Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

USA Weekend Box-Office Summary

Hop (2011) $38.1M
Source Code (2011) $15.1M
Insidious (2010/I) $13.5M
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) $10.2M $38.4M
Limitless (2011) $9.4M $55.6M
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) $7.05M $39.6M
Sucker Punch (2011) $6.08M $29.9M
Rango (2011) $4.56M $114M
Paul (2011) $4.33M $31.9M
Battle: Los Angeles (2011) $3.5M $78.5M
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Sucker Punch parece que se ha dado una pequeña hostia. Normal, por otra parte.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Taquilla española del 1 al 3 de abril

1. Invasión a la tierra (SON) 1.854.920 €/ 280.773 espectadores
2. Gnomeo y Julieta (DIS) 985.565 €/ 143.856 espectadores
3. Torrente 4 (WAR) 907.218 €/ 120.748 espectadores
4. Sin Compromiso (PAR) 613.779 €/ 92.791 espectadores
5. Esta abuela es mi padre (FOX) 454.499 €/ 71.350 espectadores
6. Para que sirve un oso (ALT) 408.746 €/ 61.386 espectadores
7. El Rito (WAR) 374.367 €/ 56.019 espectadores
8. Encontrarás Dragones (AUR) 370.601 €/ 62.663 espectadores
9. Cisne Negro (FOX) 233.670 €/ 33.896 espectadores
10. Rango (PAR) 225.449 €/ 35.087 espectadores

Invasión a la Tierra ha funcionado bastante bien, posiblemente mejor de lo que se esperaba, mientras que Torrente 4 ya supera los 18 millones de euros recaudados. Por otra parte Gnomeo y Julieta está aguantando muy bien pero se le va a acabar el chollo ya que la semana que viene llega Rio y a la siguiente Hop.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Muchas copias para Arthur y Hanna, ¿no? Yo no los veo como taquillazos, aunque tampoco se cuales son las expectativas al otro lado del charco.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Arthur va a darse el batacazo. Espero no equivocarme.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Sinceramente, ¿era necesario un remake de Arthur? Y aún más, ¿alguien está interesado en ello?
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

FIRST BOX OFFICE: 'Hop' #1, Rest In Flux

FRIDAY 10:45 PM, 2ND UPDATE: It's Russell Brand (Warner Bros' Arthur remake vs Russell Brand (Universal's holdover Hop) atop this weekend's North American box office. How often does that happen? My bet is: never again now that Arthur is limping, looking helpless to earn the $18+M Hollywood thought it would this weekend. Hop still pops with a good hold (-53%) for Friday and probably an even better -47% for the weekend that'll stay strong through Easter. And remember, Chris Meledandri's Illumination Entertainment made this sweetie for only $63M. (You hear that, Jeffrey K?) Meanwhile, the Arthur remake did what the most cynical among us thought it would after seeing those unfunny trailers. Jeez, even Russell's R-rated Get Me To The Greek opened to $17.5M, and Arthur is PG-13. With reshoots, rival studios claimed to me the budget was at least $85M and that Warner Bros spent "a fortune" on advertising this past month. But I just heard from an Arthur insider "it was budgeted at $40M and came in $900,000 UNDER ... and that's AFTER the re-shoots".
Best question for this weekend: why did the comedies Arthur and Universal's Your Highness open against each other? Here's why: Uni originally dated the $50M-budget YH for last fall, "then we saw a void in the marketplace for a really raunchy R-rated comedy opposite the PG-13 Arthur," a studio exec tells me. Well, that makes sense but the strategy tanked. Frankly, the Motion Picture Academy should strip Natalie Portman of her Oscar for that awful accent. And it also spells more trouble for James Franco post-Academy Awards hosting.
But Friday grosses also contained a shocker: a double whammy of young female power given their pics' middling releases. Focus Features' intriguing Hanna grossed better than what the studio expected for matinees and evenings, and Sony's inspirational PG Soul Surfer during the day stayed No. 2 from strength in the Bible Belt helped by American Idol winner Carrie Underwood. But it predictably lost steam at night. What happens for both films tomorrow willl be interesting but Soul Surfer could move up to #3 thanks to all those church groups. Refined numbers and full analysis coming:

1. Hop (Universal) Week 2 [3,636 Theaters]
Friday $5.5M (-53%), Estimated Weekend $20M, Estimated Cume $66.5M
2. Arthur (Warner Bros) NEW [3,276 Theaters]
Friday $4.8M, Estimated Weekend $14M
3. Hanna (Focus) NEW [2,535 Theaters]
Friday $4.2M, Estimated Weekend $12M
4. Soul Surfer (Sony) NEW [2,214 Theaters]
Friday $4M, Estimated Weekend $13M
5. Your Highness (Universal) NEW [2,769 Theaters]
Friday $3.7M, Estimated Weekend $11M
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

