Formula 1 - 2014

Lo que yo no acabo de ver es esa "etapa chulesca y prepotente" en la que os escudáis para esa manía irracional. ¿Cuándo ha sido eso? :?
Déjà vu

"Déjà vu (/deʒa vy/, en francés ‘ya visto’) o paramnesia es la experiencia de sentir que se ha sido testigo o se ha experimentado previamente una situación nueva vieja. Este término fue acuñado..."

Vamos, que más de lo mismo... si es que es un tema recurrente, y algunos son como :baby:baby

Ya antes de su llegada a la F1 era un prepotente, y tras su llegada se consolidó en su condición. Cuesta de reconocer.

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Krell no es ferrarista. Es alfarromerijo. Se parece pero no es lo mismo. Como queda demostrado
Lo que yo no acabo de ver es esa "etapa chulesca y prepotente" en la que os escudáis para esa manía irracional. ¿Cuándo ha sido eso? :?

Opinion personal Manu. Tampoco sé en que tengo que escudarme por comentar eso. Me gustan poco los pilotos con poco sentido de equipo, cuando el ganar no es solo culpa o contra de ellos mismos. Digo Alonso como otros ya sea en F1, Moto GP como cualquier deporte que para ganar haga falta el esfuerzo de mas de una persona.

Ojo y eso no quita que me parezca y es un muy buen piloto.
¿Que Alonso tiene "poco sentido de equipo"? :inaudito

Yo es que flipo, de verdad...

¿Que Alonso tiene "poco sentido de equipo"? :inaudito

Yo es que flipo, de verdad...


Hablo de sus principios y cuando estaba en Renault o no nos acordamos?

Da igual, estarás conmigo que discutir apreciaciones personales es perder el tiempo. A cada uno le tiene que y quien gustar lo que le plazca.
¿Qué sentido de equipo tiene Vettel? ¿qué tenía Schumacher?

Son campeones por algo... y en ese algo interviene el carácter.

¿Qué sentido de equipo tiene Vettel? ¿qué tenía Schumacher?

Son campeones por algo... y en ese algo interviene el carácter.


Schumacher era también un subidito, y Vettel lo es... pero pocos pilotos han tenido menos sentido de equipo y de pertenencia a él que Alonso. Mercenarios lo son todos los pilotos.

Enviado desde mi ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6030D
Es que hay pocos campeones del mundo :lee

Sólo da para unos pocos subiditos por década, porque a veces repiten...
Y los mantienen porque son buenos, porque lo merecen. Léete la columna de Coulthard en la BBC sobre China.


Coulthard column: Vettel struggles but Alonso & Ferrari progress

On top of that, Alonso was on fantastic form. In the 13th year of his career, he continues to be like a scalded cat off the grid. He gets really stuck in on the first lap.

That continues to add weight to just what a good driver he is and it's worth pointing out that only at McLaren with Hamilton, in 2007, has a team-mate really given him any trouble.

It's not that one was better than the other; it's that Alonso was not in a happy place back then. He was given the big honeymoon by Ron Dennis and then got jilted at the altar because Dennis turned his attentions to Hamilton.

Raikkonen struggled again, and has now been well behind Alonso in all four races so far.

It's early days, but this is already reminiscent of Raikkonen's first spell at Ferrari, when he was not that impressive.

Okay, he won the world title in 2007, but that was largely because the McLaren guys tripped over each other. And Raikkonen still needed to be gifted the win in the final race of the season by team-mate Felipe Massa to seal it.

Raikkonen did very well at Lotus in the last two years, but was that just a very good package coupled with the fact that Romain Grosjean is just not that good? Or did it all just work for Raikkonen? It's very difficult to judge.

It will be interesting to see how Raikkonen deals with the rest of the season, because right now he is not looking like a guy who is going to have a long-term career at Ferrari.

I'm not trying to discredit Raikkonen, because he is clearly a very talented racing driver.

But when things are not going well, that's when the work ethic he lacks, compared to people like Alonso, seems to let him down.

Daniel Ricciardo is at least matching his four-time world champion Red Bull team-mate for pace - the Australian has qualified ahead of Sebastian Vettel three times out of four, and beaten the German fair and square in the last two races.

Vettel has not been without his troubles but that is an impressive start by Ricciardo, and whatever way you cut it he is making things good for himself and slightly uncomfortable for Vettel.

It would be very easy to listen to the team radio that was broadcast during the race - and we only get snapshots - and say the world champion was not reacting to the order to move out of Ricciardo's way.

But he certainly did in Bahrain, and ultimately he did in China, too, even if he battled it for a lap while he worked out what was going on.

We've always known that Seb has a little warrior inside him which, when push comes to shove, comes out and can be easily taken in a negative way. Alonso is similar.

Ricciardo is proving he is not a wallflower. He is treating Vettel as just another competitor, but one whom he can influence to some degree because they are in the same team. And the Aussie is telling the team exactly what he thinks.

That shows backbone and world-champion potential.

The two Red Bull drivers are at very different phases of their career.

