Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Eh, te olvidabas de Batman y su nuevo vehículo:

Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon


MANILA, Philippines - There are few writer/directors in the world who have inspired the kind of fan devotion that Joss Whedon has. Beginning with the“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and moving on to “Angel,” “Firefly” and “Serenity,” Whedon has imprinted himself on an entire generation of audiences. There are fan sites, and his life and career take up a very long and informative Wikipedia page. English professors even use episodes of his TV shows to teach their students writing and storytelling.

All of this, plus his love of Marvel comic books, is what made Whedon the perfect person to direct the epic, big-screen adventure “Marvel’s The Avengers.” The movie promises to be the Super Hero team up of a lifetime when an unexpected enemy threatens global safety and security and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. He initiates a daring recruitment effort and gathers Iron Man ), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Black (Scarlett Johansson) to fight together.

Whedon was also very excited about whom he got to work with on the film. “One of the big things that made me jump on board was the casting. Robert, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans and Samuel L. Jackson were already on board,” he says. “These are all actors who audiences got to see in movies of their own. In ‘Marvel’s The Avengers,’ they get to see them interact with each other. Everyone is so good that this film is going to be unbearable to edit.

“All of the actors came to me with an extraordinarily positive attitude,” he continues. “Not just about the project, but about each other. All of the conflict that we create amongst The Avengers is acting, because these guys are really rooting for each other and helping each other.

“It’s been interesting. Everybody’s very different. Robert has that anarchic, uncontrollable energy that is very magnetic and very Tony Stark. I wanted Mark Ruffalo to play Bruce Banner because he’s just an open book. He lets you into his heart and you understand everything he’s feeling. That’s who he is as a guy and how he performs. Chris Evans really locked in to the old-fashioned sort of aesthetic of a guy who’s from the ’40s. He has rectitude without being stiff.

“Sam Jackson is Sam Jackson. He does that look and he only needs one eye to pin you to the wall. At the same time, he’s extremely sensitive and textured and that’s what I wanted to get from Nick Fury. I didn’t want him to be all bluster. We’ve seen that and I think there’s more there.

“Chris Hemsworth is a god. This is a man who just makes stop going to the gym. It’s not fair. He’s very centered in the way he approaches a scene and the way he is in life. Jeremy Renner has been a wildcard and keeps to himself, but that makes sense because he’s playing a sniper. He shoots a bow and arrow and keeps his distance. He’s fully engaged, but he’s in his own place.

“Scarlett isn’t like her character at all, because she’s so funny and delightful. She’s always in a good mood and is just a riot. Black Widow has a darker incarnation in this film than she did in ‘Iron Man 2’ and Scarlett is very precise when she acts. We hint a little bit at her back-story and it isn’t pretty.

“I got almost every actor a day or two before we started shooting, but I’ve been able to spend time with them while I’m writing and I think they knew I was building from the ground up. I went to every single one of them and said, ‘Here are my ideas and this is how I think you’ll be playing it. Is there something in particular you want to avoid? Something you feel the character needs or wants?’

“They all had input to the degree that they wanted it and it’s been a collaboration from the beginning. I think that helped set the tone right away. I knew exactly what I wanted when I started, but the actors knew that if they told me what they wanted, we could usually do both.”

Whedon also talked with “Iron Man” and “Thor” director Kenneth Branagh before he started production. “Jon walked me through his experience on ‘Iron Man’ and shared with me how he worked with Scarlett [Johansson] and Robert [Downey Jr.]. Ken called me to talk about Chris Hemsworth before he cast him in ‘Thor.’ Then I called him when he was to ask him about Chris and Tom [Hiddleston] and how they were working out. His insights were wonderful. Both of them have been very helpful and generous.”

Whedon’s visual style for “Marvel’s The Avengers” is perfectly tailored for the project too. “As much as anything, my visual style as a director comes from comic books,” he says. “My understanding of visual storytelling comes from panel art, which I was reading more voraciously than I was watching movies for most of my childhood. In that sense, I had sort of a head start when I started visualizing this film. I hired Seamus McGarvey to be my Director of Photography because of ‘Atonement.’ It’s a gorgeous film. Seamus’ understanding of light as romantic and naturalistic is dazzling.

“Visually, the movie is similar to a lot of things that I do because it’s supposed to be casually iconic. In other words, I want to hit iconic moments without hitting people over the head with them. I want it to feel like a comic book without trying to look like one. I’m trying to ride that line between bigger-than-life characters and their bigger-than-life moments and the very human aspects of them.”

