Creo que lo dice porque la película en sí le pareció terrorifica.
La segunda es el peor remake de Brokeback mountain de la historia del cine de terror.
Dussander dijo:
La segunda es el peor remake de Brokeback mountain de la historia del cine de terror.

:mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto Un poco... gay si que es, si. Pero solo la BSO es la mejor de toda la saga... y Sholder es Sholder. Lástima que el guión y los actores sean una puta mierda, porque la atmósfera de la peli es genial.
Reconoced que repetisteis visionado con la segunda. Es tan demencial, bizarra y ridícula que acaba por resultar fascinante.
Siempre lo he dicho, " La segunda parte de pesadilla en Elm Street posee la secuencia más ridícula que jamás he visto en una película".

A ver si adivinais cuál es.
Hay tantas para elegir... aunque la del bailecito en la habitación se lleva la palma.
Premio para Fell.

Por cierto, descojonante el análisis de Viruete, me ha hecho soltar la leche por las narices varias veces.

En él vemos a Jesse Walsh (Mark Patton), un joven con peinado "lametón de vaca" rodeado de varios y escandalosos adolescentes de veinticinco años

uno de los periquitos de la familia Walsh enloquece y mata al otro, poniéndose después a revolotear por la habitación hasta que, finalmente, ESTALLA EN LLAMAS. Como bien es sabido que en el cine de terror los adultos siempre buscan explicaciones razonables para todo (como "ha sido el viento", "malditos niñatos con sus bromas" o "por supuesto que no hay un asesino, está claro que Karen estaba fregando ese cuchillo, se tropezó y se cayó encima de él… seis veces"), el señor Walsh echa la culpa primero a un escape de gas (seguro que los canarios de los mineros también estallaban), y luego acusa a Jesse de haber perpetrado una broma perversa con petardos. Si la intención del guionista era hacer quedar al buen hombre como un idiota, Aprobado Magna Cum Laude.

Jesse va a pasear bajo la lluvia y acaba en un bar llamado "Don's Place", que entre el nombre, la localización y la clientela tiene toda la pinta de ser una fase del Renegade o el Final Fight

:mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto :mparto
While all sorts of rumors have been floating around the web over the past six months, we've been digging and digging to get the real story on Dimension Films' Scream 4. Today we have an update that comes from a 100% reliable source, although I can't use names. Things have been pretty silent since the film was officially announced back in July, but now we have the skinny, all of which can be read beyond the break.

While SCREAM 4 is still very much in the early stages of development, we have a few exclusive facts to kick start the hype.

Fact #1: Kevin Williamson (writer of two of the SCREAM films (character credit on third)) is going to start writing a draft, although it may or may not become the shooting script (which is typical).

Fact #2: Wes Craven may or may not direct, but there is a very good possibility that he will return.

Fact #3: They are making financial offers to David Arquette, Courtney Cox Arquette and Neve Campbell to play cameos.

Fact #4: This will be a younger version of the SCREAM movies.

Watch for more soon as we'll been staying close to this highly anticipated project.
Con los facts 3 y 4 me has jodido. O sea, ¿un Scream precuela? ¿o un Scream con niñatos que no tiene que ver nada con la trilogía original?

En fin...
EXCLUSIVE: Wes Craven dishes on 'Scream 4'

Monday, June 8 2009, 09:15 BST

By Simon Reynolds, Movies Editor
Wes Craven dishes on 'Scream 4'

It's fair to call Wes Craven, the director of A Nightmare on Elm Street and the Scream series, something of a horror movie icon. A remake of his first film, 1972's highly-controversial The Last House On The Left, is out in cinemas this Friday. While speaking to Craven about the new Last House (more on that soon), we quizzed him about the future of the Scream franchise.

What's the status with Scream 4 at the moment? Are we going to see you direct it?
"Bob Weinstein (The Weinstein Company co-chairman) has talked to me, he's interested in me directing it. I had a brief conversation with Kevin [Williamson], I know that Kevin is writing. What I've said to Bob is I'm not closed to it, I'm not open to it, I'll be perfectly happy to read a script and tell him what I think. That's where it's at and I'm not expecting a script until August. I don't know what the premise is or anything."

Do you know what form it's taking? The word 'reboot' has been used.
"I don't think it's a reboot and Kevin, when he talked to me, said, 'Remember, it's not just Scream 4, it's Scream 5 and 6.' So I guess he has a trilogy in mind."

It's looking like the Arquettes are coming back. Do you know if Neve Campbell will be returning?
"I've been told, and I don't think they'll mind if I say this, the deals on David Arquette and Courteney are virtually set. I believe everybody else will be new."

You satirised the horror genre with the original Scream trilogy. Is there a danger that it'll either lose its edge or fall into self-parody the more films you make?
"There are a host of dangers in making more films. We have a saying in the United States, 'Jump the shark'. You don't want to do that, you don't want to drive it into the ground. You're avoiding those kind of dangers, hopefully, making the kind of film that has self-awareness from the characters where they're talking about film. I'm sure you can run that into the ground very quickly. I don't have a clue what Kevin is writing. He might be completely going around me, I don’t know."

Were you flattered or annoyed by the Scary Movie series poking fun at Scream?
"I laughed but it was also annoying because somebody used my very shots and I didn't have any financial participation in it! It was less than a year after we'd finished Scream 3 that that came out. You just have to keep moving in Hollywood because somebody will be right on your heels making parodies of what you've just done."
Respuesta: SCREAM 4

Teaser Art, Synopsis for Scream 4
Source: The Weinstein Co.
November 4, 2009

By no means "final," what you're looking at below is some teaser art whipped up by The Weinstein Company for Scream 4. Found within TWC's American Film Market program, the art was accompanied with the following:

The horror series that reignited the genre and gross more than $500 million worldwide is back! From Kevin Williamson, creator of the original Scream trilogy, the new film sees the return of cast members Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette, along with a group of new stars, who can all hopefully stay alive long enough to figure out the new rules to this one-of-a-kind horror franchise!

No director has been listed. For more, Williamson offered an update on the sequel here.

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Respuesta: SCREAM 4

Respuesta: SCREAM 4

Pues a mi la primera me pareció bastante válida en su momento. Daba un ligero cambio al género con el rollo de las películas de terror (cine dentro del cine). La segunda estiraba algo el tema con lo que ya chirriaba, especialmente con la avalancha de títulos similares que desencadenó la primera. La tercera directamente no la recuerdo.
Respuesta: SCREAM 4

La primera era hipócrita de narices. Un mainstream supuestamente encubierto.
El pestuzo.
Respuesta: SCREAM 4

Yo sólo vi la primera y ya me pareció un festival de sustos y despropósitos. Ya no he visto más.
Respuesta: SCREAM 4

No soluciones el no haber visto más. Era imposible hacerlo peor que en la primera..., pero lo cnosiguen.
Respuesta: SCREAM 4

Yo ví las tres. Magnolia, a lo mejor hemos visto pelis diferentes, yo estoy del otro lado. Malas, para nada. Me parecen entretenidas, y con cachondeo incluido. Claro que, como yo digo, sobre gustos...
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