El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado -CRÍTICAS-

Respuesta: El Hobbit

Joder, será que soy un carca, pero vaya titular más de blog-de-cosas-chanantes-sobre-cine para una noticia de El País.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

oye sabéis con certeza que si el hobbit se va a grabar con cámaras IMAX? me parecería una decisión muy acertada (viendo la calidad que dan) y dejando de lado el apestoso tema 3D...

es que si teniendo 500kk $ de presupuesto no lo tienen en cuenta mal vamos :fiu
Respuesta: El Hobbit

oye sabéis con certeza que si el hobbit se va a grabar con cámaras IMAX? me parecería una decisión muy acertada (viendo la calidad que dan) y dejando de lado el apestoso tema 3D...

es que si teniendo 500kk $ de presupuesto no lo tienen en cuenta mal vamos :fiu

De momento no se ha dicho nada de rodar con cámaras IMAX.

Incluso el tema de rodar en 3D no está oficialmente dicho por el propio Peter Jackson.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

no sé lo decía porque warner ha anunciado que se grabaran las de spiderman, batman y el hobbit en IMAX pero si no hay confirmación oficial de PJ nanay

Dudo incluso que esas películas se rueden integramente en IMAX por los costes (y limitaciones) que ello acarrea. Supongo que será como en la última de batman: escenas concretas y el resto hinchado para los pases en salas IMAX.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

hombre pues Nolan ha afirmado que la siguiente de batman INTEGRAMENTE IMAX
y si él puede Jackson amién! ojalá sea así o por lo menos las escenas más pitudas (intento pensar algunas) pero TODAS DEBERÍAN! :lol
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Pues el menda prefiere que se mantenga el aspecto de imagen de ESDLA, porque hacerlo en IMAX significaría pasarse a un formato 1,85:1 ¿no?
Respuesta: El Hobbit

No necesariamente. Tanto El Caballero Oscuro como Transformers 2 se exhibieron en las salas tradicionales con copias 2.35:1 y las escenas Imax estaban integradas en ellas con esa relación de aspecto. La cuestión es que eso se hizo a base de recortar altura de la imagen original de Imax para encajarlas con el resto de lo rodado, pero supongo que es cuestión de planificarlo bien.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

así es, en el caballero oscuro las escenas IMAX se recortaron a 16:9 (por lo menos para el blu-ray) mientras que el resto del filme es en 2.35:1, aún así la calidad quita el hipo



yo si fuera jackson explotaría todos los formatos... en resumidas cuentas: IMAX 1.33, cine 2.35:1, blu rays y dvds (alternancia 1.85:1 con 2.35:1) más o menos como ha hecho Cameron con su avatar...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

A mi personalmente los cambios de formato durante la película me desconciertan, por lo que preferiría que se centraran en uno solo.

Respecto a las limitaciones del IMAX, olvidaros de SteadyCams (ahí Peter Jackson lloraría) y de ubicaciones de cámara extrañas... Aunque siempre se puede combinar con otros formatos, pero ya estamos mezclando.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

A mi personalmente los cambios de formato durante la película me desconciertan, por lo que preferiría que se centraran en uno solo.

Respecto a las limitaciones del IMAX, olvidaros de SteadyCams (ahí Peter Jackson lloraría) y de ubicaciones de cámara extrañas... Aunque siempre se puede combinar con otros formatos, pero ya estamos mezclando.

Iba a decir lo mismo...coño, hasta igual es algo positivo.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

No sé si ya se ha dicho aquí, en este hilo...

Empire online:

Howard Shore para el hobbit

it was a good bet that Howard Shore would return to provide the audio accompaniment for Bilbo Baggins’ quest in the Hobbit films. But it wasn’t 100% confirmed – after all, while we’re pretty certain Jackson would have gone straight to Shore, there’s a chance the composer could have decided it was too much of a commitment and gracefully declined. But nope – he’s back.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

:palmas BRAVO Howard Shore de nuevo. Ya estoy impaciente por escuchar que muscia elige para esta película.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

BIOGRAFÍA EXCLUSIVA DE ONERING.NET de uno de los actores más desconocidos de EL HOBBIT:


I was born November 4 1946 in south-east London and attended Grammar School at Blackheath before heading to NZ with my family at age 16. I attended school for one more year, tried art school and then got my first job copywriting for a radio station before moving sideways into journalism. All this time I was engaged in amateur theatricals through which I met an advertising director who employed me to do voiceovers. That was 40 years ago.
While doing voiceovers I met professional actors and hadn’t realised there were such creatures in NZ. I was asked to audition for radio drama productions and started getting more and more work before being “spotted” by one of NZ’s then leading theatre directors, Mervyn Thompson, who offered me a fulltime contract at Downstage Theatre, New Zealand’s first professional theatre company.

