
Creía que era Princesa :juas ;)
Star Wars Trailer Japanese Captions Translation

Rey is in trouble in the beginning. The voice that asks “Who are you?” uses a very arrogant tone, asking “Omae wa nani mono da” instead of the traditional “onamae wa nan desuka.” Although it’s a woman’s voice, the choice of words would be more traditionally masculine in Japanese. This likely is a signal that the person talking to Rey is an authority figure, probably an Imperial leader of some sort.

• Rey is not very rebellious. Just as the question was asked in a masculine way, Rey’s response (“I’m not anything.”) is very feminine. That could be a cultural thing—Japanese translators often add sexism where none exists in the English version—or it could be a way of signaling that she is being very deferential. At any rate, this is not a Leia-like figure standing up to the Empire, but someone beaten down by it.

• Japanese is frustratingly vague sometimes. The brief title card says simply “Wake up.” That could be a reference to Rey or it could be talking about the Force. It could alternately be read as “She shall awaken” or “It awakens.” As we said before, Japanese often leaves out things English speakers find a bit, shall we say, necessary to understanding the full meaning. But it’s likely a double-meaning, that the Force is awakening, as is Rey’s knowledge of her own power.

• Rey and Finn don’t formally meet right away. In contrast to the earlier introduction, Rey and Finn’s is very casual on both sides, with Rey using the very informal “name is?” (“namae wa” instead of the honorific “onamae”) and Finn replying “Finn da” (a more casual version of “Finn desu.”) This indicates that the two have probably already gotten familiar before they had a chance to introduce themselves—perhaps one of them rescues the other somehow?

• There’s a lot of subtext about family. When Kylo Ren addresses Vader’s helmet, the Japanese translation says “I am the one to inherit your legacy.” The next title card uses the passive construction of the same verb to say “A new generation is inheriting the world.” This may be coincidental or it could be a signal that there are some family relationships between characters that we—and possibly they—don’t know yet.

• One more clue. At the end, the woman’s speech is translated as “Hope is not lost…” (or “Our hope is not lost,” thanks Japanese vagueness!) “…it was reborn.” Instead of the English version, which says “Hope was not lost today, it is found.”
Muere Daniel Fleetwood, el fan enfermo de Star Wars que vio la última entrega

Muere Daniel Fleetwood, el fan enfermo de Star Wars que vio la última entrega

Daniel Fleetwood, el fan enfermo de cáncer de Star Wars que hizo realidad su sueño de ver 'El despertar de la Fuerza', ha fallecido a los 32 años. El joven cumplió su última voluntad gracias a una campaña en las redes sociales y se convirtió en el primero en ver el Episodio VII dos meses antes de su estreno.

- Cumplió su sueño. Descanse en paz. La magia del cine no salva vidas pero alivia el dolor físico de maneras inimaginables. Ahora es uno con la Fuerza.
Hicieron lo mismo con una niña que se estaba muriendo, pero con la peli de UP
Lo curioso es que la niña murió al de un par de horas, este chico también ha muerto un par de dias después
Es como si su cuerpo o mente aguantase incoscientemente para el "regalo" y una vez que han visto la pelicula, saben que ya no tienen que esperar por nada y se "dejan ir"
La verdad es que me da pena
Curiosamente JJ ya hizo lo mismo cuando Star Trek.
Me gustaría ver vídeos o fotos del asunto. Imagino al que llevaba la película rodeado de negratas, coche blindado hasta los faros...
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