Seth Meyers: Stefon... I was looking for something more WHOLESOME for Halloween. You know, a haunted house or a place to hear ghost stories.
Stefon: Oh, I know a story with a ghost in it!
Seth Meyers: Is it a Halloween-related story?
Stefon: Yes'm!
Seth Meyers: Okay.
Stefon: Can I have the lights down, please? [ the lights dim ] Oooooohhhhhh! "A long, long, long time ago -- like, say... six minutes ago -- there was once an old house. And in that house, there lived an old gay man that people called Slimerrrrr!"
Seth Meyers: Why did they call him "Slimer"?
Stefon: [ as the lights pot up ] Well, if you recall in the film "Ghostbusters", Slimer was able to hold -- shall we say? -- multiple hot dogs in his mouth at one time!
Seth Meyers: Oh, I understand it! Stop! I understand it -- stop!
Stefon: If you understood, you wouldn't want it to stop!
Seth Meyers: I do understand, and I DO want it to stop! I DO understand... and I DO want it to stop!
Stefon: Alright!
Seth Meyers: I understand; YOU don't understand!
Stefon: Good -- no, I FULLY understand!