Jurassic World (Jurassic Park 4): 2015


Tranquilos es un fan art. ¿A que os ha acojonado?

¿No? No me extraña. Después del trailer no creo que a nadie le importe mucho lo que acabe ocurriendo con esto...
Coño! un T-REX1000


Tenemos trama para un crossover entre jurassic park y terminator, que ahora irá al pasado... a la prehistoria para evitar la extinción de los dinosaurios y así los mamíferos NUNCA CONQUISTARÍAN EL MUNDO!!! y los connor nunca existirían.

Pura genialidad.
While lead actor Chris Pratt has always been positivewhen speaking about the upcoming fourth Jurassic film, he recently spoke with Vulture about the trailer and unfortunately he wasn't too positive about it.

Vulture were with Chris Pratt at an awards-season party celebrating The Lego Movie. While eating multiple Lego based cupcakes, the conversation turned to the trailer for Jurassic World, to which Chris Pratt supposedly cringed at.

"I'm just like, Aw, why did I do that with my eyebrow? Unfortunately, it was one of those things you do as an artist where you're hypercritical about it the first time you see it. I had to take a couple steps back and keep watching it before I was like, 'Oh my God, that is really good.' So it took me two or three times seeing it before I knew it was great, but that's how I was with Guardians of the Galaxy, that's how I was with The Lego Movie, that's how I am with everything I'm in."

"The movie's gonna be ten times better than the trailer."

Tampoco es muy difícil, no?
Está claro que Jurassic Park, como producto, vende. Y este trailer es una prueba de ello. Saben que con un título como Jurassic World está el pescao vendío. Y para eso pues nos venden una moto (y no me refiero al último plano) que nada atrae, que encima huele a cuco y nada de lo que sale capta nuestra atención pero como suena la melodía niano niano y salen velocirraptores campo a través pues ya nos cuelan dinosaurios del todo a cien, estructuras que nada interesan y situaciones que a estas alturas están más vistas que el tbo (porque es un remake de la primera a tenor de lo visto).

Y mucho va a tener que torcerse la cosa para que Asylum no haga su propia versión de esta nueva versión y acabe siendo mejor que esto. Porque si pretenden provocar estupor o miedo con un saurio gigante zampándose un tiburón, asombro con una barcaza entre dinosaurios bebiendo agua o sensación de peligro con raptores corriendo con el chaval en moto mal van apañados.

'Jurassic World' D-Rex Hybrid Dinosaur Fully Revealed
Also known as Indominus Rex, the new D-Rex hybrid dinosaur from 'Jurassic World' has been revealed in new promo art.

Nothing is sacred on the internet, so if you're planning to be surprised when the movie opens, be warned: There are SPOILERS ahead. Even though Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow wanted the reveal of his new D-Rex (also known as Indominus Rex) hybrid dinosaur to be a surprise for moviegoers when they entered the theater, a full look at the monstrosity has surfaced online. And it's pretty close to what we might have expected.

While we saw Indominus Rex in LEGO form, this is the first full shot of the DNA enhanced dinosaur which will be terrorizing Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins this summer. The image arrives on what looks to be party supplies, and we get to see his full body. Other items also show off the iconic T-Rex, the Raptors and the Dimorphodon.

While fans have come to know the genetically modified albino-looking lizard hybrid as D-Rex, or Diablous Rex, a report from last week revealed that the official name had been changed to Indominus Rex, aka Irex, which translates to "Fierce/untamable king." With this image now out in the open, and other merchandising art sure to come in the near future, is it possible that we'll see the real IRex in the upcoming Super Bowl TV spot that has been promised? Or will we not get to see this giant beast in action until we buy our movie tickets? We just don't know yet. In the meantime, if you're not in for surprises, take a look:

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