[US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

De The Digital Bits:

Disney and Pixar's Toy Story and Toy Story 2 street on Blu-ray on 3/23, and I've just gotten a hands-on look at the discs. I'll have a more detailed review soon, but I wanted to offer a few comments for those of you who have been eagerly anticipating this release. First, the picture and sound quality is fantastic. In fact, I think it's everything you'd expect it to be. The extras are also very good, but this is where I wanted to comment. Having gone through the discs, it looks as if these Blu-rays are essentially designed to replace the 2005 2-disc DVD special edition releases. With just a few relatively minor exceptions, nearly everything that was included on those DVDs has carried over here to the Blu-rays. The Blu-rays also add much new material - a good 30-40 minutes worth of new special features per film, including sneak peeks of Toy Story 3 hosted by director Lee Unkrich. BUT... and this is a big one... these Blu-rays DO NOT include all of the special features from the stellar Ultimate Toy Box DVD set released in 2000. Much material from that set is missing on the Blu-rays. So the bottom line is that if you love these films, and you want ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that's been released extras-wise, you need to keep both DVD sets. On the other hand, if you're not quite that picky, you can probably get away with selling the 2005 discs and you'll only be losing a few things (the introductions to the films, the multi-angle progressions and a couple other relatively minor items). In any case, I'd definitely recommend hanging on to the Ultimate Toy Box DVDs even if you do upgrade to Blu-ray. That set was just way too good to part with, and there's a lot of extras only available there. So... that one caveat aside, the new Blu-rays are pretty terrific and I think they were well worth the wait. I suspect you're going to love them.
Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

De The Digital Bits:

Disney and Pixar's Toy Story and Toy Story 2 street on Blu-ray on 3/23, and I've just gotten a hands-on look at the discs. I'll have a more detailed review soon, but I wanted to offer a few comments for those of you who have been eagerly anticipating this release. First, the picture and sound quality is fantastic. In fact, I think it's everything you'd expect it to be. The extras are also very good, but this is where I wanted to comment. Having gone through the discs, it looks as if these Blu-rays are essentially designed to replace the 2005 2-disc DVD special edition releases. With just a few relatively minor exceptions, nearly everything that was included on those DVDs has carried over here to the Blu-rays. The Blu-rays also add much new material - a good 30-40 minutes worth of new special features per film, including sneak peeks of Toy Story 3 hosted by director Lee Unkrich. BUT... and this is a big one... these Blu-rays DO NOT include all of the special features from the stellar Ultimate Toy Box DVD set released in 2000. Much material from that set is missing on the Blu-rays. So the bottom line is that if you love these films, and you want ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that's been released extras-wise, you need to keep both DVD sets. On the other hand, if you're not quite that picky, you can probably get away with selling the 2005 discs and you'll only be losing a few things (the introductions to the films, the multi-angle progressions and a couple other relatively minor items). In any case, I'd definitely recommend hanging on to the Ultimate Toy Box DVDs even if you do upgrade to Blu-ray. That set was just way too good to part with, and there's a lot of extras only available there. So... that one caveat aside, the new Blu-rays are pretty terrific and I think they were well worth the wait. I suspect you're going to love them.

Resumiendo: en las ediciones BD faltarían extras que si estaban en las ediciones en DVD editadas en el 2000, ¿no?
Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Muy resumidamente, viene a decir eso, en efecto.

Ampliando un poco el resumen dice que incluye prácticamente todo lo que llevaba la edición de 2005 más alguna cosa adicional, sin embargo se deja muchos de los extras incluidos de la Ultimate Toy Box. Así que reemplaza la edición del 2005, pero no la del 2000.
Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Por cierto, que para los despistados, ya está disponible la edición patria, típico combo BD+DVD en sus dos ediciones...

No añadiré nada sobre la calidad de imagen, porque es ACOHONANTE, pero sí sobre el sonido:

En la carátula española aparece que los idiomas son DTS en Inglés y Español, pero es un poco mentira, o no toda la verdad, la cosa es que el Inglés es DTS HD-MA y el español es DTS (normal) en las dos pelis, lo digo por el que tenga dudas por la carátula.
Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Yo iba a entrar a confirmar lo mismo sobre el sonido, y añadir que es un DTS castellano MUY BESTIA, a 1,5mbps fijos con picos de 2.... y dice que no es HD....

El DTS-HD MA en ingles ya es BRUTAL, con fijos de 4,8mbps y picos de 5,5.

Pack combo de Toy Story 1+2 a 45€ en Media Markt Albacete.
Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Presentación del Ultimate Toy Box 3-Movie Collection previsto para el 2 de noviembre de 2010 en USA y que contendrá las ediciones en DVD y BD de las tres películas.


Respuesta: [US/EU] Toy Story & Toy Story 2

a este paso van a convertir las estanterías de películas en jugueterías :inaudito
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