Che: ‚“A Guanahacabibes se manda a la gente que no debe ir a la cárcel , la gente que ha cometido faltas a la moral revolucionaria de mayor o menor grado…es trabajo duro, no trabajo bestial. Este campamento fue el precursor del confinamiento sistemático, a partir de 1965 en la provincia de Camagüey, de disidentes, homosexuales, victimas del SIDA, católicos, Testigos de Jehová, sacerdotes afro-cubanos, y otras escorias por el estilo, bajo la bandera de las Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP).
These were his concentration camps, set up so the new socialist government could rid their nation of homosexuality, which was somehow believed to be a product of capitalism. Gay artists were censored and gay people in government lost their jobs. The UMAP camps subjected homosexuals to brutal torture and some inmates committed suicide. Not only gay men were incarcerated but effeminate men were also imprisoned to make way for Guevara’s scheme of the “new man” which was a hideously pathological homophobic ideology. People who did not fit into his fascist vision were imprisoned without charge or trial and forced to adhere to his notion of masculinity through slave labour. In these camps gay men who had been rounded up were subjected to rehabilitation and re-education. An argument that “the times” were different is nullified by the fact that Guevara was setting out to change “the times” but whatever he did, gave no thought or consideration to minorities. If socialism was supposed to be this greater, fairer advancement on capitalism, where was the advancement for homosexuals? It appears the price paid for an improved social welfare system was the freedom of a minority.
El Ché hablando de víctimas del SIDA?
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Intereconomía debe a sus trabajadores la nómina de octubre y la paga extra de verano, según ha confirmado prnoticias con fuentes del canal. El próximo viernes el consejero delegado de la cadena, Juan José Aizcorbe, se reunirá con los trabajadores para explicarles la situación e informarles de cuándo cobraran lo que se les adeuda.