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Bob Iger cataloga de «excepcional» la nueva era que arrancará con “Star Wars: El despertar de la Fuerza”
«Puedo asegurar que los millones de fans de “Star Wars” que han estado esperando la última década una nueva película no se arrepentirán». Son palabras de Bob Iger, presidente de Disney, a los compañeros de Get Your Geek On, afirmando que se trata del «inicio de una era excepcional» y confirmando que el Episodio VIII llegará en 2017 y el Episodio IX cerrará la nueva trilogía en 2019.

'Star Wars 7' Full Plot and Character Details Revealed?
New, yet unconfirmed, information sheds light on several main characters in the highly-anticipated 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

More than three months have passed since the first trailer was released for Disney's highly-anticipated Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and yet, there is still very little we know about the characters in this highly-anticipated adventure. Several of the character's names were released in December, but that has only left fans clamoring for even more information about this new adventure in a galaxy far, far away. Making Star Wars has a new report, which even they can't confirm is authentic or not, that drops a number of details on several of the main characters. If these details do prove to be true, there will be MASSIVE SPOILERS throughout the rest of this story, so read on at your own risk.

Daisy Ridley is playing the main female character, Rey, who was seen taking off on an odd-shaped speeder in the first trailer. There has been plenty of speculation as to who Rey really is in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but this report claims that she is actually the daughter of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Leia (Carrie Fisher). Both Rey and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) reportedly go into hiding at the exact same time. She has been tasked with protecting a lightsaber that, "can open a proverbial Pandora's Box of evil." The main villain, Kylo Ren, the mysterious cloaked figure with the unique lightsaber in the trailer, has been collecting a number of artifacts, to try and determine which of these will open said Pandora's Box, which is a Sith tomb that Luke doesn't know how to open, but Kylo Ren does.

Luke, on the other hand, has been tasked with guarding this tomb, and has put himself into self-exile. Inside the tomb lies "the body of an ancient evil being," and Luke has to remain guarding this tomb, despite being haunted and tormented by numerous evil spirits. Luke is said to be in exile throughout most of the story. There were earlier reports that Rey and Finn (John Boyega) find the lightsaber, which they learn belongs to Luke Skywalker and leads them to Han Solo. Making Star Wars' source claims that the lightsaber is what brings Rey and Finn together, but also that Han is extremely reluctant to let his daughter be a part of this plan. It was also noted that Rey is in love with X-Wing pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), although Han does not approve of this relationship either. When Han Solo reveals that Rey is actually his daughter, this comes as a surprise to both Poe and Finn, hinting that Han Solo may now be known throughout the galaxy.

There is hardly any information out there about who Domhnall Gleeson is playing, but this new rumor claims he was a Rebel for many years, and the son of "a huge character," although he defected to the Empire after learning that The Rebels were building a new secret weapon. His character is tasked with hunting down the AWOL Stormtrooper Finn, while conducting a secret mission to "destroy both super weapons of the Empire and the Rebels" at the same time. Gwendoline Christie's character is Domhnall Gleeson's "lead shock trooper," who is also hunting Finn. She is described as a "chrome trooper" with a black and red cape, who uses a lightsaber and kills at random. Her face is heavily scarred and she sports a military haircut. She also has the ability to "cloak herself," which she does twice in the movie.

As for Finn, his family was murdered by the Empire, and forced into recruitment to become a Stormtrooper, along with his best friend, who is killed in front of Finn in the movie's opening sequence. The best friend is rumored to be played by Pip Anderson, and shortly after this scene, Finn meets his new lifelong best friend, Poe Dameron. They both end up in an Imperial brig after getting caught committing some sort of crime. Finn isn't an immediate fan of Poe, until he quickly comes up with a plan to steal a TIE Fighter. Rey is also present, stealing a key card from a guard to break them out. They all escape on the TIE Fighter, although it crashes, leaving Finn injured. The injury does line up with a previous report about how Finn ends up in a "Wagon Speeder." This source also describes a bar scene where Finn deflects laser blasts with a lightsaber, which Rey thinks could mean that Finn has found his true calling. However, Finn is a complete pacifist, but these events will set him on a path to "defend the ones he loves."

