En la revista...

Supreme Leader Snoke will remain an enigmatic 7’1 dark figure and the new film won’t do much to explain him:

“We got the whole story of Palpatine’s rise to power in the prequels, but in the original films he’s exactly what he needs to be, which is just ‘The Emperor’. He’s a dark force: the scary thing behind the thing. That was entirely how I approached Snoke. I wasn’t interested in explaining where he came from or telling his history, except where it serves this story.”

One who will get some screen time is Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren whom Johnson says has a character arc akin to Daisy Ridley’s Rey:

“Writing Kylo Ren is just so much fun. Star Wars boils down to the transition from adolescence into adulthood. That’s the heart of these films and Rey is most obviously the one that hangs on. But it’s also Kylo. In the originals you project entirely onto Luke, while Vader is the scary other – he’s the minotaur.

The fascinating thing about Kylo and Rey is that they’re two sides of something. We can all relate to Kylo: to that anger of being in the turmoil of adolescence and figuring out who he’s going to be as a man; dealing with anger and wanting to separate from his family. He’s not Vader — at least, he’s not Vader yet — and that’s something I really wanted to get into.”

The issue also includes details of Black One, the modified X-Wing used by Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron in the film. Specially modified by Resistance engineers with a temporary accelerator pod affixed to the aft section, that pod allows Poe to outrun First Order cannon emplacements.
Sólo hay 1 JEDI y ese es LUKE.

Speaking with The New York Times, Johnson volunteered the statement and suggests there’s no tricks or hidden fake outs – there’s only one Jedi and it’s Luke:

“It’s in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens. Luke Skywalker, right now, is the last Jedi. There’s always wiggle room in these movies – everything is from a certain point of view – but coming into our story, he is the actual last of the Jedi. And he’s removed himself and is alone on this island, for reasons unknown.”
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