Still a very mysterious and enigmatic figure, the disfigured and cruel Supreme Leader Snoke serves as the real ‘big bad’ of the new “Star Wars” trilogy – effectively the Emperor Palpatine of the new films starting with “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.

After seeing only his gigantic holographic appearance in that film, we’ll see all nine feet of him in the flesh in Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” but the actor who plays him, Andy Serkis, tells EW that Snoke is a survivor of war, and has used his crippling injuries and trauma to fuel his hatred of the Galactic Republic:

“The thing about Snoke is that he is extremely strong with the Force, the dark side of the Force. He’s terribly powerful, of course. But he is also a very vulnerable and wounded character. He has suffered and he has suffered injury. The way that his malevolence comes out is in reaction to that. His hatred of the Resistance is fueled by what’s happened to him personally.”

With a shattered skull and open jaw, the disfigurement was said to heavily influence Serkis’ performance:

“His jaw is completely mangled and the left side of his face is mauled. So I had a way of taping down the lefthand side of my mouth to restrict the lip movement on that side… His deformity is very much based on injuries from the First World War, from the trenches.”

How Snoke sustained those injuries however is being kept under wraps and diretor Rian Johnson made it pretty clear much of Snoke’s origin will remain shrouded in mystery:

“For example, in the original trilogy, we didn’t know anything about the Emperor except exactly what we needed to know, which is what Luke knew about him, that he’s the evil guy behind Vader. But then in the prequels, you knew everything about Palpatine because that his rise to power was the story. We’ll learn exactly as much about Snoke as we need to. But the really exciting for me is we will see more of him, and Andy Serkis will get to do much more in this film than he did in the last one, and that guy is just a force of nature.”
Joder, la defendéis como si fuera vuestra amiga!!!

NO contéis con mi espada. La masacraré siempre que pueda..!!!!
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