As for fans’ expectations—both his fans as a writer/director and Marvel comic book fans—Whedon has come to terms with them. “I feel respect for the fans, but you can’t let yourself feel the weight of how much they want or need from the project,” Whedon explains. “I really believe that you can die from fan expectations. There are two things that I can’t stand when I go to see a on a comic book: being ignored and being pandered to. Fans are well aware when movies are doing either one. Ultimately, they’re going to see everything they ever hoped to see in ‘Marvel’s The Avengers,’ from every single one of these characters. There won’t be a hint of, ‘Well, we thought we ought to put this in to make the fans happy.’

“Honestly, if I felt the weight of how famous the actors in this movie are, or how big the budget is, or how high the fans’ expectations are, I’d be in my bed right now with the covers pulled up over my head. I did have one little minor freak out and my wife just said, ‘Honey, it’s just the next story.’ That helped.”

Whedon concludes, “I want to make a great Super Hero movie. I want to make a movie that has to have Super Heroes in it and makes it very clear that the world needs Super Heroes—especially this ridiculously motley, mismatched crew of Super Heroes. I want to make the kind of movie that inspires people to say, ‘There should be more movies with Super Heroes in them.’”
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon


Bonita portada para el preludio en comic de la pelicula.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Al parecer, ese libro desvela varias cosas de la trama de la peli, you know.

Y me gustan muy mucho las declaraciones de Whedon, se ve que le ha cogido la dinamica de los personajes bastante bien. A ver ahora como se plasma en imagenes, you know.

Toys are toys, you know . Para que coño necesita superman una nave??? Toys, you know.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Y me gustan muy mucho las declaraciones de Whedon, se ve que le ha cogido la dinamica de los personajes bastante bien. A ver ahora como se plasma en imagenes, you know.

Que se deje de mandangas, que si ha tenido tiempo para hacer un shakespeare en los ratos libres de ésta, también tiene tiempo para Dr. Horrible 2.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Y me gustan muy mucho las declaraciones de Whedon, se ve que le ha cogido la dinamica de los personajes bastante bien. A ver ahora como se plasma en imagenes, you know.

Que se deje de mandangas, que si ha tenido tiempo para hacer un shakespeare en los ratos libres de ésta, también tiene tiempo para Dr. Horrible 2.

El problema de Horrible nunca ha sido Whedon, sino Fillon y el propio doc, los dos más liados que un pan. Y es una pena, porque ya hay guión y canciones. ¿No está Fillion de todas maneras algo gordito en Castle para tener un "martillo"?

De todas maneras, dejate; a ver si pega fuerte Cabin, pega fuerte Avengers y lo mismo se saca una peliculita de Horrible. Que va ser que no, pero...
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

JW on reaction when approached by Marvel:

“It unfolded slowly for me but I think that might use be because I’m slow. … I’ve been circling around with Marvel for a long time. … It felt to me like it was a favor which I sometimes do; I read the script, give my opinion. I said well, this doesn’t work, but if I was going to do an Avenger’s movie, here’s what I’d do. Then gradually we started meeting again and I was like, is this a job interview? What’s happening here? Because I suddenly started thinking the more I was thinking about it the more I wanted to do it, and this was a courtship process the entire time and I was just a little thick.”

“Sheer panic, maybe three times total.” Says it’s better so he doesn’t realize the enormity of what he’s trying to accomplish.

ABV: “What was it like on the Avengers, to have the keys to Scrooge McDucks’ money pit?”
JW: “That is in fact who financed the film. They don’t talk about that much.”

“Limitations are something I latch onto. A novelist…has a blank page. A genre writer never has a blank page. … That’ useful to me. By the same token the restriction of budget or set or location, anything like that, can be really useful. When you can have everything, everybody wants to give you everything and then it’s very hard to make things feel real, to make things feel lived in.”

“We had these amazing sets, really beautifully designed, and epic, and great, but I found that once we got off the sets and started shooting on location…my camera work got a lot more interesting. Because I had to work around these things.”

“Trying sometimes to pull the big budget out of the movie has been part of the creative process.”

“As a producer, it convinced me to just, too much Scrooge is not a good thing.”

“I got a guy in a cape, I got a guy with an A on his head, I got a green guy – it’s a delicate balance. And anything your and to make it feel real, like real filmmaking, even when there are CGI shots and they say, that looks like a bit of a mismatch, I was like keep it. Say it’s from different takes.”

