no, esta es la oficial
la de la otra, ya veremos si la saca, como amenazaba...
la de la otra, ya veremos si la saca, como amenazaba...
JWFan has received CONFIRMATION from Concord Records that the Indiana Jones: The Complete Soundtrack Collection boxed set will indeed include EXPANDED VERSIONS of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
All three original soundtracks (Raiders, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade) will be expanded and remastered, including material never before issued on CD. Track listings are not available yet. The box set will also include the standard Kingdom of the Crystal Skull soundtrack (released earlier this year, no bonus material added) plus an exclusive audio interview CD with John Williams.
The reissues of the three original soundtracks will only be available in the box set and will not be sold individually until later this year or early next.
Atreus dijo:Ardo en deseos de echarle mano al CD del Templo... cada vez que oigo los bootlegs que circulan por ahí, me empequeñezco de súbito con esa orquestación, con esa densidad instrumental... Santa maría madre de diox, esto sí que es top ten de Johnnie.
KLopeK dijo:¿Y que dice así, a grosso modo?
Totalmente de acuerdo, compañero. ¡Y la música de la secuencia en que Indy pilla las tres piedras! Esta BSO tiene una densidad que me vuelve loco: cada vez que escucho los temas encuentro instrumentos y líneas melódicas secundarias que antes no había notado, por eso con BUEN sonido tiene que ser...KLopeK dijo:Diamond Deal and Antidote, (la secuencia con Indy y Lao Che) y demás, Welcome to Pankot Palace, The Bridge, finale and end credits (salvo lo que comentaste de que el tema de cuando llega el ejército británico al final y de ahí se salta "a otra cosa" dejándose por medio alguna que otra cosilla, como por ejemplo Indy enseñando la piedra y la Raider´s) son absolutos dioses.
Sí, suena la música de la secuencia de los cestos en El CairoKLopeK dijo:(Atención al cameo musical de la secuencia de Indy con la pistola en el Arca y que aquí suene levemente cuando se encuentra a los dos del ejército de Mola Ram!)
Atreus dijo:¡Y la música de la secuencia en que Indy pilla las tres piedras!
KLopeK dijo:Pffffffffff aprende un poco de música que falta te hace y calla, pichun.
Bueno, esa melodía de cuatro notas no recuerdo si suena exactamente cuando aparece el moro (ahí creo que la música se vuelve más amenazadora) o mientras Indy pega hostias, o mientras derriba cestos buscando a Marion, no recuerdo el momento exacto... pero vamos, que el guiño musical entre escenas es más que obvioKLopeK dijo:La de los cestos?
Son las notas de cuando el moro del Arca empieza a fliparlo con los sables (lo de la pistola, vamos) y en el Templo suena eso a modo de cameo cuando Indy está corriendo antes de lo del puente y se encuentra de frente a los dos tipos del ejército de Mola Ram.
Since 2001 I haven't taken a many leisure-based trips. Generally I go somewhere to get some work done, then see a few sites if time permits. I don't mind that equation at all. After all, it's not as if my "work" is digging ditches.
However, it is certainly nice to invert the ratio once in a while. Last weekend's trip was more along these lines. I don't think I'd seen Howard and his wife since last spring in Europe—though we'd spoken often. So it was lovely to simply catch up and talk about the world of opera, recent films, old SNL stories, Shore's upcoming Fanfare for organ and brass… and of course a good deal about The Hobbit. (No, I'm not divulging!) And of course, every good weekend trip should involve a couple of improvised campfire songs strummed on a ukulele. (I'm not going to divulge about that either… wouldn't know where to begin!)
Interspersed here and there was a bit of work related to the book. Shore visited the publisher's offices a few days before I arrived, and of course had been going through the mock-up I sent him a few weeks earlier. He had a few solid suggestions related to one section of the book, which I'm now working on incorporating. But past the nuts and bolts, we also had a few large-scale decisions to make.
As I mentioned a little while back, some new opportunities have arisen related to the book. We now have the chance to tie it in to another major release. This has the potential to help us on all fronts: the legal side of things (licensing costs, to be specific), the marketing side… and (most importantly) the creative side. The downside was that we'd have to delay the book's targeted release date in order to allow this "other release" time to assemble.
I did some informal polling, both around here and elsewhere, and the vote was unanimous: delays stink… but delays that improve the final product are forgivable. Taking this to heart—as well as the improvements a delay would bring to the book—made the choice pretty clear. As of right now, we're no longer considering November, 2008 as a potential release date. We haven't pinned down a new release date because we're waiting to hear from the "other release." We should know soon.
However, what's very important for everyone to understand is that the book is not being shifted around in such a way that it will get lost in the mix. This is a step up with just a tinge of frustration—a tinge due to nothing but impatience. In other words, deluxe just deluxe-er… again… heck, even standard got deluxe-er this time! Once I've made the latest set of revisions (during which I'll probably try and track down a few more interviewees), Shore and I will plan out three or four upcoming four trips to his office. Each of those trips will be filled with a bit of research, a bit of planning, and a bit of filming. We may also do a little filming in Europe.
Oh, and if you're still not convinced, let it be noted that you're also likely to get significantly more unused music in your hands this way. Yes, I said "significantly."
I hope the above doesn't strike anyone as Pollyanna prose. I'm genuinely excited by these new possibilities… well, honestly the filming thing terrifies me ever so slightly, but I'll manage to screw my courage to the sticking place, I'm sure. I'm also ready to take a few knocks from people who have had their Christmas lists tossed into disarray by this announcement. It wasn't an easy choice to make. And I feel a bit of that frustration as well. I've been hammering away at this book since 2002. I used to gasp in amazement when I heard how long the Jacksons spent in Middle-earth in order to bring The Lord of the Rings to the screen. Now I grin in empathy. I'm about to push year six into year seven. And yes, I'll be hopping right on to The Hobbit. I'll easily spend over a decade in Middle-earth. But the point is: I want to show off what we've created! I'm impatient too! But I feel confident that this choice will make the Big Reveal even more momentous. I'm incredibly proud of this project, and it's only getting better!
Heck, if nothing else, I'll still get the obnoxious thrill of teasing you guys for a little longer. That's always a plus…
Please, if you have any questions at all, post them here.
All best,
F_Elliott dijo:AMAZON UPDATE: 5 discos y 48 $.
ya esta prepedida![]()