1. Hop (Universal) Week 2 [3,636 Theaters]
Friday $5.5M (-53%), Estimated Weekend $20M, Estimated Cume $66.5M
2. Arthur (Warner Bros) NEW [3,276 Theaters]
Friday $4.8M, Estimated Weekend $14M
3. Hanna (Focus) NEW [2,535 Theaters]
Friday $4.2M, Estimated Weekend $12M
4. Soul Surfer (Sony) NEW [2,214 Theaters]
Friday $4M, Estimated Weekend $13M
5. Your Highness (Universal) NEW [2,769 Theaters]
Friday $3.7M, Estimated Weekend $11M
6. Insidious (FilmDistrict) Week 2 [2,419 Theater]
Friday $3.1M (-34%), Estimated Weekend $9M, Estimated Cume $26.5M
7. Source Code (Summit)Week 2 [2,971 Theaters]
Friday $2.7M (-46%), Estimated Weekend $9M, Estimated Cume $28.5M
8. Limitless (Relativity) Week 4 [2,655 Theaters]
Friday $1.6M (-45%), Estimated Weekend $5M, Estimated Cume $63.7M
9. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 2 (Fox) Week 3 [2,881 Theaters]
Friday $1.3M (-53%), Estimated Weekend $4.5M, Estimated Cume $45.2M
10. The Lincoln Lawyer (Lionsgate) Week 4 [2,420 Theaters]
Friday $1.2M (-39%), Estimated Weekend $4.2M, Estimated Cume $45.8M

He leído en IMDB que aquí en España, Soul Surfer se estrena el 17 de Junio.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Apr 8 - 10

1Hop $ 21,696,000 $ 68,152,000
2Arthur 12,605,000
3Hanna 12,323,000
4Soul Surfer 11,100,000
5Insidious 9,740,000 27,097,000
6Your Highness 9,520,000
7Source Code 9,050,000 28,600,000
8Limitless 5,692,000 64,380,000
9Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 4,885,000 45,462,000
10The Lincoln Lawyer 4,600,000 46,455,000
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Taquilla Española:

1. Río (FOX) 1.405.939 €/ 190.936 espectadores
2. Sin limites (TRI) 924.930 €/ 138.964 espectadores
3. Invasión a la tierra (SON) 535.443 €/ 80.726 espectadores
4. La legión del Águila (UNI) 533.373 €/ 80.483 espectadores
5. Soy el número cuatro (DIS) 458.619 €/ 81.811 espectadores
6. Gnomeo y Julieta (DIS) 341.143 €/ 51.827 espectadores
7. Torrente 4 (WAR) 338.590 €/ 47.538 espectadores
8. Furia Ciega (WAR) 311.405 €/ 39.076 espectadores
9. Sin Compromiso (PAR) 244.889 €/ 36.853 espectadores
10. Para que sirve un oso (ALT) 161.032 €/ 24.128 espectadores
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

joe que burrada lo que ha caido Invasion a la Tierra un 80%?
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Desde luego que ha sido una caída brutal. He calculado un 71% de descenso.

También es cierto que esta semana había una avalancha de estrenos e Invasión a la Tierra no tenía suficiente palmito (promoción, estrellas en cartel) como para aguantar la embestida. De hecho sorprendió un poco su potente #1 la semana pasada.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

'Rio 3D' Opens On Target; 'Scream 4' May Miss; Bird Big Hit Overseas

1. Rio 3D (Fox) NEW [3,826 Theaters]
Friday $10M, Estimated Weekend $38M
2. Scream 4 (Miramax/Dimension/Weinstein Co) NEW [3,305 Theaters]
Friday: $8.5M, Estimated Weekend $20M
3. Insidious (FilmDistrict) Week 3 [2,233 Theaters]
Friday $2.3M, Estimated Weekend $7.1M, Estimated Cume $36M
4. Hop (Universal) Week 3 [3,608 Theaters]
Friday $2.2M, Estimated Weekend $9M, Estimated Cume $90M
5. Soul Surfer (FilmDistrict/Sony) Week 2 [2,214 Theaters]
Friday $2.2M, Estimated Weekend $6.3M, Estimated Cume $19M
6. Arthur (Warner Bros) Week 2 [3,276 Theaters]
Friday $2.1M, Estimated Weekend $6.4M (-48%), Estimated Cume $22M
7. Hanna (Focus Features) Week 2 [2,545 Theaters]
Friday $2M (-53%), Estimated Weekend $6.5M (-48%), Estimated Cume $22.2M
8. Source Code (Summit) Week 3 [2,557 Theaters]
Friday $1.8M, Estimated Weekend $5.7M, Estimated Cume $36.4M
9. Your Highness (Universal) Week 2 [2,772 Theaters]
Friday $1.3M (-66%), Estimated Weekend $4M, Estimated Cume $16M
10. The Conspirator (Roadside Attractions) NEW [707 Theaters]
Friday $1.1M, Estimated Weekend $3M
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

