La conspiración del pánico (EAGLE EYE, con Shia Labeouf)

la pelicula que se toma más licencias de la historia, me costó muchísimo entrar en ella más que nada por lo risible de la trama y los acontecimientos y aunque este bien rodada, Caruso rueda la acción como Bay.
El final alternativo:

Me gusta más el final de cine. ... is-is-bad/

Quién no haya visto la peli, si lee esto que sea bajo su responsabilidad:

Don't Watch: Eagle Eye's Alternate Ending - This is Bad!

December 30, 2008
Source: Cinematical
by Alex Billington

One of the most successful posts we've ever written was for I Am Legend's original ending (it has received 1478 comments). The reason I went out of my way to mention it at the time was because I think it was a far superior ending that should've been in the movie. However, today we have an example of the exact opposite - an alternate ending for Eagle Eye that was thankfully not in the movie. Not only is it a mini commercial for Rock Band (maybe they couldn't get the rights?), but it's just plain bad.

I actually don't even really remember what the ending was before this. I enjoyed some of the earlier parts of Eagle Eye, but I guess I just lost interest by the time it got to the end. I'm not even that excited to watch it again now that it's out on Blu-Ray. That said, I'll admit that this is an interesting ending, but that's it. There seems to be an increasingly popular trend of ending movies on a note that says this is just the beginning of more (e.g. No Country for Old Men, Funny Games). I think it's sometimes a bold move, but in Eagle Eye, it would've been awfully cheesy, especially setup around a bunch of kids playing Rock Band.
Respuesta: La conspiración del pánico (EAGLE EYE, con Shia Labeouf)


No se que decir de esto. Probablemente me estén observando y viendo mis hábitos de consumo para ponerme en alguna lista de ciudadanos poco cabales. Pero una buena definición de esta película es difícil de creer. Aglutina todos lo tópicos del género conspiranoico en dos horas con un ritmo algo irregular. Spielberg se ha convertido en Bruckheimmer.

El final alternativo EPIC.
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