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‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ llegará en 2016. La casa por la ventana.

Bryan Singer acaba de anunciar directamente en su twitter, sin nota de prensa ni nada, el futuro estreno de X-Men: Apocalypse en 2016. 27 de mayo de 2016, según concreta Boxofficemojo.

Se presupone que al haberlo anunciado él, le veremos repitiendo como director en esta entrega que utilizará a uno de los villanos más icónicos del universo mutante: Apocalipsis, un mutante ultrapoderoso nacido hace miles de años en el Antiguo Egipto –en un claro ejemplo de sinergia cinematográfica en vista de que las películas bíblicas se han puesto de moda– que ha vagado desde entonces a través de los siglos con la idea de la supremacía mutante y de la eliminación de los más débiles.

La idea de utilizar a Apocalipsis ahora casa muy bien con la trama de X-Men: Días del futuro pasado, próxima entrega de esta saga que adaptará una de sus historias más famosas intercalando a los personajes que ya conocemos con viajes en el tiempo. Al mostrar el futuro del universo mutante también podrán introducir a Cable, hijo de Scott Summers/Cíclope, cuya historia se entrelaza con la de Apocalipsis.
A ver cómo arreglan todo el lío de las generaciones/viajes en el tiempo porque yo ya ando perdidísimo.

El Singer parece que no tendrá suficiente con Days of Future Past para pedir perdón por abandonar la saga para su Superman, ¿eh?
Arreglan una línea temporal alternativa
con los mutantes casi extinguidos y perseguidos por los centinelas (creados por los humanos),pero se meten en otra con un mutante maloso (Apocalipsis) que ha eliminado a casi todos los humanos y gobierna con mano dura.En esa "realidad" el creador de la Patrulla X/X-men es...Magneto.

'X-Men: Apocalypse' Promises to Be Bigger Than 'Days of Future Past'. Director Bryan Singer and writer-producer Simon Kinberg tease that this highly-anticipated sequel deals with 'ancient mutancy.'

Director Bryan Singer is currently pulling double duty, putting the finishing touches on X-Men: Days of Future Past while working on the story for X-Men: Apocalypse. During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the filmmaker revealed that X-Men: Days of Future Past directly ties in to X-Men: Apocalypse, although fans won't quite realize that right away.

"You won't feel at the end of the movie that it set up Apocalypse. What it does is it sets up possibilities. But what we'll discover in Apocalypse is that events in this movie made that happen. Apocalypse deals with ancient mutancy. What would humans have thought mutants were? What would mutants think humans were? You're dealing with gods and things like that. And what if one survived and what if that found its way into our world?"

Writer-producer Simon Kinberg revealed that X-Men: Apocalypse will actually be bigger than X-Men: Days of Future Past, which has been called the biggest movie 20th Century Fox has produced since Avatar.

"From a visual standpoint it actually may be a bigger movie than X-Men: Days of Future Past because there'll be disaster movie imagery, like the title would imply."

The story, which the director is currently working on with writer-producer Simon Kinberg and X2: X-Men United writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, is loosely based on the 1990 comic story line Age of Apocalypse, which features the ancient mutant Apocalypse and an alternate universe. However, the director revealed this movie won't exactly create an alternate universe.

"[The movie] won't necessarily create an alternate universe, but there may be some swapping things that I'm playing with."

The story will follow Charles (James McAvoy), Erik (Michael Fassbender), Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) and Hank (Nicholas Hoult), and Bryan Singer reiterated a report from last month that he wants to bring back mutants Gambit and Nightcrawler, although he wants to show them at different ages.

"I'm excited because I want to start introducing familiar characters at different ages and also explore the '80s."

James Marsden Wants to Return as Cyclops in 'X-Men: Apocalypse'. The actor wasn't asked to return for 'Days of Future Past', but champions the new film and the return of director Bryan Singer.

