- ¡Ya tenemos cartel de las fiestas de Corellia mozos! ¡Que no paren esas danzas! :palmas:palmas:palmas

Lees el hilo original de esos póngidos, incluyendo su conversación con Seth Rogen, y flipas sables de colorines...

¡Mejora tweet a tweet!

We will be consulting with Star Wars fans directly throughout the writing of the remake of The Last Jedi as the plan is to make a version of TLJ that is as close to universally accepted as possible! (You'll never please everyone, but at least it wouldn't be blasphemy)

In fact we want the writing team to be a diverse group of people that both loved and hated TLJ, so we will have an inbox for story treatment submissions and actually hire people onto the writing team from what we receive! So this is your chance to write a Star Wars film!

Iron sharpens iron and the best writing comes from a group of people who have differing opinions but can constructively work together for the best story possible. Not just one writer sitting in a room thinking whatever pops into their head is the best idea ever.

TFA could actually be retconned by reshooting a few scenes. But one bite at a time, and remaking TLJ is the first step.

This would require Episode 9’s production to be halted and the Episode 8 remake gets released in its slot.

Los he escrito diciendo que dono a su crowfunding a condición de que graben esas sesiones del wikiguión y las reuniones con Disney.

Espero respuesta.

- Verás Mark, te lo explico una vez más. Tú, haces un homenaje ecléctico a toda
la saga de "Star Wars". Haces: "acción, acción, acción, acción". Haces: "aventura,
aventura, aventura, aventura".
Haces: "1977, 1977, 1977, 1977". Haces:"guiño,
guiño, codo, codo".
Haces: "filosofía, filosofía, filosofía, filosofía". Haces: "buen guion,
buen guion, buen guion, buen guion".
Haces: "Irvin Kershner, Irvin Kershner,
Irvin Kershner, Irvin Kershner".
Haces TODO eso... TODO eso... pero sin moverte del
planetucho éste de mierda donde vives exiliado con los putos Porgs, ¿EH?.

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