reboot/remake/loquesea de DEPREDADOR (una vez más)

Ya la han rodado.

Pfff. Van a acabar haciendo una genialidad de Depredador 2, todos los bodrios que han sacado desde entonces.
How The New "Predator" Connects To "Predator 2" - Dark Horizons

actor Jake Busey (“Starship Troopers,” “Contact”) confirmed that in the new film he’s playing the son of U.S. Government Agent Peter Keyes.

Keyes was played by Busey’s real life father Gary Busey in 1990’s “Predator 2”. In that film Keyes was the head of the top-secret Other World Lifeforms Taskforce which set out to capture the creature which was hunting around downtown Los Angeles during a heatwave. The younger Busey says Black made it clear to him right away about the familial connection:

“Shane Black called me and he said ‘Hey, you wanna do this movie? We don’t have money for you but it’ll be a fun thing to come play and be your father’s son.’ And so as much as I have followed in my Dad’s footsteps career-wise, this is like really following in his footsteps by playing a character who is the son of the character he played. And I don’t think there would be any other forum where I would do that. I think this is the one thing.

We shot it up in Vancouver, and they were there doing it for about three or four months, but I was up there for three weeks. I play a scientist in the film, and I’m very excited about it. I think it’s going to be great. If you liked the very first movie a lot, you’ll really like this one. This one has a lot of essence of the first movie.”
Es una forma de entender el tipo de gente que se dedica a esto de la escritura para el cine, y los ideólogos o genios que contratan en los estudios para intentar encontrar fuentes de dinero que hagan que un proyecto atraiga a los cines al personal.

No hay que darle más vueltas.

El que quiera leer una bonita historia que recurra a los libros y a su imaginación. El cine o buen cine está hecho para otra casta
actor Thomas Jane has shed further light on the backstory of the main characters in a Shadow Nation podcast interview. He confirms his character is one of a group of hospitalized war veterans who get dragged into the story:

“We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we’re all f—ing crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We’re all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers.”

Things kick off when Boyd Holbrook’s character, another soldier, gets thrown into a hospital bus with them:

“He’s a guy they’ve actually marked to kill him because he’s seen a UFO, he’s seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They’re going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy.

But, of course, we take the bus over and we’re all like ‘f— that man, let’s go kill these f—ing Predators ourselves’ and we’re just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there’s these aliens out there.”
actor Thomas Jane has shed further light on the backstory of the main characters in a Shadow Nation podcast interview. He confirms his character is one of a group of hospitalized war veterans who get dragged into the story:

“We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we’re all f—ing crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We’re all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers.”

Things kick off when Boyd Holbrook’s character, another soldier, gets thrown into a hospital bus with them:

“He’s a guy they’ve actually marked to kill him because he’s seen a UFO, he’s seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They’re going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy.

But, of course, we take the bus over and we’re all like ‘f— that man, let’s go kill these f—ing Predators ourselves’ and we’re just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there’s these aliens out there.”

:babas Ya tienen el dinero de mi entrada.

Leí por otra parte que
el hijo del protagonista es autista y entiende el lenguaje de los depredadores.
Sera una peli cachonda... Edward James Olmos:

“I haven’t seen any of it, but it’s gonna be funny. The kids in the thing. Yeah, the humor. Huge. Huge. I mean I was in shock, because, you know this is a really intense franchise, and it still is. Don’t get me wrong. You’re gonna be inside of it. But the characters are… what he did – Shane is an incredibly gifted writer, and he’s a great director, and so he ended up getting an incredible ensemble, and when I reached it they had already been filming for three months so they were a unit. So I jump in as the General and there were some moments where I just had to laugh in the scene and I couldn’t be laughing in the scene. ‘I’m sorry guys. Really, I’m sorry.'”

“Because Keegan (Michael Key) and Thomas Jane, they make… they’re paired off in groups of three groups. Six guys. The way they work, they were all post-traumatic stress disorder guys who were inside of an insane asylum. A mental hospital. Then they put the lead character in there to kind of make them disappear, because they want them kind of out of the picture. And so he gets involved and then boom, the world goes crazy and these kids are released. But out of a freaky incident with some of the Predators. It’s crazy. It’s so crazy. I’m excited for it, and I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I got a good feeling about it. I mean if it’s really funny, and yet deadly like Predator is.”
Arriba Pie