When X-Men first debuted in 2000, a lot of fans had the biggest problem with James Marsden as Cyclops. Maybe he was too young. Maybe he was too pretty. But now that time has passed, 14 years to be exact, most fans have a strong affinity for his performance, which has only gotten better with age. By 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, the actor owned the character of Scott Summers, and just as many fans who hated his appearance in the original movie were now disappointed to hear that he wouldn't be returning for this summer's X-Men: Days of Future Past. Especially since his diverse career turns since 2000 have pulled in a variety of different fans across genre spectrums.

But maybe he won't stay gone for long. Asked if he was going to return in X-Men: Apocalypse or any of the other impending sequels or spin-offs, James Marsden admits that he'd like to reprise his role as Scott Summers in some capacity, somewhere down the road. He has no ill will towards the X-Men: Days of Future Past filmmakers, and is as excited as any fan to see this next chapter. He also champions the return of Bryan Singer to the franchise.

Here's what he had to say:

"I've always been very proud of my role and it's out of my hands. It's nice to see Bryan [Singer] go back in and turn the boat a little bit. I'm happy for those that made it back. I'd like to. I get excited watching the trailers because I'm excited for the continuance of the X-Men world. I'm a fan of X-Men and I know it'll be a kick ass movie."

He was also asked the difference between making a Marvel movie in 2000, when they were fairy uncommon, compared to now, when one comes out almost every other month.

"I loved being a part of those movies. It was a great group of people. It was rare to get fans excited for a comic book movie, and do well at the box office with films that critics loved, too. I mean nobody doesn't like them."

In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Tim Pocock played a young Scott Summers, so we know the role isn't completely sacred.

If Fox does decide to bring Cyclops back in X-Men: Apocalypse or a future spin-off, do you want to see James Marsden reprise the role? Or is it time to cast someone new? There are still three unconfirmed X-Men: Days of Future Past cameos. Maybe James Marsden is returning as Cyclops sooner than we think.

Wolverine estará en 'X-Men: Apocalypse', que podría rodarse junto con 'Wolverine sequel'

A falta tan solo de unas semanas para el estreno de 'X-Men: Días del futuro pasado', la franquicia X-Men sigue sin dar ningún tipo de síntoma de desaceleración. Después, ya el 27 de mayo de 2016 llegará 'X-Men: Apocalypse', mientras que 'Wolverine sequel' llegará el 3 de marzo de 2017. Anteriormente sabíamos que Apocalypse se centrará más en el equipo de First Class, con James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence y Nicholas Hoult como primeros actores confirmados para el reparto.

Ahora se ha confirmado que Hugh Jackman también estará en el film, por lo que ante un calendario tan apretado el estudio podría optar por rodar las dos películas conjuntamente. Durante un reciente pase de prensa de 'X-Men: Days of Future Past', tanto Jackman como los productores Lauren Shuler Donner y Hutch Parker confirmaron la presencia del actor en 'Apocalypse', así como dejaron abierta la posibilidad de que ambas cintas se rueden a la vez. Esto sería una gran ventaja para Jackman, principalmente a la hora de mantener su físico.

Jackman dijo que le ayudó mucho que sólo pasaran cuatro meses entre el rodaje de 'The Wolverine' y 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' (entre medias rodó 'Prisoners'):

“Es algo que agota físicamente. Supe que haría 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' un mes antes de terminar 'The Wolverine', así que ya me mentalicé en seguir con mis trucos de comidas. Es mucho más fácil así, porque alcanzar ese nivel es muy difícil, pero una vez llegas es mucho más sencillo mantenerte”.

Algunos de los X-Men originales volverán para 'X-Men: Apocalypse'

Con 'X-Men: Días del futuro pasado' demostrando su poderío en taquilla, 20th Century Fox anda planeando la que será próxima entrega de la franquicia, 'X-Men: Apocalypse', cuyo estreno está previsto para el 27 de mayo de 2016. En una conversación con The Daily Beast, el guionista Simon Kinberg ha revelado interesantes detalles acerca de la octava entrega del universo X-Men de Fox:

“Se centrará principalmente en el reparto de 'First Class', aunque no hay duda de que también participarán algunos de los actores originales de X-Men”, dijo Kinberg. Nos queda la pregunta: ¿Qué actores podrían participar del elenco original?

