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En Disney se están tomando muy en serio la preparación de las siguientes entregas de la saga Star Wars y ojalá eso se refleje en el resultado final. Tan concentrados están en hacerlo bien que ya se sabe que Rian Johnson es la persona elegida para escribir y dirigir 'Star Wars. Episodio VIII', estando en el aire la posibilidad de que se encargue también de 'Star Wars. Episodio XIX', donde al menos es seguro que sí participará en la creación de la historia.
Fueron muchos los fans que en su momento especularon con la posibilidad de que el director de la excelente 'Looper' (2012) participase en la famosa franquicia galáctica, pero Johnson comentó que ni siquiera creía que fuese uno de los candidatos y que disfrutaba mucho creando sus propias obras. Más de un año ha pasado desde entonces y parece que finalmente sí estaba entre los aspirantes que sopesaba Disney.
Aún ni siquiera se sabe cuál será la historia que nos contará J. J. Abrams en 'Star Wars. Episodio VII' ('Star Wars: Episode VII', 2015), por lo que tampoco está claro cuáles de los actores que la protagonizarán repetirán en la siguiente entrega. Eso sí, no podría estar más contento con el fichaje de Johnson, ya que ha demostrado ser un cineasta muy a tener en cuenta y estoy convencido de que puede aportar mucho al universo Star Wars.
Johnson ha tuiteado esta escena de 'Elegidos para la gloria' ('The Right Stuff', Philip Kaufman, 1983) tras hacerse público su fichaje. Muy ilustrativo.
Excelentisima noticia, puede aportar mucho a la saga. Eso si… Espero que no sea solamente para apresurar los estrenos.
El momento "escarabajo pelotero" de Ozymandias es histórico.

Pues a mi me interesa la saga ésta, JJ y Kasdan para la primera, y Rian Johnson para la segunda. Y Lucas mantuvo también el interés y la coherencia en las precuelas, porque sus defectos son de realización, no de guión.
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Director Rian Johnson Talks 'Star Wars: Episode VIII' Inspiration. Director Rian Johnson does his best not to reveal any details while still getting you excited for the second new 'Star Wars' sequel.

What can director Rian Johnson tell us about Star Wars: Episode VIII? Not much, it turns out. He is just now starting to work on the sequel, while director J.J. Abrams is hard at work in London at this very second, shooting scenes for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, which will arrive in theaters first. Rian did, however, share his inspiration for the movie and where he plans to go with it.

With these films, I am trying to harken back to the original Star Wars... Christmas special. We do have Jefferson Starship!"

He's joking about the Star Wars: Holiday Special part, of course. He does tell fans where to start with the series if they haven't already seen it, and offers a sense of where he's coming at this material as a filmmaker.

"I would do (Episodes) 4-6 then 1-3. Storytelling-wise, 4-6 were constructed without the knowledge of the past. There was something really beautiful about the prequels."

What about the actual movie itself? Can he say anything at all about it?

"I'm really excited about all the things I can't tell you. The thought of it made me so completely joyfully happy. I wanted to play in this world, of literally the first movie my dad put me in the car to see."

When asked how he landed the job, he jokes,

I can only assume it was a clerical error, like in the movie Brazil. There's a 'Brian Johnson' out there who is really mad!"

'Star Wars 8' Director Rian Johnson Talks Practical Effects and Fan Pressure
'Star Wars: Episode VIII' and 'IX' director Rain Johnson recent visited the London set of 'Star Wars: Episode VII' to see how things are working.

Yesterday was either a great day for Star Wars fans eagerly awaiting Episode VII, or a really bad one as Indie Revolver, Latino Review and Badass Digest divulged a Tsunami of spoilers, giving away pretty much the entire movie. From villains, to character flashbacks, to Stormtrooper designs and even Han Solo's wardrobe, nothing was left off the table of discussion. Of course, neither Disney nor Lucasfilm confirmed any of these leaks. If you're not the type of fan who wants to be spoiled, knowing the entire movie before buying your ticket, a new interview may be more your speed.

The Girls in Hoodies podcast had Star Wars: Episode VIII and Star Wars: Episode IX director Rian Johnson on to talk about his involvement in the new series Outlander, which was renewed for a second season yesterday. Of course talk turned to his upcoming Lucasfilm sequel. While he surely wouldn't ever let a couple of plot details slip, he did talk about the necessity of practical effects as Disney resurrects one of the world's most beloved franchises for the big screen.

"They're doing so much practical building for this one. It's awesome. They're doing it all right, yeah ... I think people are coming back around to [practical effects], yeah, it feels like there is sort of that gravity pulling us back towards it ... I think that more and more people are hitting kind of a critical mass in terms of the CG-driven action scene lending itself to a very specific type of action scene, where physics go out the window and it becomes so big so quick. I probably sound like a grumpy old man talking about it, but the thing is, I do wonder because I think kids are growing up watching those and that's the thing that they love now so I don't know whether it is a generational thing, and it could be."

Rian Johnson recently visited director J.J. Abrams on the London set of Star Wars: Episode VII. He had this to say about the experience:

"I think a little bit. Right now they're shooting in London, which is why actually I was in London, for reals ... Yeah, I think I'm definitely gonna go back. Visiting a set that you're not working on though, I always feel kind of uncomfortable, not because anyone makes you feel uncomfortable at all, but just like, if you don't have a job on the set, the set is a really strange place to be on."

The director was then asked about fan pressure and how scary it is to take on such a huge project. Not at all, really, Rian Johnson reveals:

"The most surprising thing is just how not scary and how much fun ... It's boring to talk about because the only thing I can really say is I'm just happy. But I don't have the terror that I kind of expected I would, at least not yet. I'm sure I will at some point.

Like if there'd been no Star Wars movies since Return of the Jedi, there'd be a lot more pressure, but the fact we've had them, we've had the prequels, we've had the TV shows, we've had Angry Birds Star Wars ... I play it all the time!"

Mark Ruffalo quiere formar parte de “Star Wars: Episodio VIII”

Ya sabéis que Rian Johnson es el director elegido para hacerse cargo de “Star Wars: Episodio VIII”, uno de los pasteles más codiciados ahora mismo. Y voluntarios para el reparto no le van a faltar; como ejemplo, Mark Ruffalo, que presenta estos días en Toronto “Infinitely polar bear” y ya trabajó a las órdenes de Johnson en “Los hermanos Bloom”, se apunta a lo que sea. Por lo visto, envió al director el siguiente mail que leemos en Collider: «Rian, felicidades por todo lo que estás haciendo. Y, por cierto, si hay un sitio en “Star Wars”, lo que sea, por favor, considérame para unirme al proyecto». Afirma que aceptaría un papel enteramente CGI, incluso.
Necesito a un Jar Jar en mi vida, esa es la realidad, y si ha trabajado (ha sido tocado por la magica grandiosidad sagrada) con Whedon, mejor.
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