Que ha puesto Magneto?!?!?!?

"Hola, me voy a ver una exposición de Star Wars de sables láser de 6 metros".
Ya sale la MAFIA COMPRADA, salvo el mejor:

"Más de lo mismo, qué matraca. Esto ha degenerado en un serial tan calculado y fofo que me aburre a morir, sin inspiración ni alma, servil con una fórmula que resulta infalible en el mercado."

NI ALMA...!!!
"Se supone que lo que he visto, ese guion sin pies ni cabeza, solo referencias en las que me siento perdido, dirigida rutinariamente, es una precuela, secuela, remake, lo que demonios se inventen...."

El menda no sabe ni en qué orden va esta entrega! jajaja
Marta Medina:
"Incluso la música de John Williams, casi siempre tan genial, suena a autoplagio, pero no a partir de las partituras de entregas anteriores de la saga, sino como un 'patchwork' construido a base de retales de composiciones ideadas inicialmente para 'Harry Potter'."

The embargo on reviews for Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” have lifted and so far it looks like the film is going to please many.

Rotten Tomatoes currently has the film at 93% with an average rating of 8.4/10 with 122 reviews counted. To put that in comparison, ‘The Force Awakens’ sits at 93% and 8.2/10 but with 378 reviews counted. Plenty more ‘Last Jedi’ reviews are expected in coming days though so the score could go either up or down (though at this point it will only be incremental changes either way).

Over on Metacritic it’s already at 86/100 with 44 reviews counted, slightly better than the 81/100 for ‘The Force Awakens’ and notably better than the 65/100 for ‘Rogue One’. Most have praised it overall with quibbles usually in regards to the 2.5 hour film’s pacing and the comedy elements.

The film begins opening in select foreign markets mid-week before blasting off in North America and other major territories on Friday (excluding China) with current estimates putting it at a $425 million-plus opening by Sunday – one of the five best worldwide openings of all time not accounting for inflation.

That figure includes a North American take in the $200 million range which would be the best opening of the year so far.
Arriba Pie