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Rednecks hay en todas partes, aquí también, a mansalva.
Allí en el censo ya tienes que decir por qué partido cargas, para empezar.¿Las estadísticas de votantes por etnias, nivel educativo, etc. cómo se hacen? Porque si son los mismos que las encuestas...
Ya puestos, por curiosidad, ¿en España quien vota a quien?
Los rednecks no hacía falta que se los camelara.
It's the blue collars, stupid!
¿Las estadísticas de votantes por etnias, nivel educativo, etc. cómo se hacen? Porque si son los mismos que las encuestas...
Ya puestos, por curiosidad, ¿en España quien vota a quien?
Pennsilvania, Michigan, Wisconsin...Los rednecks no hacía falta que se los camelara.
It's the blue collars, stupid!
Hombre, teniendo en cuenta que los votantes americanos no llegan al 40% del censo , gana el candidato que mejor sabe movilizar a su electorado.
Sale el brexit, gana Rajoy, triunfa Trump... que está pasando? QUE ESTÁ PASANDO???
Populismo is "on fire"
1. Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit. I believe Trump is going to focus much of his attention on the four blue states in the rustbelt of the upper Great Lakes – Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Four traditionally Democratic states – but each of them have elected a Republican governor since 2010 (only Pennsylvania has now finally elected a Democrat). In the Michigan primary in March, more Michiganders came out to vote for the Republicans (1.32 million) that the Democrats (1.19 million). Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Tied? How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.
And this is where the math comes in. In 2012, Mitt Romney lost by 64 electoral votes. Add up the electoral votes cast by Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It’s 64. All Trump needs to do to win is to carry, as he’s expected to do, the swath of traditional red states from Idaho to Georgia (states that’ll never vote for Hillary Clinton), and then he just needs these four rust belt states. He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November.
2.The Last Stand of the Angry White Man. Our male-dominated, 240-year run of the USA is coming to an end. A woman is about to take over! How did this happen?! On our watch! There were warning signs, but we ignored them. Nixon, the gender traitor, imposing Title IX on us, the rule that said girls in school should get an equal chance at playing sports. Then they let them fly commercial jets. Before we knew it, Beyoncé stormed on the field at this year’s Super Bowl (our game!) with an army of Black Women, fists raised, declaring that our domination was hereby terminated! Oh, the humanity!
That’s a small peek into the mind of the Endangered White Male. There is a sense that the power has slipped out of their hands, that their way of doing things is no longer how things are done. This monster, the “Feminazi,”the thing that as Trump says, “bleeds through her eyes or wherever she bleeds,” has conquered us — and now, after having had to endure eight years of a black man telling us what to do, we’re supposed to just sit back and take eight years of a woman bossing us around? After that it’ll be eight years of the gays in the White House! Then the transgenders! You can see where this is going. By then animals will have been granted human rights and a fuckin’ hamster is going to be running the country. This has to stop!
Rednecks hay en todas partes, aquí también, a mansalva.
Bueno, aquí la culpa es de los abuelos y allí le podemos echar la culpa a los rednecks y white trashes.
Sale el brexit, gana Rajoy, triunfa Trump... que está pasando? QUE ESTÁ PASANDO???
Populismo is "on fire"
Que no... Que el populismo es Podemos. Todo está bien.
"Populismo" es decirle al pupulacho lo que quiere oir, basando tu campaña en obtener una posición de liderazgo basándose en ello, sin más consideraciones. Es tratar al electorado de tontito... y cruzar los dedos para que sea así. Que suele serlo.
Aissss sí...Vamos, que la afirmación de Krell de que "CANTIDAD de negros y latinos han votado a Trump" se la había sacado de la manga, vaya.
Trump ha ganado por el voto mayoritario de los blancos sin estudios, que son legión en USA.
En cualquir caso, nadie parece querer cambiar esa absurda ley que los hace votar en un martes laborable.