The Wire

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Personally, I find that I actually prefer the widescreen version of The Wire to its full frame counterpart, and I was previously one of those very skeptical purists I mentioned above. That preference isn't a factor I considered when determining my video score -- seeing as it's a subjective opinion rather than a part of a more objective analysis -- but I think it's important to note the value of Simon's alternate take on the series. A variety of shots are simply that much more powerful in widescreen. There's a fullness and expansiveness to the remastered image that wasn't necessarily present before, at least by way of the 1.33:1 visuals. The city is bigger. The crime more widespread. The boarded-up row houses of Season Four that much more overwhelming (as the camera pulls back and Bunk realizes the potential enormity of the murders he and Freeman have uncovered.) The counter argument, of course, being that the 1.33:1 image trapped every character in a tighter, more oppressive environment that, in subtle ways, closed in on the cops and crooks from all sides. There's merit to both positions, but it's also possible to appreciate both versions.

Estoy viendo la edición en DVD, con el susodicho peaje.

Supongo que algún día veré la edición en bluray.
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Ya lo veo que no sabes. Dejas que hable un don nadie de una página web por ti.

Aunque lo mejor es tener opinión propia, puestos a citar, prefiero al propio Simon.

Y la de otros creadores sobre estos cambios de oar.

No doubt you are looking over this scrumptious BUFFY package and exclaiming
"No @#$%ing letterboxing? Whutzat? GYPPED!" Possibly you are breaking
things. Please calm down. The fabulous episodes of BUFFY (and that one
crappy one, sorry about that, seemed really cool when we wrote it...) were
not shot in a widescreen format. They were shot in the TV 4 by 3 ratio. Now
I'm a letterbox fanatic, but not just because I crave th' wide. I want to
see the whole screen, as framed by the director. The BUFFY's I (and others)
shot were framed for traditional TVs. Adding space to the sides simply for
the sake of trying to look more cinematic would betray the very exact mise-
en-scene I was trying to create. I am a purist, and this is the purest way
to watch BUFFY. I have resisted the effort to letterbox BUFFY from the
start and always will, because that is not the show we shot. This is. So
enjoy! Stop breaking things. You're getting the best presentation of --
let's face it -- the best Television Drama since MATCHGAME '79. Bye for


Joss Whedon

Porque, francamente, en comparación, Joselin de bluray dot con me la suda.

Es un tema muy viejo. Pasó lo mismo con X Files. Hay mucho cinefilo de boquilla por ahí.
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Reacciones: WRC
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