Gastrobar, puñetera moda. Dan más grima que los dientes de Diosa Ridley.
Hay más!

"Quiero reservar una mesa en el trono con Lord Varys llevándose mi dignidad"

That may have changed today as actor Adam Driver, who plays Kylo Ren in the film, dropped a comment during an interview that set the internet ablaze with speculation regarding another character. As part of a feature piece for GQ UK, Driver said:

“I remember the initial conversations about having things ‘skinned’, peeling away layers to evolve into other people, and the person Kylo’s pretending to be on the outside is not who he is. He’s a vulnerable kid who doesn’t know where to put his energy, but when he puts his mask on, suddenly, he’s playing a role. JJ had that idea initially and I think Rian took it to the next level. You have, also, the hidden identity of this princess who’s hiding who she really is so she can survive and Kylo Ren and her hiding behind these artifices.”

It’s the princess comment that has people talking, suggesting Rey is a princess. Could she be Leia’s daughter and thus Kylo Ren’s sister? If not, whom is she the child of? Driver also hints at a turn to the light side which has been suggested in the trailers, along with his hiding of a secret.
Ay que me parto!!!
Pero si lo que estáis poniendo en spoiler como sea cierto es parte de lo que puse hace semanas en plan de coña!!!

Luke Skywalker es en realidad Darth Vader. Cuando los hemos visto juntos ha sido como en El club de la lucha. Está todo en su imaginación.
Darth Vader/Skywalker es el padre de Leia, que es la madre de Kylo Ren. Rey también es hija de Leia, por tanto hermana de Kylo Ren. Por eso "La Dientes" (Daisy Ridley) tiene un aire a Keira Knightley, que ya salía en el Episodio I o II haciendo de doble de la reina Amidala. Está todo pensado.

Phasma es la madre del negro. BB-8 es hijo de R2-D2 y C3-PO. Los Porgs son las crías de Chewbacca. Y los zorros blancos esos que salen en el trailer son Huskies del desierto. Snoke es Voldemort, en un acojonante final que se verá en el episodio 9 y que entroncará ambas sagas, permitiendo hacer una nueva de otras 9 películas contando cómo se juntaron ambos mundos.

Se lo voy a mandar a Kathleen Kennedy, malo será...

Luke es güeno...

“Luke has lost confidence in his ability to make good choices. It haunts him to the core. But he hasn’t gone to the dark side. This isn’t an evil version of him. But it’s still an incarnation of the character I never expected. It has pulled me out of my comfort zone. It’s a real challenge.”

- Mark Hamill
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