“If everything matches perfectly there’s going to be a disconnect, it’s going to feel too clean. It’s not going to feel like what I’m used to in film, which is a slight dirtiness.”

“I’m a fanboy. I want to see what’s up with Thor and Captain America and what he can do with that shield. All of those things have been in my DNA since I was a tiny child. I love all of that. In terms of how I make it mine, I think that obviously I look at the Avengers and go, this team doesn’t make any sense at all, but I can work with that, because it doesn’t make sense to them either. They’re extraordinarily dysfunctional people. And they’re in their own way very isolated. So just being able to tell that very basic story, isolated people who come together and become more than their parts, is a meaningful story to me.”

“I”m not ready to be post-modern about superheroes yet.”

“The first thing I said to the people at Marvel was, I want to make a war movie.”

“A lot of these movies do a beautiful setup and the hero fights a slightly larger version of himself, and it’s clean. I just wanted to dirty it up, I wanted to really put them through their paces. The feeling you get from a good movie like – oh my god it’s still coming, we’re not going to get out of this alive – that’s the feeling I wanted to make.”

ABV: “Who are the bad guys?”
JW: “It’s the Vulcans. I don’t know a lot about the Marvel universe, and I thought there were Vulcans.”

“I will say only this: It is not the Kree or the Skrulls.”

“Those two aliens are Marvel mainstays and have enormous backstories. They have a big life of their own that just could not be contained in a film where I already had seven movie stars.”

"The Skrulls — they can shape change. That’s a whole thing,” I’ve already got Loki. He’s got magic. Once you got magic along with your Iron Man and your Black Widow — it’s a real juggling act.”

“What’s probably happening is I just said something that Marvel didn’t want me to. It’s weird to be fired so late!”
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Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Todos los cines del mundo mundial la listan a 145 minutos y ya tenemos testimonios que la definen como una pelicula "larga". 97 minutos no es larga.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Bueno, por boca del propio Joss Whedon, la pelicula sera de una duración de dos horas y quince minutos:

“My first cut was three hours long and it’s now down to 2 hours and 15 minutes, and I’m extremely proud of that. I had always intended to go over two, under two and a half. There was no way a movie with this many great actors and this much epic scope was gonna clock in under two and not feel a little anemic, somebody wasn’t gonna get their moment if that happened. But at the same time, I get very angry that romantic comedies run over two hours long, it’s like ‘Guys, that’s not okay.’ More isn’t more. I don’t want anything in the movie that shouldn’t be.”

“There’s a lot of me that got cut out, but I think part of the process in a situation like this is you make the movie, you make your movie, then you remove yourself out of the equation. At some point you stop looking beyond The Avengers movie at your own stuff, you don’t look at that horizon you look at this movie and you go, ‘You know what, The Avengers are more important than I am so these things that I’m obsessed with aren’t necessarily moving the story forward, and therefore they are baggage.’ You can do that in a TV show, you can bring your baggage and sort of lay it out because you have a season to do it, but in a movie you actually have to remove yourself from the equation a bit and when I was finally able to do that, I saw a much clearer road to how to get the best experience for the audience.”

No [there won’t be a director’s cut on the DVD]. I… believe very strongly in putting the director’s cut into the theaters. I believe that the director’s cut is the best movie for the studio and the best version of the movie for the audience. I’ve never really been in a situation where I had to pull the beating heart out of something that I did. I think people get to see a lot of extraordinary extras because I did shoot a bunch of stuff that I love, but the movie is the movie I want it to be.”

Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

2 horas 15 minutos más unos 10 minutos de créditos cuadran con los 145 minutos que se han mencionado. Además, 97 minutos para esta película sería un mal augurio puesto que hay mucho personaje importante y las últimas Marvel no cerraban con traca solo para que las historias convergieran con fuerza en esta, lo cual hubiera significado que sería muy poco ambiciosa después de todo. Creo que esas más de 2 horas significan que hay chicha, y eso es bueno.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon






Última edición:
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Pagaría lo que fuera para que estos carteles fueran ilustraciones. Qué Photoshop más malo, sobre todo el de Nick Furia.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Coby Smulders da miedo en la última foto, parece un robot a punto de fallar. O está Barney al lado sacándose la chorra y de ahí su reacción claro.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Es curioso que con tanta pasta y tanto talento individual, incluso en las peores peliculas, sean incapaces de montar un poster MINIMAMENTE profesional...

