Borinot sense trellat
Act, tampoco te emociones tanto porque la tele, perfecta, no es
Yo creo que deben ser de las últimas que fabrican de este modelo, y ya deben ser la leche. No quiero imaginar como saldrá laGen 2 (igual un churro al principio, que estas cosas ya se sabe).
Me tienta no sabes como...ains, si viniese una oferta de esas locas y Hacienda se portase conmigo... .-D
¿Podrías tocar en la CMS la luminancia del rojo, magenta y alguna otra cosa y comprobar mediante Digital Video Essential lo que he puesto? Más que nada para verificar. A ver si notas un efecto un poco raro en la mejilla de la chica que desaparece nada más restaurar la cms
CON artefactos (ISF 1)...
SIN artefactos (THX)...
...a comenzar de nuevo
Hi everyone..i'm back home now and have only a short time to post before i need to go cook dinner. I'm not going to be able to get back to this thread for a fair while i'm afraid so do bear with me...i've got a lot of stuff to do in next two weeks...
As has been said this was my first go at one of these "new" models. As such it took much longer than a usual calibration. This was two fold. One, because I needed to understand how the display behaves when different settings are applied and two because I had hoped to collect a pile of data from it to help me try to collate a more in depth report about what is going on.
The reports you generally get on reviews, are for me, not really in depth enough and do not give the whole picture. Also with certain types of displays you will find that if you use different patterns you get different results...While my stuff was busy measuring hundreds of coloured pathces for this in depth reporting attempt i had a read of the reviews online....which was enlightening.... My plan was to measure 1000+ colour points to give a much truer representation of how the set is behaving pre and post calibration. This takes a significant amount of time...and unfortunately i can't show you that data as it appears that there is stuff going on in the sets that currently is invalidating that that'll be for another day.
The Limey had been using the suggested settings from the forum review. I would suggest that while they may make some sets more accurate they may make others less so. From what i measured it would look like there is likely some obvious variance in performance with these sets. Calibration is not a simple task with them it seems as they behave very much like plasma displays in that their ABL circuit (and other stuff that i've still to get my head around) can easily confuse measurements, if you are not careful or do not understand what it is you are seeing. So dilligence and correct methodology is required to get consistent repeatable results. For my part i can share with you that the multi-point white balance does not line up with the stimulus levels all the time...and that the colour errors within the colour cube are quite non linear, so if you are self calibrating make sure to take that in to account. I am not going to delve in to what that means other than to say it's "plasma like" behaviour and it makes fixing everything more difficult. It's pretty much the sort of thing that, to get perfect, requires use of external help like the Lumagen Canary Jules spoke of earlier.
My own feeling after id' finished is that it looked really nice. I was quite amazed at the black level and how amazingly black it is....also, it's very physically attractive set compared to my own plasma at home.....Looking forward to the next one!
Hay que acceder al menú de servicio, por lo penal o por lo criminal... , yo estoy a la espera de saber algo a nivel interno.He leído que se puede calibrar mejor el balance de blancos desde el propio menú de servicio de la tele, pero que para acceder a él se necesita una aplicación para móviles. Sabes algo de este tema? Yo puedo ponerme en contacto con un calibrador inglés que lo tiene hecho así
Tengo un Harmony 895 y un S5......Esa es una aplicación convencional de control remoto por IR. Necesitas que tu teléfono tenga emisor de infrarrojos (Galaxy S4, HTC One,...).
Puedes hacer lo mismo con un mando programable tipo Harmony.
Hay que acceder al menú de servicio, por lo penal o por lo criminal... , yo estoy a la espera de saber algo a nivel interno.He leído que se puede calibrar mejor el balance de blancos desde el propio menú de servicio de la tele, pero que para acceder a él se necesita una aplicación para móviles. Sabes algo de este tema? Yo puedo ponerme en contacto con un calibrador inglés que lo tiene hecho así
Esto de la apli del móvil no lo sabía. Si me dices al 100% que accedemos la compro ya !!!!!... espero tú visto bueno.
Dejo lo de la gamma pendiente para mañana o pasado...
Graaaaaaaaacias, a ello me pongo...Al 100% no te lo puedo asegurar porque todavía no lo he comprobado personalmente, pero digamos que la persona que me ha facilitado la información es de mi más entera confianza, y, efectivamente, necesitas por ejemplo un samsung S4 con IR, después introduces la contraseña para la tele, que es 0413, y según me comentan se puede acceder al menú de servicio.