PlayStation The Order: 1886

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Detalles sacados de una publicación francesa.

- The Order should be in 1080p with 30fps
- The direction RAD has taken adding a grain effect on screen adds a unique atmosphere and ambiance.
- All weapons are based on models which existed in 1886 but have been modified.
- During cinematics you will be able to interact, like moving this gun.
- "Dark" is the game, which could offer horrific sensation like the best from survival horrors.
- During hand to hand fight scenes, time slows down and you have only few seconds to anticipate your next move.
- The "termit" rifle has the capacity to pull out ennemies behind cover.
- Lafayette like the player, discovers the secrets and mystieries behind the order.
- The action phases seam to be pretty classic, but ultra dynamic nontheless.
- Even if Galahad is surrounaded by his fellows, the adventure is mainly solo.

Details on hand to hand combat:

- Hand to hand fights are pretty similar visually to the ones in The Last of Us and are really brutal. Fight scenes are contextual and with multiple choices depending on your surrounding. You have to look around your character with the camera during bullet time and select what you want to do.
The hand to hand fights won't look the same ever. it uses some kind of linking system colbined with player reactivity.

- Description of the scene show; after takind down two opponents, Galahad goes out from cover running, jumps out and attacks an ennemy from behind, Galahad takes his opponent's head and smashes it into a wall. During this moment time slows down and the player has only few seconds to push Triangle and push back his opponent on the floor, the the camera flies above Galahad's face, time slows down again, while the player keeps his opponent in down on the floor the player has again few seconds to interact. The player sees a dagger, takes it and plunges it into the throat (think heavay rain kind of interaction it seems).
Esperemos que no se quede en un Gears of War steampunk, porque de momento lo que se sabe del gameplay no me inspira mucha confianza...

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Cortito pero tremendo, para ir abriendo boca antes del E3. No hay tiempos de carga alguna. Pasa del CGI al gameplay sin ninguna pausa. Sin despeinarse.
Si bien luce absolutamente espectacular, jugablemente lo que se ha mostrado hasta ahora no parece nada del otro mundo. A ver si en el E3 me terminan de convencer.
La ropa que le han puesto lleva menos adornos y hay menos luz, con lo que los detalles se aprecian menos.
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