April 15-17, 2011
Studio Estimates

1NRioFox $40,000,000
2NScream 4W/Dim. $19,279,000
31HopUni. $11,167,000 $82,609,000
44Soul SurferTriS $7,400,000 $19,997,000
52HannaFocus $7,327,000 $23,327,000
63Arthur (2011)WB $6,940,000 $22,348,000
75InsidiousFD $6,857,000 $35,983,000
87Source CodeSum. $6,300,000 $36,990,000
9NThe ConspiratorRAtt. $3,924,000
106Your HighnessUni. $3,895,000 $15,952,000
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

¿Esta semana se estrena la del Águila Roja?. Y ¿qué pensáis que hará? ¿Fracasará estrepitosamente al ser (o eso parece) un capítulo doble sacado de la serie o triunfará debido a su éxito de audiencia?
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

El otro día publicaron un artículo en al respecto y les resultaba muy complicado mojarse precisamente por lo impredecible de si arrastrará a su audiencia televisiva al cine. Al final se quedan con que puede superar los 2 millones de miércoles a domingo, lo cual sería un resultado bastante bueno pero no un taquillazo.

Curiosamente Aguila Roja parece un tipo de producto bastante familiar y la película tiene una calificación de +12, pero no creo que tenga problemas para entrar en el Top 3 español. En cuanto a cifras, la verdad es que no se que tal irá la cosa en una época de vacaciones como esta y aunque creo que lo hará bastante bien la cantidad dependerá de la actividad que haya en los cines esta semana.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Gracias, acabo de leer el artículo. Creo que por ahí estará, incluso creo que algo más no lo descartaría. Lo que sí es verdad, es que su resultado es impredecible por los precendentes nombrados en el artículo y el producto familiar que es la serie. ¿Se moverá la familia del sofá de su casa a las salas de cine?. Pronto sabremos la respuesta.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!


1. Rio 3D (Blue Sky Studio/Fox) Week 2 [3,842 Theaters]
Friday $11.6M (+12%), Estimated Easter Weekend $82M
2. Madea's Big Happy Family (Tyler Perry/Lionsgate) NEW [2,288 Theaters]
Friday $11M, Estimated Easter Weekend $26.5M
3. Water For Elephants (Fox 2000/Fox) NEW [2,817 Theaters]
Friday $7M, Estimated Easter Weekend $18M
4. Hop (Illumination Entertainment/Universal) Week 4 [3,616 Theaters]
Friday $4.2M, Estimated Easter Weekend $10M, Estimated Cume $105M
5. African Cats (Disneynature/Walt Disney Studios) NEW [1,220 Theaters]
Friday $3.2M, Estimated Easter Weekend $7.8M
6. Soul Surfer (FilmDistrict/Sony) Week 3 [2,240 Theaters]]
Friday $2.3M, Estimated Easter Weekend $6.3M, Estimated Cume $29.5M
7. Scream 4 (Miramax/Dimension/Weinstein Co) Week 2 [3,314 Theaters]
Friday $2.3M (-62%), Estimated Easter Weekend 6.5M, Estimated Cume $30.5M
8. Insidious (FilmDistrict) Week 4 [2,130 Theaters]
Friday $2.1M, Estimated Easter Weekend $5.5M, Estimated Cume $44.3M
9. Source Code (Summit) Week 4 [2,363 Theaters]
Friday $1.9M, Estimated Easter Weekend $5.5M, Estimated Cume $45M
10. (Tie) Hanna (Focus Features) Week 3 [2,383 theaters]
Friday $1.7M, Estimated Easter Weekend 4.8M, Estimated Cume $31M
10. (Tie) Arthur (Warner Bros) Week 3 [2,770 Theaters]
Friday $1.7M, Estimated Easter Weekend $5M, Estimated Cume $30M
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!


April 22-24, 2011

11RioFox $26,800,000 $81,261,000
2NTyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy FamilyLGF $25,750,000
3NWater for ElephantsFox $17,500,000
43HopUni. $12,461,000 $100,500,000
52Scream 4W/Dim. $7,154,000 $31,158,000
6NAfrican CatsBV $6,400,000
75Soul SurferTriS $5,600,000 $28,664,000
87InsidiousFD $5,384,000 $44,178,000
94HannaFocus $5,277,000 $31,718,000
108Source CodeSum. $5,063,000 $44,664,000

Fox's 'Rio' Grosses $286 Million Worldwide to Become Top 2011 Release

Twentieth Century Fox’s 3D toon Rio has become the top grossing 2011 release, ending Easter weekend with worldwide cume of $286 million. That easily bests Paramount’s Rango, which has earned just under $240 million globally.
Respuesta: Box Office - Enseñame la pasta!!!!

Excelentes números para Rio y Hop. Lo normal par la peli de Tyler Perry, sorpresa agradable la de Water for elephants (aunque habrá que ver cómo aguanta las próximas semanas) y hostión para Scream 4.

La semana que viene Fast and Furious 5 y luego Thor... No veo ninguna pegando fuerte, aunque nunca se sabe.
Arriba Pie