Disney's Star Wars: The Force Awakens continued to dominate the box office on Monday with an estimated $31.4 million. The blockbuster seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise was down 27 percent from Sunday and down 22 percent from last Monday, as yesterday's grosses in general benefited greatly from the ongoing holiday season. The Force Awakens now claims the two largest Monday grosses of all-time, as yesterday's gross only trailed the film's record-breaking $40.11 million take last Monday. The second Monday gross for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was 62 percent stronger than the $19.42 million second Monday gross of 2009's Avatar.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has grossed a massive $571.46 million in just eleven days. That already places The Force Awakens in fifth place on the all-time unadjusted domestic box office chart and in 36th place on the all-time adjusted domestic chart. The Force Awakens is currently running 38 percent ahead of the $414.37 million eleven-day start of Jurassic World earlier this year and 146 percent ahead of the $232.13 million elven-day gross of Avatar. The Force Awakens is set to surpass the $600 million domestic mark either today or on Wednesday. That will easily make The Force Awakens the fastest film to ever reach the $600 million domestic mark, as current record holder Jurassic World took 36 days to reach the $600 million milestone.
Overseas, Star Wars: The Force Awakens took in an estimated $39.4 million on Monday. The film has now grossed $589.7 million overseas and $1.161 billion globally.