Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Joss sobre el mcoso este de la conversión:

"There's no, 'Oh look, we're going to spend 20 minutes going through this tunnel because it's in 3D!' And no one is pointing at the screen the entire time. But it's an action movie. Things tend to hurtle toward the screen anyway. Yeah, it's fun!...I'm not a big fan of extreme long lens, talky movies - I like to see the space I'm in and relate to it, so 3D kinda fits my aesthetic anyway. And the technology has advanced so far in the past couple years."

Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Está equivocadísimo, o la filma en 3D y aprovecha el potencial de la tecnología o nada, esas conversiones son las que va a matar (otra vez) el intento de estandarizar el 3D.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Dios te oiga, shang.

En cuanto a acertar o equivocarse, la peli esta rodada en 2d convertida a 3d oor por del estudio; a mi me suena al viejo "poner al mal tiempo buena cara."
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Si al menos los que copian al camionero fuesen tan dignos de respetar la regla de filmar en 3D, pero nooooo, vamos a ahorrar perras convirtiendo a los actores en pegatinas voladoras.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Lo mismo que hay conversiones malas también las hay bien hechas, ¿eh?
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Dicen que Scorsese sabe como hacerlo. Habrá que preguntarle al tío Marty.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon


We were then treated to our first look at the team coming together for The Avengers movie, and Whedon says attaching this reveal to the Captain America film was no coincidence. “So much of [The Avengers] story takes place from Steve Rogers’ perspective, since he’s the guy who just woke up and sees this weird-ass world,” Whedon says. “Everyone else has been living in it. He’s the guy that feels that sense of loss.”

“[The Avengers] is very much about people who are alone — because I’m writing it,” jokes Whedon, who has assembled groups of outcasts before in TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly — but also, remember, in his script for the original Toy Story. “[Captain America] is kind of the ultimate loner in that way. There is an anachronism to him, and Chris and I have always tried to make it, without making it goofy or too obvious, always tried to make him that same grounded ’40s Steve Rogers he was in the other movie.”

All that means is Captain America is the lens through which much of the story is scene. It doesn’t mean he’s the main character. The heroes in the film — Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk, Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, and Samuel L. Jackson’s spymaster Nick Fury — carry about equal share of the movie. “You get them in a world, the world of S.H.I.E.L.D., where they fit in. And you say, upfront, these are monsters. These are freaks. These are not you and me, and what are they doing here? How are they human beings?” Whedon says. “Let’s just investigate that.”
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon


Nueva foto

Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Por cierto, no sabía yo que la maravillosa Jenny Agutter participaba en los vengadores.

As for Agutter, she’s about to metamorphose again to appear alongside Samuel L Jackson and Scarlett Johansson in upcoming Hollywood blockbuster The Avengers.

“I’m sworn to secrecy! I wasn’t allowed a script until I got there, and when I did, I felt like a complete child being on big sets and a huge parking lot full of Winnebagos.”

She does let slip that two of these housed Spider-Man and Iron Man; we suspect Agutter won’t be able to avoid sci-fi conventions for much longer.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Los años no le han hecho ningún favor, parece la madre de Alison Janney.
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Estoy hablando de mítica, que no tiene edad; la libido es otra cosa... ;)
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon


The http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/companies/marvel-studios/Marvel Studios president told Empire that the alien race known as the Skrulls will not appear in the film, despite reports to the contrary.

However, Feige did confirm that Avengers will see the Captain America-led team take on an "alien" threat with roots in Marvel's comic book universe.

"It's not Skrulls, I've been clear about that," he said. "Beyond that, we want to hide it. The identity of the alien race is not impactful. It exists in the comic books, but we're not setting up the Kree-Skrull war or anything like that."

Feige went on to debunk speculation about Red Skull´s involvement in the movie, but refused to rule out the villain's return in a later entry in the series.

"Was Skull vaporised at the end of the movie, or thrust into another realm?" he added. "That remains to be seen. It would be fun to see Skull in future, but he's not in this one."
Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

Si no son ni los skrulls ni los krees, quien coño pueden ser???

Descartando a los inhumanos,a los celestiales y a los Shi'ar por demasiado complejos, quizas los desviantes o los eternos , maybe.
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Respuesta: LOS VENGADORES de Joss Whedon

¿ No os da la sensacion de copy & paste ?

Como si en los fotogramas de la pelicula no vayan a casar bien ni los actores ni sus trajes :garrulo
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