, I come from a family of very innovative writers and directors and actors and artists, and the circle of friends they were in were the people I heard having pun-offs playing poker at two in the morning, and it was just the most comforting aspect of my childhood. So there's this kind of legacy of souls from what I consider to be a very particular time in entertainment, and I'm sensing a return to's what me and the missus are doing next. It's not unlike: I heard (Tom) Brady signed on for three more years with New England, and then he's done being a QB, because he'll be 40. I'm 47, and I'll be 50. don't know. Right now I don't have a contract to do anything, and I did for the last five years."

Marvel is not looking to reboot their Iron Man franchise. Instead, they plan to have a new actor come in and run with the already established storyline. As a trilogy, Tony Stark's story was wrapped up quite nicely with Iron Man 3, and many have wondered how it will continue in Avengers: Age of Ultron, with his participation in The Avengers 3 rumored to be limited as he passes the torch to new Avenger team members. There's always the possibility that Robert Downey Jr. will return, if the story is good enough. But we won't likely see it until 2019 or 2020, when audiences may be at a point where they are ready to accept a new face as Tony Stark.

Robert Downey Jr. Optimistic About 'Iron Man 4' Return. While nothing is set in stone just yet, Robert Downey Jr. teases that he might like to come back for Marvel's 'Iron Man 4'.

Last June, Robert Downey Jr. signed a new two-picture deal with Marvel Studios for Avengers: Age of Ultron, which he is currently shooting, and The Avengers 3, hinting that Iron Man 3 would be the last of his stand alone movies as Tony Stark. During a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Robert Downey Jr. teased that he may be coming back for Iron Man 4, although it is up to Marvel's Kevin Feige and Ike Perlmutter to make him an offer.

"It's down to Kevin [Feige, Marvel Studios president] and Ike [Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Entertainment] and Disney to come to us with what the proposal is, and that's on us to agree or disagree. When things are going great, there's a lot of agreement. Right now, this has just been swell, hasn't it? This has been a really good one and it feels good and we're having a good time."

Before Robert Downey Jr. signed his new deal, we reported last May that he wasn't interested in returning as Tony Stark for another stand alone adventure. While it seems that he may have changed his mind, the actor may be getting too pricey for Marvel. A recent Forbes article listed Robert Downey Jr. as the highest-paid actor in the world, earning $75 million last year, most of which came from his back-end deal on last year's Phase Two sequel Iron Man 3. The actor added that he doesn't feel like hanging up Tony Stark's Iron Man suit quite yet.

"It's that thing of: Why give up the belt when it feels like you can barely get jabbed? Most people are saying that right when they get knocked out. The future is, as usual, uncertain."
Downey firmó para Avengers 3, que será para 2019 o por ahí, así que si se ficharan a otro, falta muuuuuuuucho para eso... Aparte que si, muy remolón y tal, pero no ha dicho NO categoricamente y se ha hecho de querer casi desde el principio.

Pero vamos, que no van a tener a un Iron Man distinto en la cuarta y a Downey para Avengers 3, así que...

Ben Kingsley quiere volver a ser Mandarín

Todo el mundo habla de Marvel. Ahora lo ha hecho Ben Kingsley durante la presentación de “Los Boxtrolls”, en una charla con los compañeros de IGN. Como sabéis, en “Iron Man 3″ interpretó a Trevor Slattery, el actor que debía parecer Mandarín de cara al mundo, y no gustó mucho a los más fieles al cómic; pero él se muestra convencido de que Trevor es Mandarín: «¿quién inventó a quién?», se pregunta. «¿Mandarín sería tan supremamente inteligente como para inventar al actor y usarlo como máscara? ¿O más bien Trevor inventó al Mandarín? Alguien maneja los hilos».

Y le encantaría retomarlo: «pensando a mi aire, sin más, me encantaría revisitar ese mundo. Trevor, bendito sea, puede haber dejado una marca indeleble en ese universo. Todos deberían preguntarse, ¿está Trevor aún ahí? Deberían aproximarse a él con cuidado. Sí, me encantaría volver a ese mundo». Con la cantidad de proyectos, spin-offs, secuelas, reboots y series que hay en el ambiente, de un modo u otro nos lo encontramos otra vez. Seguro.

Marvel Has No Plan for 'Iron Man 4' Says Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. claims Marvel Studios isn't currently planning 'Iron Man 4', just months after speculating that the sequel may happen.

Back in July, Robert Downey Jr. revealed that he believes Iron Man 4 may happen some day. However, while doing press at the Toronto Film Festival for his new drama The Judge, the actor revealed that there aren't any current plans for the sequel.

"There isn't one in the pipe. No, there's no plan for a fourth Iron Man."

