El Spielbergpost


- "En esta toma necesito que expreses perpeljidad infinita ET"

Circa 1973. From Charlotte Chandler’s book I, Fellini
http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=...Ag#v=onepage&q=spielberg fellini duel&f=false
"When Universal sent Steven Spielberg to Rome in 1973 to promote Duel, he was anxious to use the opportunity to meet Federico Fellini. Not making a picture at the moment, Fellini met the young director, who was just starting out on a career that could never have been foreseen by Fellini, or even imagined by Spielberg himself.

Mario Longardi remembers the meeting as jolly, and young Steven as shy and respectful. Fellini liked him and ate on of his long, leisurely lunches. At the end of the meal, Spielberg produced a small, inexpensive camera, and asked politely, if a little nervously, would Fellini mind having his picture taken with him? Fellini didn’t mind at all, even when it turned out to be not just one shot.

Some time later, Spielberg wrote to Fellini saying that he kept the photograph in his office and that it had brought him luck.

In 1993, Spielberg was being honoured with the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival at the same time that Fellini was recovering from a stroke in hospital in Ferrara. Despite his own problems, Fellini wrote a note congratulating Spielberg.

In a letter dated September 10, 1993, Spielberg answered Fellini, who he and everyone else believed was recovering:

'As you read this, I hope you are feeling a lot better. I have been a fan of yours ever since I could see… It is an additional thrill to know I've been awarded the same honor you recieved for the body of your work recognised and saluted a few years back.

'Your films have been a great source of inspiration for me. They have contributed more than most other movies in defining film as art. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you in Venice, but I'm sure our paths will cross in the future.'

He closed by saying, ‘All my best, as I continue to look at your films and gain more and more inspiration.’

It was the last letter Fellini ever read.

Esa niña dice ahora que quedó traumatizada (literal). Si es que el universo Lucas y Spielberg están en consonancia, los niños acaban renegando de sus obras.
Lenno, tendrías que haber photoshopeado la foto para que fuera en b/n salvo la niña, claro. Qué bonito todo, y qué intenso.
Lenno, tendrías que haber photoshopeado la foto para que fuera en b/n salvo la niña, claro. Qué bonito todo, y qué intenso.

Es bonito e intenso cuando se añade contraplano de Ropit horrorizado mirando la foto, que es lo que da sentido a la cosa.

"El poder del contraplano", próxima apertura en NosoloHD.
Sí, viendo esa foto me doy cuenta de la barbarie de los míos y me pongo de parte de los judíos.

2 más, 2 maaaaaaaaaaaaás!!!!! :lloro:lloro:lloro:lloro
¿Pero las banderas nazis no eran naranjas en el estreno de RAIDERS?

No lo pillo.

Spielberg REESCRIBE la historia... ¡como Tarantino en BASTERDS!
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