Lo de la subida de precio en cines de Star Wars será sólo en la semana del estreno o en todo su recorrido? Por que La maquinista ya es cara de narices pero ya lo suben casi a 10 euros :notok
El aumento de Cinesa dura los primeros 10-15 días, pero no cobran ese extra si compras las entradas antes del estreno o, una vez estrenada, si tienes la Cinesacard.
Los ultimos 4-5 estan siendo las mismas imagenes pero con distinto orden, no?

I like it, porque asi vemos menos, pero empiezan a aburrir
Algun plano nuevo sale, pero poca cosa.

A mi de momento lo que me esta gustando mucho es que volvemos a tener naves espaciales y rayos laser. Ver al halcon meneandose por ahi esquivando TIEs y disparando es orgasmico, en las precuelas no habia nada de esto.
Es que es tan simple como: STAR WARS = AVENTURA

Y las precuelas carecen a saco de eso mismo. Aquí parece que (y confirmado por Kasdan) el letimotiv es la aventura por la aventura sin tomarse excesivamente en serio.
Ya la he visto.

KLopeK... Lopek... Luke!!!! :babas

For the new edition, Williams has written a handful of themes for characters including Rey (Daisy Ridley), Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Poe (Oscar Isaac), along with “a major march piece” for the Resistance and a choral fanfare for Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) that inspired by a Kipling poem translated into Sanskrit.

And while “there are a few short references” to themes from earlier films, nearly all of the two-hour-plus score is new, Williams says. The recording process was “very luxurious,” he adds, with 12 sessions scattered over a five-month period between June and November.

This is the first “Star Wars” score to be recorded in L.A. “Originally we were going to London, and do it all in the space of two weeks’ time, the way we’ve always done George’s (Lucas) films. That would not have worked in this case, because J.J. (Abrams)’s editing process is very different.”

The composer began work last December and basically continued all year, completing the recording in mid-November. His 90-piece orchestra recorded 175 minutes of music, he says, although nearly an hour of that was discarded, modified or rerecorded as Abrams re-edited the film. Snoke’s theme was recorded by a 24-voice men’s chorus.

Film Score Icons Williams, Morricone and Horner Loom Large in Oscar Race
This is the first “Star Wars” score to be recorded in L.A. “Originally we were going to London, and do it all in the space of two weeks’ time, the way we’ve always done George’s (Lucas) films. That would not have worked in this case, because J.J. (Abrams)’s editing process is very different.”
Así que no fue por cuestiones de salud, bichos.
Un tipo en el foro de BOM la ha visto y dice que la palabra que la define es "nostalgia".
Que está así así con el Episodio IV pero que se quedaría algo por debajo del V.
Y que se mea en las precuelas.
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