David Bowie


David Bowie: Ground Control to Davy Jones - Rolling Stone

El enorme artículo del joven Cameron Crowe para la Rolling Stone durante la etapa Thin White Duke.

"I never got into acid. I did it three or four times and it was colorful, but my own imagination was already richer. I never got into grass at all. Hash for a time, but never grass. I guess drugs have been a part of my life for the past ten years, but never anything very heavy … I like fast drugs. I hate anything that slows me down.

"I remember the first time it got out. Somebody asked me in an interview if I ever had a gay experience and I said, 'Yes, of course, I am a bisexual.' The guy didn't know what I meant. He gave me this horrified look of 'Oh my God, that means he's got a cock and a cunt.' I had no idea my sexuality would get so widely publicized. It was just a very sort of off-the-cuff little remark. Best thing I ever said, I suppose."

"I became Ziggy Stardust. David Bowie went totally out the window. Everybody was convincing me that I was a Messiah, especially on that first American tour. I got hopelessly lost in the fantasy. I could have been Hitler in England. Wouldn't have been hard. Concerts alone got so enormously frightening that even the papers were saying, 'This ain't rock music, this is bloody Hitler! Something must be done!' And they were right. It was awesome. Actually, I wonder … I think I might have been a bloody good Hitler. I'd be an excellent dictator."

"I believe that rock & roll is dangerous. It could well bring about a very evil feeling in the West. I do want to rule the world. There's always a pendulum swing, right? Well, we've had the high with rock. It's got to go the other way now. That we weenie boys with our makeup and funny clothes and whatnot, I feel that we're only heralding something even darker than ourselves. 'Cause we were never dark ourselves."
Qué calado tenía a los Stones. :diablillo

"- Rock has always been the devil's music. You can't convince me that it isn't."

"- How about specifics? Is Mick Jagger evil?"

"- Mick himself? Oh Lord no. He's not unlike Elton John, who represents the token queen — like Liberace used to. No, I don't think Mick is evil at all. He represents the sort of harmless, bourgeois kind of evil that one can accept with a shrug."
Rescato este viejo hilo, se ha hablado mucho de su musica, soy muy fan suyo, pero y su fimografia? no se cuantas peliculas llego a realizar, me quedo con la primera que revisione recientemente " el hombre que cayo a la tierra" de Nicholas Roegg, fascinante y a ratos muy irregular, parece mas bien un vivo retrato de como estaba Bowie en esa epoca.
Es una gran peli. Feliz Navidad Mr. Lawrence es una joya también y él está impecable. En Into the Night está estupendo como asesino a sueldo. Y por supuesto, siempre será el Rey de los Goblins en Laberinto. Estaba también memorable en su pequeño papel de The Prestige. Muchos ni le reconocieron. En el Ansia estaba muy bien, pero apenas recuerdo la película.
Mira que no acordarse de la Deneuve, a mi El ansia me gusto y me sigue gustando, con algunos tics de la epoca, pero es efectiva y esta muy bien hecha por Tony. Si me acuerdo de Bowie en la de Nolan como Tesla, estaba muy bien, en cambio he olvidado su participacion en la de John Landis, tambien es porque hace muchisimos años que no la veo. Tambien no se incluirla entre su fimografia seria " Yo, Cristina F " , el crudo film aleman sobre la heroina de la epoca, es una pelicula que me fascina. Sale Bowie, si, pero actuando en una gira de verdad que hizo por Berlin, sin embargo me parece que influye en todo el film por la epoca, la banda sonora de el, la prota es fan de el.
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