Uno de ellos seguramente será Hugh Jackman como Wolverine, mientras que Patrick Stewart podría formar también parte del reparto después de que hace unos días él mismo bromeara con esta posibilidad. ¿Significaría su presencia nuevos viajes en el tiempo?, ¿Tendremos un futuro alternativo del popular cómic 'Age of Apocalypse'? Sólo el tiempo lo dirá, pues de momento son muchas preguntas y pocas respuestas.

Rumor: Fox quiere retirar a Bryan Singer de la dirección de ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’. Preocupa el conflicto de producción con las fechas de su posible juicio por abuso sexual, y la aparición de nuevos casos contra el director.

Radar On Line informa, citando fuentes propias, que Fox quiere retirar a Bryan Singer del cargo de director de X-Men: Apocalypse, por los problemas de agenda que podría provocar el proceso legal abierto contra Singer, dadas las acusaciones de abusos sexuales contra menores vertidas contra el responsable de Valkiria y Sospechosos Habituales. De momento, según estas fuentes, Fox quiere mantener a Singer como productor y ha intentado dialogar con él sobre posibles sustitutos, con poco éxito.

Las fuentes aseguran que el equipo legal de Singer ha proporcionado a la Fox pruebas rotundas que confirman la inocencia de Singer, pero el estudio no ve el asunto como una cuestión moral, sino económica.

“Les da igual si es inocente o culpable. No están seguros de que (el proceso legal) no afecte significativamente a la producción. Para Fox, todo se reduce a darle o no entre 250 y 350 millones de dólares para rodar Apocalypse“, según estas fuentes. Medios respetables como Badass Digest se han hecho eco de la noticia.

“Las conversaciones sobre su sustituto no han derivado más que en agrias discusiones y abandonos de la sala”, añadieron las fuentes.

Ahora mismo, Fox está preocupada por dos cosas: el juicio en sí, para el que todavía no hay una fecha fijada, y la posibilidad de que pueda aparecer otro caso contra Singer días antes del estreno de Apocalypse –27 de mayo de 2016 en EEUU–, siempre según Radar.

De resultar Singer finalmente expulsado, el director percibirá una importante indemnización, ya que su acuerdo para dirigir el film está “cerrado desde hace meses”.
Más de 250 millones...

Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk
- Bear...ded X Men, así que no problemo.




Bryan Singer seduce a los fans de “X-Men: Apocalipsis” con una imagen del guion

En su cuenta de Instagram, Bryan Singer ha colgado una fotografía de una página del guion de “X-Men: Apocalypse”, cuyo estreno está previso para el 27 de mayo de 2016. El cineasta se une así a la cada vez mayor tendencia de mantener a los fans encandilados con informaciones diseminadas y más o menos sugerentes.


'X-Men: Apocalypse' Begins Shooting April 2015 in Montreal
Set construction will begin at Mel's Studios in Montreal this December, with shooting set to start next April on 'X-Men: Apocalypse'.

Director Bryan Singer is returning to Montreal to shoot X-Men: Apocalypse at Mel's Studios, the same place he shot this year's X-Men: Days of Future Past, where over 40 sets were built.

Principal photography won't begin until April 2015, but the sequel will open their production office next month, with set construction slated to begin in December. X-Men: Days of Future Past generated over $100 million for the local Montreal economy during their shoot last year. Production also took place outside of Mel's Studios, in 40 separate locations throughout the city

While little has been confirmed about the plot of X-Men: Apocalypse, we reported in March that the project will be a 1980s period piece that will serve as more of a direct sequel to X-Men: First Class, primarily focusing on the younger mutants from that film and X-Men: Days of Future Past.

However, writer-producer Simon Kinberg revealed in May that cast members from the original X-Men trilogy, who were also featured in X-Men: Days of Future Past, may be involved as well.

The end credit scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past featured a young Apocalypse, considered to be the first mutant ever, assembling the pyramids in Egypt with his telepathic powers.

All we know for sure about X-Men: Apocalypse is that Bryan Singer is directing from a script by Simon Kinberg, Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty.

