Black revealed that there was one simple but major change – the time of day. He tells the mag (via AvP Galaxy): “The first time we shot the third act it was daytime. It’s all this spooky stuff but then it’s bright sunlight. It just didn’t work. So I said ‘Ummm, can we do this again at night?'”
Along with the time of day change, he moved the original finale’s setting primarily to a forest. He also aimed to make the creatures scarier again which led to the birth of the ‘Upgrade Predator’ which he describes as: “Bigger, meaner and nasty as hell. Ten feet tall and midnight black, bristling with spines, skin thickened with chitinous organic armour – the product of harvesting DNA from the deadliest creatures on every world it has hunted. The ultimate expression of Predator dominance. It is, it’s fair to say, one giant, ugly motherf–ker.”
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