Avatar 2 ...y 3.. y 4!!!

Buff qué perezón me da ver de nuevo esos decorados de los laboratorios , que ya en la primera película ya me parecían bastante sosos a nivel de diseño futurista... me espero a ver Pandora.
Lo mejor es ver el primer mensaje del hilo

Cameron added that he hopes to do an Avatar sequel, but he wants to do it "cheaper and faster." He said the sequel will be "a continuation of the same characters. We're going to widen the universe in quotes, meaning the envelope of the setting of the story."

El inquietante Landau dice:

“This is the story of the Sully family and what one does to keep their family together. Jake and Neytiri have a family in this movie, they are forced to leave their home, they go out and explore the different regions of Pandora, including spending quite a bit of time on the water, around the water, in the water.”

“As we’ve moved on with the sequels to Avatar we made a very conscious decision to stage the whole four sequels on Pandora. We don’t need to go to another world if we want water, we’re going to go to the oceans of Pandora.

”It’s a continuation of the same characters, but what happen when warriors that are willing to go on suicide charges, and leap off cliffs on to the back of big orange toruks, what happens when they grow up and have their own kids? It becomes a very different story. Now the kids are the risk-takers and the change-makers. So, it’s interesting, but it makes sense to me. Everybody’s either a parent, or they had parents at the very least, and if you look at the big successful franchises now, they’re pretty much uninterested in that.”

“We’re going to go to totally different environments, we’re going to meet different cultures. Just like our planet is as diverse culturally as we are environmentally. We want to introduce people to different cultures. In the first movie, we only met the Omaticaya clan, and they are the clan here allowing us to come to the Valley of Mo’ara. But as we venture out we’re going to different environments and different clans.”
Supongo que las habilidades como bussinessman de Jon Landau serán bastante superiores a las de comercial, porque sus declaraciones sobre las secuelas dan covid, sida y sarna 3 en uno.

Ya con la primera frase queda claro que el target son las familias de Oklahoma que quieren ver clases de táctica aérea impartidas en el hangar de los cazas.

Un saludete.
Última edición:
Hombre, es un arte conceptual..
No le exijamos fotogrametría y ray tracing hasta en la poya.
Bastante chulo está para que encima fuese un concepto desechado.
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