James McAvoy Will Go Bald as Professor X in 'X-Men: Apocalypse'
James McAvoy talks about returning as an older Charles Xavier in the upcoming sequel 'X-Men: Apocalypse'.

While people still wonder if Jesse Eisenberg is going to be bald as Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, James McAvoy, who plays the young Professor X in X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past, thinks he will shave his scalp down for his next appearance as the character in X-Men: Apocalypse.

While he can't say much about the character's arc this time around, or what the storyline will contain, James McAvoy did tease the upcoming sequel, explaining that director Bryan Singer is allowing Charles Xavier to mature quite a bit.

"I'll be older in this one. [And] I think I'm losing my hair finally. And, yeah, that's kind of all I know."

It actually sounds like the actor doesn't know much more than we do. He hasn't seen the script yet, explaining:

"I got an email from the [producer/writer Simon Kinberg] who informed me he was getting dead excited about stuff, but he didn't want to divulge anything for a couple of weeks, so I really don't know. It does seem fairly global, if we're talking apocalypse. Maybe it's just the character's name, but I think the nature of the film is going to be fairly apocalyptic."

Se confirma oficialmente que Bryan Singer dirigirá “X-Men: Apocalipsis”

Ya se sabía, pero ha sido ahora cuando Fox ha confirmado oficialmente que Bryan Singer dirigirá “X-Men: Apocalipsis”, nuevo paso adelante de la franquicia mutante que se estrenará el 27 de mayo de 2016. Para que no queden dudas.


X-Men: Apocalypse' Will Recast Storm, Jean Grey and Cyclops
Simon Kinberg says original 'X-Men' characters will be recast for 'Apocalypse', since it takes place 20 years before the first movie.

We reported earlier today that Bryan Singer has finalized his deal to direct X-Men: Apocalypse, with Deadline confirming that younger versions of Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey and others will be a part of the sequel. This means the production will have to recast these iconic characters, since X-Men: Apocalypse is set in the 1980s, several years before the original X-Men movie.

Here's an excerpt from Deadline's story which offers the first plot details.

"Apocalypse takes place a decade after Days of Future Past and is a seamless next step in the story. The altering of time has unleashed a new and uniquely powerful enemy. Charles (James McAvoy), Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Raven/Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Hank/Beast (Nicholas Hoult) are joined by young Cyclops, Storm, Jean and others as the X-Men fight their most formidable foe yet: an ancient unrelenting force determined to cause an apocalypse unlike any in human history."

Just before the Bryan Singer news broke, X-Men producer Simon Kinberg held a video Q&A session with Yahoo!, where he offered an update on the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse. X-Men: Days of Future Past was set both in the 1970s and present day, which allowed original X-Men stars such as Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart to interact with their younger counterparts. Since X-Men: Apocalypse is set in the 1980s, Simon Kinberg revealed that if they did bring any of the original characters back like Jean Grey, Storm and Cyclops, they would have to be re-cast.

"If we included some of the original X-Men, like Storm, Jean, Scott, and others, yeah we would have to recast them, because Apocalypse takes place a good twenty years before X-Men 1, which now insanely was fifteen years ago. It would be very hard to do. Halle (Berry), Famke (Janssen), and Jimmy (Marsden), and others have done such wonderful jobs of bringing those characters to life and they're so identified, those actors, with the parts now. So it would be a tall task, but I also would have said before First Class there would be no way we could find actors who could stand alongside Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, and I think we managed to with Michael (Fassbender) and James (McAvoy) finding their own interpretation of the characters, not doing an impersonation. So, are we going to have to recast? If some of those characters were in the movie we would, but we'll see."

A younger Scott Summers was already recast and appeared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, played by Tim Pocock. There is no indication that the actor will return to reprise the role, one that has been forgotten by many fans of the franchise.

When asked by a fan if new mutants from X-Men: Days of Future Past, such as Bishop (Omar Sy), will return for X-Men: Apocalypse, the producer had this to say.

