Alex Garland La Guerra Civil

Ni cotiza quienes van a ser los estados buenos y malos.

El mangina éste del Gayrland ya está temiendo que DONALDO llega. Sufre, perro. SUFRE.
Ni cotiza quienes van a ser los estados buenos y malos.

Though it might be about total societal disintegration in a very near-future version of the United States of America, Civil War is neither an anti-Trump exemplum nor an anti-woke one. And that lack of a clear-cut message is liable to cheese off all the right people (not to mention the left ones). But Garland, the writer and director of Ex Machina, Annihilation and Men, is defiantly uninterested here in taking a side. Rather, his film is about the business of side-taking itself, and where our growing mania for doing so ultimately leads.

A mí de Garland se me ha atragantado siempre todo, pero veremos...
Ni AntiTrump ni Antiwoke. Vamos el PP.
Según esa crítica, (afortunadamente) no va de eso: his film is about the business of side-taking itself, and where our growing mania for doing so ultimately leads. (y el PP, a día de hoy, es antitrumpo y prowoke; se mueve por intereses, no por convicciones).

With what delight could I have walked thee round,
If I could joy in aught, sweet interchange
Of hill, and valley, rivers, woods, and plains,
Now land, now sea and shores with forest crowned,
Rocks, dens, and caves! But I in none of these
Find place or refuge; and the more I see
Pleasures about me, so much more I feel

Torment within me
Según esa crítica, (afortunadamente) no va de eso: his film is about the business of side-taking itself, and where our growing mania for doing so ultimately leads. (y el PP, a día de hoy, es antitrumpo y prowoke; se mueve por intereses, no por convicciones).

With what delight could I have walked thee round,
If I could joy in aught, sweet interchange
Of hill, and valley, rivers, woods, and plains,
Now land, now sea and shores with forest crowned,
Rocks, dens, and caves! But I in none of these
Find place or refuge; and the more I see
Pleasures about me, so much more I feel

Torment within me
Pero qué coño son estos últimos mensajes? Y por qué moderación no hace nada al respecto?
20 años después, Kirsten Dunst sigue llorando porque cobró menos que Spider-Man, en esa trilogía llamada Spider-Man.

El sojas de Garland le da la razón, claro.
Vamos a ver la prueba del algodón que NUNCA FALLA. A ver,

Vamos a investigar.

A ver...


Si Kirsten me comiera el rabo, yo le pagaría por ello más de lo que ella me pagaría a mi.

Pues no sé de qué se queja.
CIVIL WAR. What a terrifying film. Dramatizes what form DOMESTIC conflict might take, Makes one think twice before casually using the term "civil war." Makes one realize how fortunate American has been for 175 years. Forget zombies and space aliens, this is a HORROR FILM.

Paul Schrader
Arriba Pie