Los Oscars

Imaginaz que gana La Llorona y algún incauto araña por google buscando información de la película y llega a éste nuestro foro...

Me imagino la indignación en Guatemala. Klopek y el resto de los participantes de La Llorona como enemigos nacionales guatemaltecos. :mparto
"Hijo, por qué estás vetado en Guatemala?" :babas
De los creadores de "Anya Taylor-Joy es una persona de color", nos llega ahora "Los machirulos viejos y blancos me oprimen porque no quieren ver mi película":


Her film is an expression of who she is. My absence of interest in watching her film is an expression of who I am.
De los creadores de "Anya Taylor-Joy es una persona de color", nos llega ahora "Los machirulos viejos y blancos me oprimen porque no quieren ver mi película":


Her film is an expression of who she is. My absence of interest in watching her film is an expression of who I am.

Este tipo de declaraciones de "la gente no ve mi película / serie / no lee mi novela, porque son machistas / racistas / etc, y no porque yo haya hecho mal mi trabajo creando una mierda incoherente" me descojonan. Hay gente que pone delante de unos actores una cámara y firma un alegato político con la misma expresión artística que un panfleto electoral, muchas veces acusando o criminalizando a un sector del público... ¡del que luego se quejan que no vaya a verla!
No quieren videoconferencias... y la mitad de actores no van a ir presencialmente...

The ‘No Zoom’ mandate that Oscars producers have announced has seen the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) hit by something of a backlash from the very people it wants to attend in person.

Announcing its plans last week for the ceremony in the wake of the nominations, the Academy told all nominees that no ‘virtual participation’ or video calls will be allowed and all acceptance speeches could only be done by actually attending the ceremony in person in Los Angeles.

This is causing major headaches for those nominees coming from international locales, not to mention the publicists and studios/distributors who have to organise and pay for it according to several trade papers.

If those nominated are working on projects outside the United States, they could find themselves having to spend two weeks in quarantine beforehand and again afterwards just to attend – and not just them but their publicists and/or guests as well. As many of them are working on other projects, those projects might also have to be shut down as well for that time and said productions are unlikely to do that as it could cost millions.

Plenty of nominees are currently in the UK and Australia, the former essentially banning all international travel (unless with good reason) until mid-May while the latter has operated under some of the strictest quarantine laws on the planet (allowing it to remain mostly COVID-free compared to others).

As a result, it’s looking like multiple nominees will likely be unable to attend, and some whole categories like Best International Feature could see no-one in attendance.

Whether the Academy changes its mind, we’ll see. For now, one way or another, the Oscars will take place on April 25th.

Source: Deadline
Me llama la atención lo partidistas que acaban siendo estos premios, y de una forma tan descarada. Justo en el momento en el que el metoo se revela como la pantomima que fue aparecen dos nominadas a mejor directora, probablemente no porque sean las mejores, sino porque había que meter a mas de una mujer, y ojo porque puede que lo gane alguna. No por ser mejores.

Estos premios siempre han sido una mierda rancia y condicionada, a mil jodidas millas de tener que ver con la calidad de las películas, con el meetoo y sin el meetoo.
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