Star Wars IX de nuevo con Jota Jota

Y mucha razón que tiene, además. Otra cosa es que Lucas por su parte cayera en el mismo error para, por ejemplo, 'El retorno del Jedi', claro.

Un saludete.
Muñeca Zorri...

Terrio was asked what two questions fuel the story for the upcoming film.

“One of them is a simple one: ‘Who is Rey?’ which is a question that people not only wonder about quite literally, but wonder about in the spiritual sense. How can Rey become the spiritual heir to the Jedi? We kept coming back to ‘Who is Rey?’ and how can we give the most satisfying answer to that not only factually – because obviously people are interested in whether there’s more to be learned of Rey’s story – but more importantly who is she as a character? How will she find the courage and will and inner strength and power to carry on what she’s inherited?”

“The second one is ‘How strong is the Force?’. It sounds a little simple, but actually when you get down to it, that is a sort of Zen Koan that we would really meditate on – not literally in yoga poses or anything, but like we would discuss, ‘What is the Force and how strong is the Force?’ Those two things were really important.”

The return of Emperor Palpatine is another element of the upcoming film, though questions still remain about how he returns and even why is he returning as he has had no part to play in the current trilogy. Abrams defends the choice of his return:

“Some people feel like we shouldn’t revisit the idea of Palpatine, and I completely understand that. But if you’re looking at these nine films as one story, I don’t know many books where the last few chapters have nothing to do with those that have come before. If you look at the first eight films, all the set-ups of what we’re doing in IX are there in plain view.”
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