POrque una cosa es ser un mal artista y otra cosa ser chapucero...
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Yo lo que creo que pasa es que en estas películas, tan mastodónticas, hay tantos y tantos controles de jefes del estudio, de marketing, etc... que acaban estropeando los posters a base de añadir y añadir cosas.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Pero el problema de estos posters, Lerink, no es que tengan un diseño sobrecargado.

Su problema es que están encargados y realizados por aficionados sin unos mínimos de sensibilidad artística, aptitudes técnicas ni conocimientos de diseño gráfico.

Y para colmo se trata de una producción de Marvel. Tiene que ser un caso de nepotismo o enchufismo sí o sí.
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Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

El problema es que parecen caratulas para un dvd hechas por alguien que quiso juntar fotos del Super Pop o, como dijo aquel, un mal wallpaper hecho por tia Petunia, de 87 años, las cataratas del niagara en los ojos, y que descubrió ayer lo que era un ordenador, esas "cosas modernas".

No es que este mal la idea; es que está ejecutada a con el cul...

Por cierto:

Considering the summer blockbuster is near-completed, Joss Whedon has been able to talk more freely and mindfully about Marvel's The Avengers; as showcased with the many interviews during SXSW weekend. And now, the writer-director has offered up even more deets in the latest issue of Total Film magazine.

Having such a wide variety of characters, initially Whedon sought focus by telling the story largely from one person's perspective; defrosted WW2 super-soldier Captain America. "That was the plan anyway". However, "In the final cut that's probably not true," Whedon reveals. "There was stuff with Cap I cut out. Although he has an 'in' with the audience in that this world is stranger to him, so he's an identification figure."

The climax Whedon pitched Marvel was so enormous that it was apparent there wouldn't be enough time or money to pull it off, "But that's exactly what we shot," he reveals. The scale is "quite large", but it's not about that. "Its the toll it takes," Whedon says. "I find superhero movies to be a little to [dull?]. And when you have Earth's mightiest heroes - like Thor, you know Thor! - you have to put them in a situation that makes you feel like they're not all going to make it." "The climax of this movie isn't one where you go, 'Oh yes, there's the Avengers, good for them, bye!'" When it all hits, it hits hard."

Whedon then went on to discuss The Avengers potential sequel, essentially revealing that he went all-out to avoid Iron Man 2 syndrome, where the story's reduced to a series of sequel-pointers. "We DO give a nod to a greater problem than the one solved in this film." says Whedon. "I'm a great believer in the idea that if you make the first one to be a 'first one,' then you have already failed," asserts Whedon. "As much as we want to service the idea of a film in a franchise, I want this to be a satisfying film experience. I don't want people to go out saying, "When's the next part?" I want people to say, "Oh, I want to see that again!"


Y mas de la rvista:

"The first movie I referenced when Marvel asked me what I'd do if they gave me the script was 'The Dirty Dozen," Whedon reveals. "People forgot, but that movie is an hour-and-a-half of training and 20 minutes of Nazi fighting. It helped me to say, you can have time to let these people get to know each other; their conflict can be as interesting as their conflict with the villain." But it was Ridley Scott's 'Black Hawk Down' that really "unlocked" The Avengers. "That's when I realised we needed a war movie. With this many heroes, the only way you can really earn them - earn the idea that they are heroes - is that you put them through a meat grinder."

"This isn't the kind of movie where we're going to wink at the audience," promises Whedon. "There's a great deal of humor and there are a couple of things where people will go, 'Oh!' if they're very into Marvel. Here and there I've thrown references, tiny things I remember [from the comics], but it's not one of those things where you look at and go, 'Oh, that guy and that guy! It's not Where's Waldo?"

"Do I think this is the ultimate Hulk movie? I'm going to tell you I do," says Whedon. "I think what we've done with him is unprecedented and will blow people away." Speaking on Jade Giant's previous outings, Whedon says, "Those are not films I would have made. In the second one he got a [big] of a ripped surfer look that didn't make sense to me"

Drawing the line on the rumor, sparked by English actress Jenny Agutter, that said Spider-Man will cameo, "There is no Spider-Man in this movie!" declares Joss Whedon. "I feel so bad for Jenny," sighs Whedon. "I think she just slipped on a name and the reporter ran with it. It's not like she goes to Comic-Con every year..."
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Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Hay mucha gente que "participa" en el proceso de diseño de pósters (de todas las pelis, no sólo de los blockbusters): los de marketing, la productora, el director, la distribuidora...
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