[US/EU] Goodfellas (Uno de los Nuestros)

Respuesta: [US/EU] Goodfellas (Uno de los Nuestros)

La edición 20º aniversario estará disponible en España el 6 de abril en digibook.
Respuesta: [US/EU] Goodfellas (Uno de los Nuestros)

Viendo de nuevo la informacion del lanzamiento aqui, observo que por ahora no pone nada del segundo disco que si trae la edicion USA con el documental sobre la edad de oro del cine de Gangsters. :mosqueo:mosqueo:mosqueo

Por lo tanto la edicion española seria igual a la anterior, solo que con una presentacion en digibook.
Si alguien estaba esperando una edición a la altura de la película, ya puede ir frotándose las manos: http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=15902

On May 5, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) will release GoodFellas on 2-Disc Blu-ray featuring a new documentary with interviews from Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta and more, and a 36-page photo book exploring the films far-reaching influence. The book also includes a letter written by Martin Scorsese.

The 25th Anniversary Blu-ray release of GoodFellas, cited by film critic Roger Ebert as the best mob movie ever, has been remastered from a 4K scan of the original camera negative, supervised by Martin Scorsese.

SPECIAL FEATURES will include all previously released special features along with:
  • ALL-NEW Documentary includes interview with the Director, cast and some of your all-time favorite movie gangsters! Join some of Martin Scorseses greatest gangsters Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta, Jack Nicholson and Joe Pesci to discover what its like to work for perhaps the greatest gangster director of them all.
Ya tenemos el veredicto de Blu-ray.com sobre la nueva edición: http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/GoodFellas-Blu-ray/122386/#Review

"After I watched the new version of Goodfellas, I popped in a copy of the 2007 release, and the difference was immediately obvious. By comparison, the 2007 release looks like it is covered with a layer of haze, largely because the contrast is too high and the image is overbrightened. This may have resulted from an attempt to increase the perception of detail on an older scan, but the new transfer needs no such aid. The detail is there for real, and the greater accuracy in black level and contrast provides more sense of transparency and depth."

También Robert Harris se ha pronunciado: http://www.hometheaterforum.com/topic/340387-a-few-words-about™-goodfellas-bd-take-3-in-blu-ray/

"Warners has finally released Mr. Scorsese's Goodfellas, one of our most beloved family films, as a perfect Blu-ray.

Technology changes, and our ability to make presentations better has increased exponentially since Blu-ray first appeared.

Finally, on a BD-50, with a new 4k scan...

Everything about Goodfellas now looks like film, with grain, black levels, everything in place.

Is this an appropriate upgrade of the 20th Anniversary BD?


Should everyone who loves the film purchase a copy?

Quite possibly, as the only downside will be who to gift this copy to, if and when the film arrives in UHD.

Worth $27? Absolutely.

A remarkably filmlike and gorgeous presentation.

Image - 5

Audio - 5

Pass / Fail - Pass

Very Highly Recommended"
yo la pille con la oferta esa de FNAC, GRACIAS Dr-X. Pena no nos trajeran el libreto. El extra nuevo estaba bien. Tendré que volver a ver la película, la edición anterior por temas de colorme la guardo dentro de la caja en un sobre de cds.
Yo también me la compré y ya la he visto. La restauración me ha decepcionado porqué no hay mucha diferencia respecto a la edición anterior. ¿Lo mejor? Que esta vez han puesto menús. Y en el disco de extras hay un documental sobre el cine de gángsters de 105 minutos.
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