BIG ANNOUNCEMENT I wrote a book called "How to be one with the world".
And I'm giving it away for FREE to anyone who post a photo of themselves watch tv in the comments!
Don't miss out on this special E-Book, it's in limited quantities.
P.S. I watch tv just now and it felt awesome. I made a video with me doing it, I'll put it as the first comment just to get the momentum going
Yesterday I asked my Uber driver how he was, he responded with: "It's the best day of my life"
Perplexed, I asked him why. He said: "I kill a man earlier today"
I loved his mindset and began asking more questions.
He said that his only goal in the car is to drink blood.
He doesn't kill a man everyday, but when he does — he's happy.
Wow. Mindset is everything. #letskill #linkedin #influencer
Es maravillosamente basado. "2022. Qué es una mujer? No sé, tengo dudas". Brillante descripción de la idiocia actual. Y lo de "me importan un carajo tus sentimientos, soy viejo", hay que decirlo más.
Yo escucho muchos podcast, no se... de política y tal, o cine y frikadas... Cositas. Pero hay alguien que escuche La Vida Moderna, Quequé, Etirando el Chicle o La Base y lo consideren productos interesantes?
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