The Big Friendly Giant / El gran gigante bonachón - Spielberg vuelve al cine infantil

El tonto del sombrero.
De la mala baba que dice Sorel no habla ni el tato. Todo es sueños, magia, algodón, azúcar ...

Veo algún FX ahí a medio acabar...

A Elliott le va tocando actualizar la firma.

que tema mas poco inspirado... no?

el poster, como la peli en si, a cada imagen que sale da mas grima

pero sera maravillosa

encantador, eso si, ver como reconoce a George Miller (no deben tener muy buen recuerdo de TWILIGHT ZONE TH EMOVIE)y busca a la mujer (monstruo S.A.) para presentarsela y esta duda y luego le reconoce... lastima que no le hable de MAD MAX, igual ni la vio
"I like the Superman of Richard Donner, the Dark Knight , Christopher Nolan, and the first Iron Man , but superhero film that impressed me most is one that does not take itself too seriously: Guardians of the Galaxy . when his projection was over, I left with the feeling of having seen something new in movies, without any cynicism or fear of being dark when needed."

"There is a difference between heroes and superheroes. The hero is an ordinary person who is faced with a serious fact and acts to modify it. A hero is a person who, walking down the street, see a car on fire and runs help the person who is in the driver's seat, attached to the seat belt to loosen. Super-hero is a person who, on the same scene, would fly to the car and try to turn it upside down and shake it using his super strength , until the driver is released. I identify more with the first example. Filmo everyday heroes."
Visto el trailer en cine antes de Alicia 2, veo que a "Rylance" le han metido la misma voz que en aquella del El Puente de los Espías.
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