¿Me lo vais a contar para que me ría yo también o me vais a hacer buscar?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro


The iOS & iPadOS 15.4 SDK provides support to develop apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS & iPadOS 15.4 beta. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 13.3 beta, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 13.3, see Xcode 13.3 Beta Release Notes.

Apple Pay​

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Developers can express payment network preference in PKPaymentRequest. Network preference is determined by the order of supportedNetworks. This won’t override the user’s default card selection, but if the card is multi-SSD, then the network preference order determines which SSD is selected. (80827905)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Support is added to the passkey technology preview, enabling signing in to passkey-compatible websites and apps on Mac and iPad using an iPhone with a saved passkey. (87998254)

Known Issues​

  • Signing in to an iPad is limited to apps in this beta.


Known Issues​

  • Email address verification may not complete during the set up of an iCloud+ Custom Email Domain on iOS. (85192033)
    Workaround: Go to Custom Email Domain to complete email verification and set up an iCloud+ Custom Email Domain.

Game Controller​

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Support is now available for new DualSense adaptive trigger firmware features available via GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger. (87433163)

Health App​

Known Issues​

  • The Health app crashes when you attempt to onboard the Blood Oxygen feature from within the app. (87617635)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Verifiable health records now support adding vaccination records in the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU DCC) format to the Wallet and Health apps. (79917344)
  • HealthKit query APIs in Swift now support async/await syntax, which simplifies the structure of code that previously used completion callbacks. (74040680)

Known Issues​

  • EU Digital COVID Certificates issued by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Cape Verde, North Macedonia, and Palestine currently can’t be verified or added to Wallet. (87243064)
  • If Health sharing is skipped when setting up an Apple Watch for a family member, it can’t be enabled later. (87210981)


Known Issues​

  • Pairing of Thread accessories isn’t supported. (87959565)
  • Matter accessories with multiple end points might be unreachable in the Home App. (86170578)
  • Matter accessories may go to a “No Response” state after pairing with the Home App. (86497690)
    Workaround: Remove the accessory from Home, reset the accessory, and add it back to Home. If the issue persists, remove your home hub from Home and re-add it. If the issue continues to persist, remove the home hub and create a new one.
  • Matter accessory adds flow to 3P app will fail if Apple Home doesn’t exist. (80341813)
    Workaround: Launch Home App and create a home hub first.


Known Issues​

  • A conversation transcript won’t scroll after viewing a photo in QuickLook. (87855403)
    Workaround: Back out of the conversation and then reopen it to restore scrolling.


Known Issues​

  • Emergency SOS “Call with 5 Presses” is disabled for all users outside of India to fix an issue that caused this setting to unintentionally default for some users. (86189447)


Known Issues​

  • In the Throughput Test results, the Idle Ping Latency is reported in incorrect units. For example, an actual ping latency of 123.32 ms is shown as 0.12 ms. (87599982)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • A new GroupActivities API allows you to present UI that enables starting a SharePlay session from within your app. (88099397)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Testing subscription cancellations in the in-app manage subscription sheet now works consistently for subscriptions with short durations in the Xcode environment. (84662306)
  • Price increase consent no longer displays two sheets when an app is launched. (84635902)
  • loadProduct(withParameters:completionBlock:) now consistently calls the completion block. (85077158)
  • updates now emits unfinished transactions when iterating for the first time. (85294525)
  • Builds for ARMv7, ARMv7s or 32-bit Intel architectures no longer fail when the app uses StoreKit 2 APIs with proper availability checks. (84532469)
  • When using StoreKit Testing in Xcode, updates now emits all updated transactions. (85877689)

Known Issues​


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​



The iOS & iPadOS 15.4 SDK provides support to develop apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS & iPadOS 15.4 beta. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 13.3 beta, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 13.3, see Xcode 13.3 Beta Release Notes.

Apple Pay​

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Developers can express payment network preference in PKPaymentRequest. Network preference is determined by the order of supportedNetworks. This won’t override the user’s default card selection, but if the card is multi-SSD, then the network preference order determines which SSD is selected. (80827905)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Support is added to the passkey technology preview, enabling signing in to passkey-compatible websites and apps on Mac and iPad using an iPhone with a saved passkey. (87998254)

Known Issues​

  • Signing in to an iPad is limited to apps in this beta.


Known Issues​

  • Email address verification may not complete during the set up of an iCloud+ Custom Email Domain on iOS. (85192033)
    Workaround: Go to Custom Email Domain to complete email verification and set up an iCloud+ Custom Email Domain.