"The X-Men film that we're working on now as everybody knows is X-Men: Apocalypse and that really follows the stories of the let's say First Class X-Men. Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, many others of that generation of X-Men. So, in future X-Men? Perhaps, but in Apocalypse it will really be the continuation of the 'past' of Days of Future Past."

The ending of X-Men: Days of Future Past left fans wondering if past movies such as X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine are redundant. Simon Kinberg revealed that those movies are not redundant, but they did re-write the history shown in those movies.

"Redundant, no, but we certainly rewrite some of the history of X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. One of the things we talk about in X-Men: Days of Future Past is that you can change the future. It's like a stream that moves in one direction. You can create a new ripple in it, but you don't necessarily change the current. We did, in Days of Future Past, change some things, but, like you see at the end of the film, they end up back at the mansion, in the future, so most of the current continued in the same direction, so most of the things that would have happened in X1, X2 and X3, still happened, but with slight adjustments."
2 noticias...


'X-Men: Apocalypse' May Include Scarlet Witch, Cable and Psylocke
Writer/producer Simon Kinberg teases some of the new characters and addresses continuity problems in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Simon Kinberg participated in a pretty lengthy Q&A on UK Yahoo in anticipation of X-Men: Days of Future Past, which is available on VOD this week before its Blu-ray release October 14th. In it, he teases some of the new characters that may be introduced in X-Men: Apocalypse. He also addresses some of the continuity issues raised by X-Men: Days of Future Past, including how Wolevrine will eventually gets his adamantium claws, and whether or not Mystique is still the mother of Nightcrawler.

First, lets look at some of the new characters that might be brought into this installment of the Marvel mutant franchise, which include fan favorites Scarlet Witch, Cable and Psylocke.

Psylocke, who appears in a very small part in X-Men: The Last Stand, was originally supposed to appear in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but Simon Kinberg explains that they just couldn't make it happen:

"She's a fan favorite, and also a favorite of mine. We have a small part that she plays in X-Men: The Last Stand, and we talked about including her in X-Men: Days of Future Past quite seriously actually. There was a version of the script she was in and we even auditioned some actors in Montreal. But we didn't feel there was enough of a part she would play in a movie that was already full of many, many mutants. She has a cool power. I know Bryan Singer thinks she's a neat character so there's certainly a chance she'll be in an 'X-Men' movie some day. Hopefully there'll be a lot of 'X-Men' movies and there's lot of mutants we're yet to fully explore onscreen, even if they've had cameos before. Now we're making more films there's a chance to dig deeper."

Also on the roster of possibilities is Scarlet Witch, who will be making her first big screen appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron as played by Elizabeth Olsen. As many know, Marvel Studios, Disney and 20th Century Fox all have rights to use the character in their respective series, something they've already done with Quicksilver, who was a definite favorite in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Will Scarlet join her brother in X-Men: Apocalypse?

"When we made X-Men: Days of Future Past there is a reference to her in the scene when they're at Quicksilver's house, but we ended up pulling it out because like a lot of things it had to be sacrificed for the main momentum of the film. It's a character we all love, because everyone loves Quicksilver so much. The more we can do to explore his family, the better. So maybe."

Finally we come to Cable, who has a very obsessive fan base. He might make it to the big screen in 2016 as well.

"We also talked about including him in X-Men: Days of Future Past. I will say, we love the character, we'd love to find a place for him in these movies, but I cannot confirm or deny which characters will actually be in X-Men: Apocalypse until I read some spoilers!"

Characters that definitely won't be in the movie include those Mutants seen in the future portion of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

"X-Men: Apocalypse really follows the stories of the X-Men: First Class mutants, so in future X-Men films, perhaps, but in X-Men: Apocalypse, it'll really be the younger generations."

The same goes for most of the original trilogy mutants:

"I'm entirely focused on X-Men: Apocalypse and hopefully the best film in the franchise [but] it would be lovely to work with the original actors again. Perhaps, but right now it's all X-Men: Apocalypse."

