el poster, como la peli en si, a cada imagen que sale da mas grima
pero sera maravillosa
encantador, eso si, ver como reconoce a George Miller (no deben tener muy buen recuerdo de TWILIGHT ZONE TH EMOVIE)y busca a la mujer (monstruo S.A.) para presentarsela y esta duda y luego le reconoce... lastima que no le hable de MAD MAX, igual ni la vio
"I like the Superman of Richard Donner, the Dark Knight , Christopher Nolan, and the first Iron Man , but superhero film that impressed me most is one that does not take itself too seriously: Guardians of the Galaxy . when his projection was over, I left with the feeling of having seen something new in movies, without any cynicism or fear of being dark when needed."
"There is a difference between heroes and superheroes. The hero is an ordinary person who is faced with a serious fact and acts to modify it. A hero is a person who, walking down the street, see a car on fire and runs help the person who is in the driver's seat, attached to the seat belt to loosen. Super-hero is a person who, on the same scene, would fly to the car and try to turn it upside down and shake it using his super strength , until the driver is released. I identify more with the first example. Filmo everyday heroes."
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