This report also falls in line with earlier rumors about Max von Sydow's character, who is said to be a former Rebel Alliance veteran who is now an antiquities dealer. He tells Rey that the crystal inside their lightsaber can open the tomb Luke is guarding, which is why it is so important. The lightsaber is also being hidden inside the ball droid BB-8, which also contains "information vital to the rebllion." Rey also finds out that she was put into hiding with the lightsaber crystal and forced to use a fake name, to disassociate herself from her father and his old friend Luke Skywalker. Rey is reportedly upset when she finds out that Max von Sydow's character was in on this "ruse," and that he was watching over her this whole time.

Of course, none of these details have been confirmed, although parts of this report fall in line with previous rumors, while others do not. That being said, none of the previous reports were ever confirmed as being authentic, so it's really anybody's guess as to what's true and what's not. Even still, these details, true or false, do set up some intriguing possibilities for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and beyond. What do you think of this new information?

J.J. Abrams on 'Star Wars 7' Lightsaber

J.J. Abrams took a break from his post-production work on Star Wars: The Force Awakens to attend the Visual Effects Society Awards in Los Angeles last night. Collider caught up with the filmmaker on the red carpet, and while he wouldn't discuss any story details, he did offer some interesting insight into the controversial lightsaber brandished by the villainous Kylo Ren in the trailer that debuted back in November. The weapon was easily one of the most divisive aspects of the first footage, and the director shed some new light on how it was created, and how amused he was about the reactions from the fans.

"I will say that what's been funny is, since the lightsaber's come out, I cannot tell you how many contradictory emails I have received from people who have both defended it with unbelievably detailed graphics. I've gotten things that are nuts, and I've gotten people who've shown how it'll kill you and how it doesn't make any sense. It's been the funniest thing to see the arguments that have developed over this thing. It was a number of conversations [that led to the design]. It was a sketch that became a whole thing and, you know, this was not done without a lot of conversation and it's fun to see people have the conversation that we had, but in reverse."

The director did tease that there was a "long story" behind Kylo Ren's lightsaber, that he will share at a later date, so hopefully we'll learn more about this controversial weapon soon. He also confirmed that one scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was shot in IMAX, but he wouldn't give any details about that sequence.

"It's only one sequence, so, it's not a ton, but it's a good sequence."

The filmmaker also spoke about the mixture of practical effects to CGI effects in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

"I feel like the beauty of this age of filmmaking is that there are more tools at your disposal, but it doesn't mean that any of these new tools are automatically the right tools. And there are a lot of situations where we went very much old school and in fact used CG more to remove things than to add things. Having said that, there are obviously an enormous amount of CG effects in the film, and I can't wait for you to see the combination. But it was very important that we build as many sets as we could and that the film have a tangible, sort of authentic quality that you believed that these things were actually happening in a real space with real sunlight, if it was an exterior scene, or if we could build a big portion of a scene and not have anything be blue screen, do it where we could. It was a very important piece of work."
No me creo que no lo vayan a poner junto a los vengadores. O ese u otro diferente, pero para ese estreno seguro que cae algo nuevo.
Y hablando de esto, se acaba de confirmar que la BSO del Ep. VII no se graba en Londres. En Los Ángeles. Bye, LSO.
Anda, pues me pareció leer hace poco que si se haría ahí.

No andará muy fino de salud, porque entre esto y lo de el puente de los espías… Al menos podremos disfrutar de su talento una última vez.

John Williams is currently hard at work composing the score for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which will be recorded in Los Angeles. For the recording of the score, Williams will work with members of the superb freelance orchestra with which he’s recorded numerous film scores over the years. The music will be recorded over several months while working in tandem with the film’s editorial and special effects teams on the West Coast.

While previous films in the saga were scored at Abbey Road with the celebrated London Symphony Orchestra, this will be the first time a Star Wars score has been recorded in the United States.

“I’ve had the privilege of working with the very best musicians in both the U.K. and the U.S.,” says Williams. “The London Symphony Orchestra has consistently performed with great artistry on all six of the prior films in the Star Wars saga, and I will be forever grateful for their commitment and dedication. Equally, it has been my honor to have worked with my brilliant colleagues in Los Angeles, and always appreciate the invaluable contribution they’ve made to my scores and to those of other composers.”
Pues si suelen hacerse esas cosas (y más cuando hablamos de una de las mejores orquestras del mundo) debe ser porque se nota la diferencia, y no por un motivo de chulería.

Otra cosa es que el 90% de los mortales no noten la diferencia.

Y John Williams lleva sin grabar con la LSO desde hace 10 años eh?

Claro, desde el último Star Wars. Y esta es una nueva Star Wars. Por eso es normal que resulte raro que no grabe con ellos.
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