We reported in May that the actor signed a new deal with Marvel Studios that covers the sequels Avengers: Age of Ultron and The Avengers 3, but not Iron Man 4, meaning that if he does come back for the sequel, another new contract will be required.

It's also possible that Marvel Studios may bring in a new actor to play Tony Stark, but those plans have not been confirmed. When asked if there is another actor he would like to see as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. had this to say.

"I like that the idea is that it would be up to me, like I'm casting director for Marvel."

However, Robert Duvall, who co-stars with Robert Downey Jr. in The Judge, revealed that no other actor should take over the role.

"Don't give it to anybody else."

In related news, MTV caught up with Chris Evans, who was asked about how Avengers: Age of Ultron leads in to Captain America 3.

"That's the beauty of the . It's this giant web of plot, where everything is connected to everything else whether it's Thor, Iron Man or Avengers, everything is kind of involved. So that's the beautiful thing and especially for the fanboys who understand these plotlines. Every time a new film is announced, there is this surge of excitement to where they are gonna go. I think with Cap 3, we're going to continue this excitement."

The actor was also asked about his thoughts on a recent rumor that Cap will lead a new team of Avengers at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, which leads into The Avengers 3.

"What do I think about this, what can I say about this? You wanna give something! Marvel doesn't disappoint. Whatever you're hoping for, you're probably going to get."

When asked about the notion that Steve Rogers may be passing on the Captain America duties to another character, such as The Falcon (Anthony Mackie) or The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), Chris Evans revealed that he isn't quite done playing Cap quite yet.

"Don't take my job from me prematurely dude. I'm sure it'll happen at some point, all good things have to come to an end. But I'm really happy playing the character."

Would you like to see Robert Downey Jr. come back for Iron Man 4? Do you think Marvel should cast another actor in this iconic role? Do you think Chris Evans should keep playing Steve Rogers after Captain America 3? Chime in with your thoughts below.
Iron Man 4 is in development .

Robert Downey Jr. Teases Possible Return in 'Iron Man 4'
Robert Downey Jr. hints that he may not be done with 'Iron Man', which contradicts a statement he made last month.

Robert Downey Jr. continues to tease the possibility of his beloved Tony Stark character returning in Iron Man 4, after it was believed that last year's Iron Man 3 was his last solo outing. During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the actor vaguely hinted that Iron Man 4 may be in the cards.

"I'm sure we'll ride that thing. You've got to surf that all the way in to shore. I think I was at the forefront of something that was coming into being, and I think it has carried me as much as I have informed it. That's the healthy way to look at it. It's so easy to become inflated by the successes, but what they really are are long, strong trends. It's just another wave."

Marvel fans will still get to see Robert Downey Jr. play Tony Stark in next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron and The Avengers 3, but last month, the actor revealed that Marvel has "no plans" for Iron Man 4. That statement came just a few months after the actor revealed he was optimistic about Iron Man 4 happening some day.

The actor's contract with Marvel Studios expired after Iron Man 3, but he signed a new two-picture deal to return as Tony Stark for Avengers: Age of Ultron and The Avengers 3. If Iron Man 4 does happen, it will require the actor to forge a new deal with the studio.

Of course, none of this has been confirmed by Marvel Studios yet, so stay tuned as the back-and-forth saga of Iron Man 4 continues.

Iron Man 4 is in development .
Hombre, me gusta mucho el personaje y me gusta mucho Downey Jr. Sigo teniendo la esperanza de que haya alguna entrega que se asemeje a mi favorita de la trilogía (la primera) así que sí, podría decirse que interés tengo. Pero sabiendo que todo lo que Marvel ofrece tiene, por narices, que parecerse, asemejarse, arrimarse, clonarse con Los Vengas pues me chafa un poco el plan pero bueno, la esperanza es lo último que se pierde.
Elliott, ¿que Iron Man 4, una de las sagas más taquilleras de la historia, no se va a hacer? Mu' tontos tendrían que ser entonces los de Marvel.
no se ha hecho ni se sabe si se va a hacer, no hay actor, guión, fechas y.......... ESTÁIS CON SPOILERS¡¡¡.
Lo que me sorprende de vuestras mercedes es que dudeis, en base a las taquilladas, que no creais que esto se va a hacer. Se hacen secuelas de películas más viejas que la puerta, ¿no se va a hacer de una trilo que ha recaudado cifras astronómicas?

Me juego el avatar para quien lo quiera que esto, para dentro de 3-4 años, se hace sí o sí (2 años es muy justo, seamos prácticos).

