The Big Friendly Giant / El gran gigante bonachón - Spielberg vuelve al cine infantil

Me acabo de levantar y os traigo en exclusiva fotos y trivia del rodaje. Aviso SPOILERS.

Cameras roll at Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland for Steven Spielberg's new film the BFG

Cameras roll at Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland for Steven Spielberg's new film the BFG

Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland chosen for the backdrop of new film based on Roald Dahl's classic children's story the BFG


A source for The Journal at the filming revealed how giant footprints were created in the sand on the beach, to represent those of the BFG.

Large tanks of water were pumped into barrels which were then emptied over the footprints, to make it look as if the tide was washing them away, with the castle in the background as cameras rolled.

None of the cast or Spielberg were present but scores of workers were involved in the filming, which ran from around 7pm into the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Crowds of people gathered to watch.





Francis Watson Armstrong, owner of Bamburgh Castle said: “While we are unable to disclose details about individual films at this time, we are delighted that once again Bamburgh has been handpicked as the location for yet another world-class film.

“Opportunities like this for the castle are fantastic, enabling us to promote not only Bamburgh but also the county to a global market, at the same time generating income for local businesses.”

It is not the first time the castle has welcomed film crews with shooting for MacBeth having taken place there last year. A number of television series have also been filmed at Bamburgh with more said to be in the pipeline.

Castle curator Chris Calvert said the location manager for the BFG was the same as for MacBeth and had recommended the site’s use.

He added: “It was great, all the crew were staying locally - it is great for the local economy.

“It employed some local people, it employed a security firm from Newcastle.

“All those things are good for the area.”

A BBC crew which filmed at Bamburgh last year is said to have spent around £40,000 in the area.

More than 13,000 people viewed a photograph of the filming taken from the castle roof on the attraction’s Facebook page.
Va a ser el nuevo E.T. de Spi. Dicen que se terminó de rodar en Vancouver el verano pasado pero no he encontrado fotos del set.
Spielberg es seguramente el mejor director de niños de la historia. Saca oro de ellos. Por esa parte podemos estar tranquilos.
¿Es el póster de The Lovely Bones?
Ahora en serio, los efectos creo que los hace Weta, no me extrañaría que el póster también.
Me da pereza a mi también...ahora bien, tengo una ligera esperanza después de ver el estilo artistico del poster al estilo animé, de que la peli sea un homenaje a Gibli y no a Harry Potter como parece. Sería un giro interesante en los acontecimientos
Yo después de ver Star Wars estoy hasta los cojones de homenajes. Espero que el único homenaje de esta película sea al libro en el que se basa haciendo justicia con una película a la altura, y estoy convencido de que será así estando detrás Spielberg.
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