TERMINATOR GÉNESIS (Terminator 5) - 2015


'Terminator Genisys' no es secuela ni reboot: es un "reseteo" romántico

La nueva entrega de Terminator huele mal. Dice que en principio no le interesaba pero le sorprendió que fuera "inteligente y divertido", no obstante, lo más llamativo es cómo lo resume: "Es una historia de amor". ¿Entre quién? ¿Qué clase de Terminator han hecho?


¿Será un Terminator A LA FUERZA? :pensativo
Última edición:
Bueno, el guion de la primera parte ya estaba centradisimo en la historia de amor (a traves del tiempo y el espacio) de Kyle Reese y Sarah Connor. Tampoco es que sea nada nuevo y original precisamente.

'Terminator Genisys' Aging T-800 Idea Came from James Cameron
Director of the original 'Terminator' James Cameron reveals that it was his idea for Arnold Schwarzenegger to age in 'Terminator Genisys'.

This past week, James Cameron joined Arnold Schwarzenegger for a 30th anniversary screening of the original 1984 Terminator. While speaking about the event alongside producer Gale Anne Hurd, the director reveals he was the one that came up with a reasonable way to have Arnold Schwarzenegger reprise his role as a T-800 in Terminator Genisys.

James Cameron explains that he gave the idea directly to Terminator Genisys producer David Ellison because he wanted to see Arnold Schwarzenegger return, and he knew how that was going to be possible.

"I wasn't interested in producing it or working on it actively, but I did want to put in a good word for Arnold. I pointed out that the outer covering (of the Terminator) was actually not synthetic, that it was organic and therefore could age. You could theoretically have a Terminator that was sent back in time, missed his target, and ended up just kind of living on in society. Because he is a learning computer and has a brain as a central processor he could actually become more human as he went along without getting discovered."

This is the idea that will fuel the story behind Terminator Genisys, though not much more is known about the plot. The movie is being considered a reboot-sequel hybrid, and will deal with time travel in a manner that disrupts the events seen in the original movie, causing a wormhole of sorts where the fate of John Conner is radically different from the original series.

Laeta Kalogridis, who wrote Battle Angel for James Cameron and was an executive producer on Avatar, is behind the Terminator Genisys screenplay and did allow Cameron to read it, but the series creator has no comment.

"It's not my problem, that's the beauty of it. It's like being a grandparent and the kids come over then you can send them back. I think the chain's been broken by the films in between. When I walked away from it I had to do it with the sense that I can't invest in this emotionally anymore. If it's not good, it doesn't really bother me personally."

EW nos deja portadas de ‘Terminator Genysis’
Y pequeños detalles de la trama.

El nuevo número de Entertainment Weekly, a la venta el próximo viernes, nos deja imágenes exclusivas de Terminator Genysis en su portada, acompañadas del subtítulo “Cómo salvar una franquicia de mil millones de dólares” (la respuesta es: chungo… muy chungo). Se trata de Matt Smith, Jason Clarke (como John Connor), Emilia Clarke (como Sarah Connor) y Jai Courtney (como Kyle Reese).

Es de suponer que la de Arnold Schwarzenegger aparecerá tarde o temprano –si no le habéis visto ya en las fotos del set, o en esas imágenes filtradas del teaser tráiler que aparecieron el pasado fin de semana–.

EW acompaña la pieza con un pequeño detalle: el Terminator que interpreta Chuache es, en la línea temporal del film

el padre adoptivo de Sarah Connor.

Qué, cómo os quedáis gua, tal. Jo.


Jason Clarke como "John Connor" .
Matt Smith como "????"
... que nombre mas chulo :garrulo:P
Y detrás un Terminator sonriendo para la foto.

Qué horror Shakira de Sarah Connor y el otro cani de Reese.
Un poco más de info sobre la sinopsis...


El guion vuelve a presentarnos el futuro post-apocalíptico de 'Terminator' pero el presente es distinto: Sarah Connor ha sido criada por un T-800 que fue programado para protegerla como un padre (!!). La nueva Sarah conoce el futuro y ha madurado como una persona antisocial experta en armas pero torpe en emociones humanas. Por suerte para ella, su hijo, John Connor, envía al pasado a su mejor soldado, Kyle Reese, y ya sabemos lo que ocurre...

La información encaja con las preocupantes declaraciones realizadas hace poco por dos actores de 'Terminator Genisys', que la definían como un "reseteo" (ni secuela ni reboot, decía Courtney) y una "historia de amor".
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