Ahora en castellano, jejeje...

'Star Wars: El despertar de la fuerza': Luke Skywalker, a punto de morir en el rodaje de la película

'Star Wars: El despertar de la fuerza': Luke Skywalker, a punto de morir en el rodaje de la película
Mark Hamill sufrió un accidente en la isla irlandesa de Skellig, lugar donde actualmente está rodando Rian Johnson el octavo episodio de la franquicia galáctica.

la notica es falsa, lo comenta el propio Hamill
Ya se ha comentado el tema de los guerreros Ren?
Estan claramente isnpirados en los templarios o al menos en la edad media, de la misma amnera que los jedis estaban inspirados en los samurais, me parece un acierto para que no sean simplemente diseños molones y ya está
Aquí unos diseños, no se sabe si son diseños previos a Kylo Ren o simplemente otros miembros de la orden Ren, pero me molan

Hombre, teorizar sobre si el malo de una de Star Wars es o no un sith y si un personaje que lleva espada jedi en trailers y posters será o no un Jedi no es que sea muy spoileador... :p
Será verdad? O_O

Edito: Nah, tiene pinta de ser remix de elementos varios con algo de sintetizador. Creo.
Última edición:
Al autor attention whore de ese track se le ven las costuras Shoreanas y la pluma Zimmeria.

DE LOCOS si su intención es hacer pasar esa parida como un track real.

Intente otra vez.
Pos va a resultar que Anthony Daniels es de verdad un bocachancla metálica de campeonato:


Anthony Daniels, the actor behind Star Wars's aristocratic golden protocol droid, has opened up about his return to the sci-fi franchise for the filming of Episode VII: The Force Awakens, admitting that the intervening years have been kinder to some of the original cast members than they have been to others.

Harrison Ford, who plays the original trilogy's lovable space smuggler Han Solo, has gone on to have a stellar Hollywood career and still has the same magnetism he did when he was in his thirties, Daniels said.

"Harrison was just brilliant, he just made me smile – I'm smiling at the memory. He's 72 but he's still got the charm, the charisma."

The last year has been difficult for the veteran actor though, Daniels conceded – first he broke his ankle during filming at Pinewood Studios and then he had a plane accident that almost cost him his life. "He's had some bad times – first his ankle and then the plane. But he's back on good form."

According to Daniels, Ford's co-stars have fared rather less well than Ford in the intervening years. Carrie Fisher, who first played Princess Leia at the age of 19, continues to act, but has struggled with bipolar disorder since she and Daniels first met in the 1970s. And the decades have also not been easy on Mark Hamill, who played the handsome young hero Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy.

"Poor Mark," Daniels said. "He was a young lovely looking lad when he was first Luke Skywalker and now... well..."

In his interview with the Daily Mirror, the C-3PO actor also opened up about his feud with Kenny Baker who played the mischievous droid R2-D2.

Baker, 83, previously declared Daniels to be the "rudest man I've ever met."

Daniels responded: "He's been saying unpleasant things about me. I just don't comment," but added that Baker may be credited on the new film but had hardly anything to do with it.

"He's not actually on the set," Daniels said. "I haven't seen him for years. His name is on the credits as a sort of... I don't know, a good luck charm, a courtesy. He's a talisman."

Earlier in the month, Daniels also spoke about Star Wars's new owner Disney, which he likened to the Kremlin.

Cómo las suelta el CREEPIO.
Última edición:
The Kylo Ren figure recites several lines, including "I've been waiting for this for a long time", "I feel it too", "I'm immune to the light", "That weapon is mine" and "Together, we will destroy the resistance and the last Jedi".
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