I had also started getting some minor TV roles and applied my journalistic skills to writing for radio and stage.
I had also been doing some directing and continued this at the theatre and then into TV and the commercial world.
I have been in or directed more than 100 stage works, two dozen TV series, a few films, hundreds of radio plays, a number of commercials and literally thousands of voiceovers, including 150 documentaries. Whay great fun.
In the past few years I have directed a lot of NZ’s favourite “soap”, Shortland Street, more than 50 commercials, as well as dramatised documentaries, some of which I have also written. This year a film called The Kiwi Who Saved Britain, why I directed and co-wrote, screened here celebrating the victory of Kiwi Sir Keith Park over the invading Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain.

n recent years I have also worked as a sometime lecturer teaching acting and media studies students.I have lived in Auckland for the past 20 years. I am married to TVNZ executive Judi Callen.
The LOTR trilogy was one of the most magnificent pieces of cinematic work ever, and when I auditioned for The Hobbit it was not for the role I was eventually given but for Radagast. At the same time I did a voice audition for Smaug. And then, as is often the case in this business, heard nothing – for months.
I had occasion to ring my agent and said: “I’m finishing lecturing at the University soon and I need you to find me a job to set me up for my retirement, if ever that comes along.” For some reason she laughed.

Three days later she rang telling me of my casting for The Hobbit, both films, for the full length of the shoot. I had had two small roles in films here in NZ this year, but wonderful as they were both were for a matter of a few days’ work. This was something else.
After some more time I learnt the names of a few others in the cast and am honoured to be among such august company, a number of whom I have worked with over the years.
I have yet to see a script but believe there is a great deal of comedy and fun to be had amidst the adventure, danger and struggle. A friend warned me to check the nudity clause in my contract but I told them these are not horror films.
My character is Óin, the older brother of Glóin and they are the children of Gróin. Glóin is the father of Gimli, and given that character was played by John Rhys Davies I’m wondering if I need to bring out my “I’m the only 6ft dwarf in the village, look you, isn’t it” accent.
I did wonder about my casting and how they had made the choice – maybe the long hair and the beard sold it, I thought. But now that has all gone. Given that Óin is almost 200 years old I can presume only that it was the age. Maybe I’d like to think the fire of enthusiasm in my eye made a difference; Óin and Glóin are, after all, the firelighters.

From what I’ve seen, these two films will be even more extraordinary than LOTR.


Respuesta: El Hobbit

Peter Jackson utilzará camaras RED en 3D para rodar el HOBBIT:


Peter Jackson's two film adaptation of The Hobbit will be shot in 3D using RED DIGITAL CINEMA'S soon to be released EPIC Digital Cameras.

The successor to RED's industry changing RED ONE, the EPIC has 5K resolution, can shoot up to 120 frames per second and has a new HDRx™ mode for the highest dynamic range of any digital cinema camera ever made. Taking everything they had learned from building their first camera, RED designed the EPIC from scratch and have produced a smaller, lighter camera that is an order of magnitude more powerful.

The Hobbit will be amongst the first productions in the world to use the EPIC and at least thirty cameras will be required by the 3-D production. The EPIC'S small size and relatively low weight, makes it perfect for 3-D - where two cameras have to be mounted on each 3D rig.

Jackson has a long history with RED, dating back to when he directed the short film 'Crossing the Line' as a very early test of prototype RED ONE cameras. "I have always liked the look of Red footage." he says, "I'm not a scientist or mathematician, but the image Red produces has a much more filmic feel than most of the other digital formats. I find the picture quality appealing and attractive, and with the Epic, Jim and his team have gone even further. It is a fantastic tool, the Epic not only has cutting edge technology, incredible resolution and visual quality, but it is also a very practical tool for film makers. Many competing digital systems require the cameras to be tethered to large cumbersome VTR machines. The Epic gives us back the ability to be totally cable free, even when working in stereo."

Jim Jannard the owner and founder of RED flew to New Zealand earlier this year with members of his team so that Jackson could test the EPIC and assess its suitability. "Everybody at RED is incredibly proud that Peter has chosen the Epic" says Jannard, "The Hobbit is a major production, and could have chosen any camera system that they wanted. The fact that they went with us is extremely gratifying."

The Hobbit will start shooting in New Zealand early next year.

Respuesta: El Hobbit

Este tipo con una RED puede tener más peligro que un dictador coreano, esperemos que tengan un DP competente.
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