For Ricciardo, who has moved up from Red Bull's feeder team, Toro Rosso, this is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Red Bull had a difficult winter, but Ricciardo is young and full of energy, he's in the best car he has ever driven and the best team he has ever worked with and life is great.

Vettel, by contrast, has had nothing but success at Red Bull until now and when you are used to filet mignon and suddenly you get corned beef, why would you be smiling like you've just won the lottery?

To be at the top of your game in F1, you have to have the mind and body in perfect harmony.

None of these guys is invincible. Hamilton has been beaten; so were Michael Schumacher and Ayrton Senna. It doesn't matter who you are, you go through peaks and troughs in your form.

For me, it confirms just how good Ricciardo is. It doesn't raise questions over Vettel, who is probably snowed under with the weight of responsibility of explaining what's going on.

Vettel has proved himself in a winning car. Ricciardo is showing real star quality, but he has still not had that chance. His real test will be to deliver when he has a potential World-Championship car.

But he's certainly showing the right stuff at the moment.

Nico Rosberg has looked good throughout his career. He showed well as team-mate to Michael Schumacher and the advantage between Rosberg and Hamilton ebbed and flowed last year, when the car was not quite there.

But four races into this season, with a car capable of winning the title, Nico is not looking as good as Lewis.

That might seem a harsh statement given Rosberg is still leading the championship but that's how I see it.

Does that mean he's not an exceptional driver, won't win more races or even the World Championship this year? Of course not.

But if you were awarding teacher's marks after the first four races of the season, Hamilton would get a gold star after three wins and three poles in the first four races, and Rosberg a silver.

Alonso would get a gold star and Raikkonen a bronze. And at Red Bull Ricciardo would get a gold, and Vettel perhaps a bronze plus, or silver at a push.

Hay más, pulsad en el link.

Y en este otro está Vettel muy incómodo con las preguntas de la periodista... ya no es tan listo ni tan gracioso cuando se trata de inventar historias... otra vez vuelve a lo de "no entendí". Sí, seguro :cafe


'Pressure effect' is Vettel's new challenge - Massa
(Palabras de Lauda dentro... Massa aparece por accidente :D )

"He has forgotten how to drive another car.

"With the (blown) diffuser cars, he had come up with a driving strategy that made him faster than everyone else.

"But now Ricciardo, who has never driven another Red Bull, only knows this one -- and he is taking it in his hands and driving it," added Lauda.

Lauda is not alone with his theory. Felipe Massa thinks Australian Ricciardo has arrived to be Vettel's teammate at precisely the right moment.

"The best time to change is when everything is changing," he told the Brazilian press.

"I'm sure it would have been harder for him if he had arrived last year, when Vettel was already used to the car for many years.

"I think that is helping Ricciardo, but he's also showing that he is a great driver with a lot of talent," said Massa.

Massa also thinks it will be a tough task for Vettel to get back to the top of the tree at Red Bull.

"When he had a team that was all working for him, for all the years when he was with Webber, life was much simpler, easier (for Vettel)," he said.

"But now he is under a little more pressure and that changes the situation -- the pressure effect," said Massa, who switched from Ferrari to Williams over the winter.

"I am not knocking Vettel's talent, the driver that he is, because everything he did deserves the recognition. But this is a situation that now he has to overcome," the Brazilian added.

"Without doubt it shows that Ricciardo is a good driver, fast and with the talent to be there. He has arrived at a great team and so far he shows he can do a great job," said Massa.

Aquí todo el mundo "duda" de Vettel... sí, es muy efectivo con el coche ganador, pero...

Está bien leer cosas de otros sitios, particularmente de aquellos en los que no se tiene muy en estima a los pilotos foráneos. El chauvinismo lo inventaron los fraceses, sí, pero en UK lo practican de la hostia.

Me hace gracia que unas cualidades sean "easygoing, speaks very good English"... :juas
Sobre todo, la principal cualidad de Buttton es que no lo va a relegar a escudero segundón toda la temporada como de seguro haría Alonso... A lo mejor, hasta queda por delante del británico algunas carreras y todo. Cosa que con el asturiano... :disimulo

Lo demás... cuento.


Al niño hay que hacerle un chasis nuevo en exclusivo para el porque sino su "complejo estilo de conducción" se resiente....
Este año vamos a ir viendo quién es realmente Vettlel...

"Helmut Marko ha indicado que Vettel no está siendo superado por su nuevo compañero de equipo Daniel Ricciardo, sino que su complejo estilo de conducción requiere una serie de condiciones que este año el alemán todavía no ha llegado a conseguir, como por ejemplo el coche a su propio gusto."

:lol :lol :lol Que cachondo el Helmut.
Traducido: Vamos a aplicar toooooodas las mejoras al coche de Vettel, mientras que a Ricciardo, que le den. Sería bochornoso que a final de temporada, este le hubiera mojado la oreja al alemán mimado.

Esto es la F1 actual, señores. Ole el "sentido de equipo". Historia.

Joder, menuda traducción la de ese pasquín... :fiu
Arriba Pie