GODZILLA camina de nuevo

Pues a mí me da pena cuando los humanos atacan a estos bichos grandes.:agradable

y la hace Desplat, no?


"The monster movies, I’ve never been really into that, but when I saw Gareth Edwards’s first film, Monsters, I was hooked. It was very character-driven. So yes, Godzilla is another story than Philomena, because it’s nonstop fortissimo, with lots of brass, Japanese drums, and electric violin. But I still try to find the soul the film.”
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/_MVDpmKxLNg?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A mi lo unico que me sorprende del trailer es, a diferencia de la de Emerich. como han conseguido que el godzilla se parezca al de las pelis japonesas. Es decir, es como un tio disfrazado pero sin tio disfrazado.Lo cual no se si es regular, malo o the horror. De lo demas , no me dice nada de nada. y hasta algunas cosas que se han visto me recuerdan a la de emerich.

Otra que paso, you know.
Es que mola un montón. Y eso que el diseño es sencillo a rabiar pero a veces eso es lo que importa.

Además, estamos hablando de Mondo. Ver su página web es estar embobado un buen rato.
En LHP se hacen eco de la ilustración que vendrá en la portada del libro de artwork de la película.

Del Facebook de Conrad Pope:

Alexandre Desplat's score to GODZILLA is "done and dusted"--- at least as to the score's recording! Wonderful times with AD and the L.A. scoring musicians ( about a 102 of them-- perhaps the largest orchestra EVER at MGM(Sony) PLUS an 80 voice choir) who performed Desplat's score brilliantly.

On the the soundtrack from Watertower Records you will be hearing AD's music and the LA musicians ROAR. With this score, AD proves he's as big an "energy drink" as any of the Hollywood "super composers"-- even if his vocabulary is distinctly his- perhaps refreshingly so, for some. Happy to be "working at home"-- kudos to Dennis Sands, Belinda Broughton, Adam Michalak, Dimitrie Leivici. Eric Swanson, and my associates Clifford J. Tasner, Jay Duerr, Chad Cannon, and my wife Nan Schwartz for their help in realizing, for the orchestra, 2 hours of music. Special thanks to the Godfather of the MGM/Sony lot Lee Hinton for making the lot a home. Great gratitude to all at WB--- Paul Broucek in particular.

As a professional, it gets no better than working with Desplat ( and Lee!). If your job is to "make music"- than AD is the "go to guy" (unless you're talking JW)
! Hope AD returns to LA. It was a blast. Now on to something even more exciting--- at least for me...
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