Robert Downey Jr. Wants Mel Gibson to Direct 'Iron Man 4'
Robert Downey Jr. offers new insight into his decision behind returning for 'Iron Man 4', but doesn't give a definitive answer.

Deadline has a pretty extensive interview with Robert Downey Jr. about his new drama The Judge, and of course the topic of Iron Man 4 eventually rears its head. There has been a lot of back and forth about Downey's return in this standalone sequel. Will he do it? That is still not clear, as the actor gives a lengthy answer to the question. One thing sounds clear enough though, he would definitely return for Iron Man 4 if Mel Gibson directed it.

When asked point blank if that's the only thing at this point that would get him back in the suit at age 50, after reprising Tony Stark in Avengers: Age of Ultron and The Avengers 3, he says:

"Correct. Why not? That movie would be bananas."

In the past, Robert Downey Jr. has made it no secret that he wants to bring both Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson into the Marvel universe in some capacity. Even with his pull as their number one star, that has yet to officially happen. And it's unclear if Marvel will ever agree to work with Mel Gibson after his somewhat troubled past. While Apocalypto is revered by critics and fans alike, it was the last movie that Mel Gibson ever directed, which was a little more than 8 years ago. Still, Marvel is known for making interesting creative decisions, and this sounds like it could be one of the best Marvel movies ever made. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Robert Downey Jr. is currently working on the film Yucatan and hopes to find a role for Mel Gibson in it.

"We're writing this thing right now, Yucatan...and I'm like, God, if I could find a part for Mel. But he also likes to do his own thing and sometimes he goes out of his way to do the unexpected. Sometimes with these things, it becomes a matter of time, and is seems like it's getting a little bit old to hold a grudge."

Even though he teased his return in Iron Man 4 just earlier this week, Robert Downey Jr., the highest paid actor working in Hollywood at the moment, still won't give a definitive answer if he is returning or not. Reprising Tony Stark would require signing a whole new contract with Marvel, and it sounds like he's less likely to do more because of his age than anything else.

This is his latest statements on a return as Iron Man:

That's all being talked about on a bunch of different levels right now. To me, it comes down to what's the half-life of people enjoying a character? It's different on TV, where you expect the longevity over seasons while movies get a two or three year break. Marvel keeps stepping up its game, and I appreciate the way Kevin Feige and all the creatives there think. They are as in the creative wheelhouse as any great studio has been at any point. So it becomes a matter of, at what point do I cease to be an asset to what they're doing, and at what point do I feel I am spending so much time either shooting or promoting these films that I'm not actually able to get off the beachhead and do the kind of other stuff that is good for all of us. Each one of those movies is spread over two years and some people fit other things in. But I'm not 42, I'm turning 50 and now I'll have two small kids instead of one grown one, and eight Team Downey projects with people who are imagining I'm not just spending Warner Bros' money out of vanity, but that I'm taking it seriously. It all has become this thing that has to be figured out. It has come to a head, right now, where the points of departure will be."

It's no secret that Robert Downey Jr. badly injured himself on Iron Man 3. He describes the accident in detail, which saw him suffering a broken ankle.

"Yeah. I was doing a wire jump, and Shane Black, who I adore, came on and said, "We're going to try to get this before lunch." I'd been sitting around all morning, and I got up and I put on my boots and walked out, and put on the wire and said, "Jump to there?" We were in North Carolina and there were these stairs that I had to get up to get up to the floor where the bedrooms were and I busted my ankle. For some reason or other I took off the boot, whatever I did, I got to the top of the stairs and I tripped, and kind of and banged it on something and hit the ground. Right then, Susan came around the corner, she goes, "All right. Are you finally going to accept the fact that you're injured and that you're not a kid. Just look at you on the floor there. Look at you!" And she kind of kept walking through the kitchen and I was just lying there on my side, and it is just throbbing and I just started laughing. I was like, Jesus Christ. Why is it always that you realize things when you're lying there, resplendent on a wood floor, writhing in pain?"

He continues, talking about why his age may ultimately affect his decision to return for Iron Man 4.

"Well, hearing the cracking of my own bones on Iron Man 3, I finally came out of what can only be described as a five year flight of fancy where I thought, if Sherlock Holmes can do this, it means I can. If Tony can jump from one part of a scaffold to the other and not bust his ankle, well then let's do it two or three times and go to lunch. Looking back, I'm surprised and really embarrassed that some middle aged guy was thinking like that. And I honestly don't think like that presently. But I also know that it could happen again, this bit of a hypnosis that would make someone think that way."

What do you think? Do you want to see Mel Gibson direct Iron Man 4? Or is that a career opportunity he simply does not deserve? To read a whole lot more from this extensive interview:

Iron Man 4 is in development .
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