Simon Kinberg goes onto address some of the continuity issues fans have had a problem with ever since X-Men: Days of Future Past hit the big screen. The biggest question left hanging in the air is whether or not Wolverine will get his adamantium claws in this new timeline:

"We don't see it because he doesn't pop his claws at the end of the movie [but like with elements of the story] perhaps how he got his claws is different. But he lands ultimately in the same destination."

That seems to indicate his path will still lead to his body being laced with the indestructible metal. But what about Nightcrawler? Is he still the son of Azazel and Mystique?

"Since Azazel was killed, does this mean that Mystique gave birth to Nightcrawler in the time between X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past? All I will say is that ten years transpired between X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past, so anything is possible. She's a young woman in her 20s going on 30s... and I will leave it at that."

Next comes the question of whether or not Magneto is still the father of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, here in the X-Men universe? In Disney and Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, Magneto is not legally able to be included or mentioned.

"It is a fascinating relationship. Erik grew up without a family, it's such a huge part of him, of his mission. So the idea of exploring what it means for Magneto to be a father and reconnect with a son many years after his birth, is fascinating and certainly something that would be interesting to explore in future films."

What about Charles and Magneto's relationship in X-Men: Apocalypse? Are they now friends in this timeline?

"At the end of the movie [Magneto] flies away without his helmet, with the implication that he'll go off and continue to be Magneto in some form, but not be able to hide it from Charles, who'll be able to read his mind and track him. There's a truce of some kind between Charles and Magneto, but there's a part of Magneto that will always be the Magneto we know from the comics."


'X-Men: Apocalypse' Will End the 'First Class' Trilogy
Simon Kinberg hints that there will be new and familiar characters in 'X-Men: Apocalypse', and confirms 'Days of Future Past' altered the timeline.

Writer-producer Simon Kinberg recently took a break from working on the X-Men: Apocalypse script to hold a video Q&A session with Yahoo! Movies UK. We already know that the story will be set in the 1980s, following the younger cast of X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past, but Simon Kinberg revealed today that X-Men: Apocalypse will be the last of a trilogy featuring these characters.

"The thrust of Apocalypse is really to complete the trilogy we began with First Class - to complete the stories of young Raven, young Hank, younger Charles and Erik. And complete this trilogy of four people who began the films sort of disparate and in different worlds...[and who] we've followed through the span of decades. So that'll be the thrust. There will be familiar characters and new characters that we haven't seen... ever... but it'll be the completion of what we began in First Class."

If X-Men: Apocalypse brings this trilogy to an end, where will the franchise go from there? Will Simon Kinberg and Bryan Singer go back to the original X-Men characters, or will they start completely from scratch? We still have two more years before X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters, so we'll have to wait and see what their plans for the future may be.

He also reiterated his statement from a portion of this same Q&A released earlier this week, that X-Men: Days of Future Past does alter the timeline for the movies that take place "after" the events portrayed in DOFP, including X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand and last year's The Wolverine.

"We changed the timeline for everything that came after DOFP - so X-Men 1, 2 and 3, even The Wolverine. So Jean [Grey] was not killed in Last Stand, nor was Scott, and a whole lot of other things rippled."

In the portion of the Q&A released earlier this week, Simon Kinberg revealed that they would have to re-cast original X-Men characters such as Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm, since the movie is set in the 1980s and they will all be much younger. The producer also teased that X-Men: Apocalypse may include characters such as Scarlet Witch, Cable and Psylocke.

Are you more or less excited about X-Men: Apocalypse now? What would you like to see the X-Men franchise tackle next after this new trilogy is over? Chime in with your thoughts below, and to check out the full 17-minute Q&A session with Simon Kinberg.

Comienza el casting de “X-Men: Apocalipsis”

Nada como generar noticias sobre cualquier cosa que rodea a una película para mantener el interés de los aficionados. Un buen ejemplo es la imagen que acompaña estas líneas, publicada por Bryan Singer en su cuenta de Instagram. Un montón de sillas vacías, y unas palabras: «¡comienza el glamouroso proceso de casting!». En breve esos asientos tendrán nombre y apellidos, los de los protagonistas definitivos de “X-Men: Apocalipsis”. Estreno el 27 de mayo de 2016.

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