BOND 24: SPECTRE - de nuevo con Craig y Mendes

Rápido porque está desapareciendo al instante. Aunque no sé yo... me suena un poco raro, no sé porqué.

¿Son estas las primeras imágenes de la nueva película de James Bond?

Aparece en Youtube un avance de apenas medio minuto que desvelaría el título de la entrega número 24: «Come and dive»

Son unos 20 segundos que apenas anticipan nada pero el valor de las imágenes no reside en lo que cuenta, sino en lo que anticipa: de confirmarse que son auténticas, se trataría del primer avance de la nueva película de James Bond, la número 24, y de paso sabríamos que llevará por título «Come and dive» (literalmente, «Ven y bucea»).

Sobre las imágenes, poco que comentar: una mujer en un cementerio; James Bond, de nuevo encarnado por Daniel Craig, observando a la mujer, y un par de segundos finales copados por un mirador en una playa solitaria. Todo bajo los acordes de un tema musical melancólico.

La película llegará a los cines en octubre de 2015.

BOND 24: COME AND DIVE - Official Teaser Trailer (2015) [HD] Daniel Craig - YouTube
No. Hasta dentro de seis meses por lo menos no mueven una cámara.

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Las últimas noticias apuntan a que el rodaje comenzará en octubre.

De hace 3 semanas:
BOND 24 scheduled to shoot in October

During a recent interview Ralph Fiennes stated that the new Bond film will start principal photography this October. He allegedly has not read the script yet (and, of course, would not have been allowed to say anything if he had) – but his statement seems to be the first genuine news about the film really moving forward in the fall of 2014.

So, let the speculations begin: The director (Sam Mendes) is in place and the script seems to be in good enough shape to hire the actors now for a particular time frame. The recent news of cinematographer Roger Deakins not returning mean that EON is looking for a replacement right now (if they haven´t found him/her already).

Will there be a kick-off press conference like they did for SKYFALL on the eve of its first shooting day? Or will they announce something much earlier – during the Cannes film festival maybe? In any event, news will be forthcoming during the next couple of months – even if they are only rumors. Which, in the case of SKYFALL, mostly turned out to be true (the title, the demise of M, the casting of Moneypenny).
En efecto, según leí a Logan estaban dando los últimos repasitos al guión y bueno, pues ahora la preproducción.
No fuese verdad.

Chiwetel Ejiofor, primer candidato a villano de ‘Bond 24′, según The Wrap. "En cabeza" dentro del grupo de actores bajo consideración.

Chiwetel Ejiofor es el primer actor considerado para dar vida al villano de Bond 24, que dirigirá Sam Mendes, según han informado a The Wrap fuentes cercanas al proyecto, sin que la productora haya confirmado esta información.

Ejiofor, de hecho, todavía no cuenta con una oferta en firme, pero se le presume como “principal candidato” frente a otros actores bajo consideración.

¿Estará Penélope Cruz en 'Bond 24'?

El pasado verano ya se habló de la posibilidad de que Penélope Cruz tuviese un papel en la película de Sam Mendes, 'Bond 24'. Pero nada se ha sabido desde entonces, por lo que sigue en el aire su posible participación. La revista The French Premiere ha publicado ahora un documento al parecer bastante creíble donde se puede ver el nombre de la actriz española junto con los de Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes y Naomie Harris.

Si se confirma esta información, Cruz seguiría los pasos de su marido Javier Bardem, villano de la última entrega de la franquicia, 'Skyfall'. También sería una de las actrices de más renombre que participe en la saga Bond, teniendo en cuenta que sería la primera chica Bond con un Oscar (Halle Berry lo ganó después de aparecer en Bond).

Cruz tiene la suerte de poder elegir sus papeles y trabajar con directores que realmente son de su agrado. Ridley Scott, Woody Allen o Pedro Almodóvar son algunos de sus elegidos en los últimos años, aunque también tuvo tiempo para participar en una franquicia de éxito como 'Piratas del Caribe: En mareas misteriosas'.

En el documento vemos una notable ausencia, la de Chiwetel Ejiofor, quien recientemente sonó como adversario de Bond. Esto podría ser bien porque su presencia todavía no está confirmada o bien porque el documento es anterior a la noticia de su participación en el film. Se espera que la próxima aventura de Bond, todavía sin título definido, llegue a los cines el 23 de noviembre de 2015.

Director Sam Mendes Wants to Finish 'Skyfall' Story in 'Bond 24'. He was reluctant to return, but realized there were far too many questions left unanswered that he had to account for.

While we've heard in the past that Bond 24 will be a direct continuation of Skyfall, director Sam Mendes has spoken out about this for the first time, revealing that, while he was reluctant to return to the franchise, there were still a lot of unanswered questions that he needed to account for.

Speaking with Charlie Rose, the director explains that he simply did not want to return to the world of James Bond after completing what some fans feel is the best entry in the series in over two decades. But there was an itch to finish what he had started, as he left a lot of story threads lingering in the wind.

"I started a number of stories that were incomplete. I cast a new M, I cast a new Moneypenny, I cast a new Q, I cast a new Tanner. There was a missing piece now. I felt like there was a way to create the second part of a two-part story. And then I started to get really interested again, when they agreed to wait a little longer and not go immediately and not go with two movies but with one, which I felt very strongly about."

It was at one time rumored that Sam Mendes would actually direct Bond 24 and Bond 25 back-to-back, but at this time he is only signed to return for one movie. While Sony Pictures was hoping for a Skyfall trilogy, the director hints that this may only be a two-picture deal.

He explains some of the details that he wants to bring back in this direct sequel to the 2012 film.

"What we tried to do, and audiences seemed to embrace in Skyfall, was that for the first time characters were allowed to age, and they were allowed to acknowledge the passing of the years, and were allowed to acknowledge the history - in a kind of sly, mischievous way - the history of the franchise that they've been part of."
Por un momento me he asustado y he pensado que iban a volver a la trama de Quantum y nosequeotrasmierdas.

'Skyfall' Writers Return for 'Bond 24'; Production Delayed Until December. Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who have worked on many of the recent 'Bond' films, are giving John Logan's 'Bond 24' screenplay a polish, which is delaying the 'Skyfall' sequel slightly.

Bond 24, which will serve as a true sequel to Skyfall, is only 18 months away from its November 2015 release date. While that's not set to change, production is being delayed until this December, as original Skyfall writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade are brought into polish the screenplay by John Logan.

A reverese of order was implemented on Skyfall. Neal Purvis and Robert Wade wrote the original draft, with John Logan coming in after the fact to tighten things up. He has been working on the new Bond 24 for months now, with the original team stepping back in to punch up the jokes and add more insight into the past world of James Bond, giving the film a touch of history.

As a pair, Neal Purvis and Robert Wade have been with the franchise for a long time. Their past Bond movies include The World Is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Casino Royale, and Quantum of Solace.

A source close to the project explained,

"Let's call it polite turmoil. People are getting on with their work, but we have to wait for the script, so filming won't begin till December, a few months later than they wanted"

As of now, Bond 24 is keeping its November 2015 release date, though that makes for a rather tight 10 month schedule.
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