Game Controller​

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Support is now available for new DualSense adaptive trigger firmware features available via GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger. (87433163)

Health App​

Known Issues​

  • The Health app crashes when you attempt to onboard the Blood Oxygen feature from within the app. (87617635)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Verifiable health records now support adding vaccination records in the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU DCC) format to the Wallet and Health apps. (79917344)
  • HealthKit query APIs in Swift now support async/await syntax, which simplifies the structure of code that previously used completion callbacks. (74040680)

Known Issues​

  • EU Digital COVID Certificates issued by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Cape Verde, North Macedonia, and Palestine currently can’t be verified or added to Wallet. (87243064)
  • If Health sharing is skipped when setting up an Apple Watch for a family member, it can’t be enabled later. (87210981)


Known Issues​

  • Pairing of Thread accessories isn’t supported. (87959565)
  • Matter accessories with multiple end points might be unreachable in the Home App. (86170578)
  • Matter accessories may go to a “No Response” state after pairing with the Home App. (86497690)
    Workaround: Remove the accessory from Home, reset the accessory, and add it back to Home. If the issue persists, remove your home hub from Home and re-add it. If the issue continues to persist, remove the home hub and create a new one.
  • Matter accessory adds flow to 3P app will fail if Apple Home doesn’t exist. (80341813)
    Workaround: Launch Home App and create a home hub first.


Known Issues​

  • A conversation transcript won’t scroll after viewing a photo in QuickLook. (87855403)
    Workaround: Back out of the conversation and then reopen it to restore scrolling.


Known Issues​

  • Emergency SOS “Call with 5 Presses” is disabled for all users outside of India to fix an issue that caused this setting to unintentionally default for some users. (86189447)


Known Issues​

  • In the Throughput Test results, the Idle Ping Latency is reported in incorrect units. For example, an actual ping latency of 123.32 ms is shown as 0.12 ms. (87599982)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • A new GroupActivities API allows you to present UI that enables starting a SharePlay session from within your app. (88099397)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​

  • Testing subscription cancellations in the in-app manage subscription sheet now works consistently for subscriptions with short durations in the Xcode environment. (84662306)
  • Price increase consent no longer displays two sheets when an app is launched. (84635902)
  • loadProduct(withParameters:completionBlock:) now consistently calls the completion block. (85077158)
  • updates now emits unfinished transactions when iterating for the first time. (85294525)
  • Builds for ARMv7, ARMv7s or 32-bit Intel architectures no longer fail when the app uses StoreKit 2 APIs with proper availability checks. (84532469)
  • When using StoreKit Testing in Xcode, updates now emits all updated transactions. (85877689)

Known Issues​


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 15.4 Beta​


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Ya en otra versión de iOS dijeron que era capaz de reconocerte mejor con mascarilla en una de las actualizaciones.
Luego sacaron lo de desbloquear con el Apple Watch. Que funciona... y a veces no. Tienes el reloj puesto, el móvil te lo dejas en la mesa del trabajo y te lo pueden desbloquear porque estás relativamente cerca.
Y ahora que vamos a mandar a la mierda las mascarillas igual consiguen desbloquear el móvil con mascarilla puesta, aunque por supuesto a costa de bajar la seguridad ya que te tiene que reconocer con una parte muy pequeña de la cara.

Todas estas ñapas por no tener TouchID debajo de la pantalla, que es lo más sencillo, manda narices.
Lo mas sencillo es meterlo en el botón de bloqueo como en el iPad Air/mini.
Toda la razón. De verdad que no entiendo por qué no lo implementan. Lo del desbloqueo con el Apple Watch me parece una chapuza con un nivel de inseguridad muy importante.
Toda la razón. De verdad que no entiendo por qué no lo implementan. Lo del desbloqueo con el Apple Watch me parece una chapuza con un nivel de inseguridad muy importante.

Dosifican las novedades, por que vamos a quemar futuribles si con menos lo petaremos igual???

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Está estupendo el desbloqueo con mascarilla. No creo que lo digan pero es obvio que es a base de rebajar la seguridad mucho. Basta con que te vea los ojos para desbloquear. Eso también significa que para que funcione has de levantar el móvil para tenerlo un poco más de frente. Por supuesto, los pagos con el móvil, que se autentican con FaceID ahora funcionan sin necesidad de meter el código.

Para esto, 5,35GB de actualización. Y cuando acaba tienes que volver a escanear tu cara, sin mascarilla. Desconozco por qué. Luego has de elegir si quieres que el sistema funcione con mascarilla puesta o no. Curioso, no es algo automático. Luego en Ajustes puedes cambiarlo y ya lo explica, que para ello sólo escanea la parte de los ojos.
Actualizado el XR de mi mujer a iOS 15.4, no permite usar FaceID con mascarilla. No existe la opción. Se ve que requiere de una versión del hardware más moderna.
Amigos, una duda:

¿Hay alguna manera de que la app de Google Meet te notifique en el iPhone cuando te convocan a una reunión? Tengo una clienta que no me avisa de las convocatorias y ahora tenía una reunión programada, pero claro yo no tenía ni idea :doh

No uso correo de Gmail, por si sirve de algo.

Edito: ya lo he solucionado, no tenía añadido el calendario de Google en Mac OS y por eso no recibía nada. Ya me aparecen las notificaciones.
Última edición:
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