"Vengadores: La era de Ultrón / Avengers: Age of Ultron"


Según Mark Ruffalo su rol de Hulk será todavía mayor en 'Los Vengadores: La era de Ultrón'

Una de los detalles más destacados de la cinta de Marvel, 'Los Vengadores', fue la aparición de Mark Ruffalo, tanto como Bruce Banner como en el rol de su homólogo verde y gigantesco, Hulk. Desde entonces, son muchos los fans que han estado pidiendo a gritos más apariciones del personaje en el Universo cinematográfico de Marvel, algo que se cumplirá en la secuela del exitoso film, 'Los Vengadores: La era de Ultrón'.

En declaraciones a Total Film, Ruffalo dijo que en esta ocasión todavía tendremos más Hulk que en la entrega anterior: “Mi papel es todavía mayor que la última vez. Además es más complejo, abarcando más arco en la historia”.

El actor también habló sobre el trabajo de captura de movimiento en la película, con el cual parece estar disfrutando incluso más que la última vez: “Me estoy encontrando con esta tecnología de captura de movimiento... Ahora me adhiero a ella por completo y la entiendo como otro lugar interesante al que podemos ir los actores”.

Escrita y dirigida por Joss Whedon, la película también estará protagonizada por Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Kretschmann, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen y James Spader. Su estreno el 1 de mayo de 2015.

Según Kevin Feige, la nueva Torre Vengadores es el edificio más grande jamás construido para una película de Marvel, con una enorme plataforma de aterrizaje y un garaje para el nuevo Quinjet, todo dentro de un enorme espacio lleno de ventanas, pantallas y material tecnológico pero muy chic, con un laboratorio directamente en medio donde Stark y Banner trabajan juntos.

Sí que habrá una escena de una fiesta o celebración, tal y como se viene rumoreando, que tendrá lugar al comienzo de la película y que será al estilo Stark.

El rediseño del Quinjet cuenta con más sillas para acomodar a todos los Vengadores, muy al estilo del Pájaro Negro de la Patrulla-X. El diseño general es menos militar y más elegante, con un mayor despliegue de armamento.

La actualización del traje de la Viuda Negra no solo contará con los bastones previamente reportados, sino que se dice que su traje será más estilo TRON en su naturaleza con luces azules y electricidad alrededor del traje. Sus enemigos recibirán ahora descargas eléctricas o picotazos de viuda cuando ella les golpee, dándole una ventaja más de superhéroe entre sus compañeros con superpoderes.

Se vuelve a decir que Hulk vestirá pantalones elásticos de color púrpura, que se estiran y se encogen con las transformaciones de Hulk/Bruce Banner. Los pantalones tendrán además la “A” que sirve como logotipo de los Vengadores, algo que estará presente no solo aquí, sino en todos los trajes de todo el equipo.

Tony Stark lleva la armadura Mark 43, un traje con menos dorado que en Iron Man 3, pero con más que en Los Vengadores. El reactor del pecho volverá a su forma circular. La Mark 44 es la Hulkbuster, y habrá otra armadura en la película.

Como ya se reportó, Ultrón será más que un simple casco, con toda su cara articulada, incluyendo la boca. Todos los movimientos de la cara de James Spader se usan para aportar más personalidad al villano. El traje de la maqueta es una reminiscencia del arma que usó el Agente Coulson usó para disparar a Loki en Los Vengadores, que fue echa de las partes del Destructor derrotado en Thor. Se dice que el traje tiene una luz roja por debajo, dándole una especie de efecto Balrog de El Señor de los Anillos.

Ultrón tendrá un ejército de drones que son similares a él en apariencia, menos el efecto de energía roja. Similar a los otros informes, la Visión será 100% Paul Bettany con su cara y cuerpo en forma metálica, muy brillante con dorado, rojo y verde (así como con la capa amarilla).


'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Cast Confirmed for Comic-Con 2014. Mark Ruffalo confirms that the 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' cast will take a break from shooting to attend Comic-Con, and we may even see a clip featuring the Hulk.

While doing press for his upcoming indie drama Begin Again, Mark Ruffalo confirmed that the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron will be converging on San Diego Comic-Con 2014 next month.

"Yeah, we're gonna go out there. We're all flying, we're flying from London. We're working. We're shooting. We're gonna stop and get on a plane and go to Comic Con together. It's gonna be amazing."

Although production is still under way, the actor teased that the fans might get their first glimpse at Avengers: Age of Ultron footage next month in San Diego.

"There might be some cool new Hulk, Hulk-o, Hulk-o-phobia, Hulk-o-phernalia. Hulk-a-phernalia!"

There has also been plenty of talk about Mark Ruffalo getting his own movie as Bruce Banner/Incredible Hulk. Earlier this month, the actor revealed that Marvel is actually considering a stand-alone movie for Hulk. When asked about the prospects of a new Hulk adventure, the actor had this to say, revealing that he believes The Hulk is actually terrified of Bruce Banner.

"He's a tough nut to crack of all of them, I think. He's the one person who doesn't want to do the very thing that all of us are dying to see him do and he's the one person who doesn't want to be there, [laughs] and so it can get very maudlin, it could get very boring to watch the guy who's moping around who doesn't want to do the very thing that we're all dying to see him do. And so I think that's the tough part of cracking that nut. I think that's what's made it problematical in the past. But I do feel like we've gained some ground on this new version of him, which has - he's sort of turning to face himself, and I think the relationship between Banner and The Hulk as a conscious conflict, it could be really interesting. The one thing that I think The Hulk is terrified of is Banner, and that's never really been mined. And now with this new motion capture technology, we can do something really exciting with Hulk that we've never been able to do performance-wise that I am hoping when we're talking about doing a new version of this, that we're really talking about having a relationship between these two entities that is conscious of each other and in conflict with each other in a really cool, interesting way."

Before a Hulk-centric feature comes into play, though, the actor said he wants to see advancements in the motion capture technology, in terms of facial recognition.

"We're a little bit behind on the motion capture technology as far as facial recognition in real time. Now we have, when I put on my motion capture suit, I look in front of me and there's me as The Hulk. There's The Hulk. Every move I make, The Hulk's making it and so you have this immediate feedback like almost looking in a mirror, but instead of seeing myself, I see The Hulk ... But they haven't come up to speed on the facial recognition that way. They can capture the facial - the new technology is we can shoot the body recognition and the facial recognition at the same time, so now you can integrate performance, physical performance with the actual face and voice, but by the time we're ready to probably - if we do another Hulk - that technology will be in real time and once that happens, there'd be no limit to what you can do creatively as far as your physical being is concerned. I can play a freakin' parasite in the ass of a worm [laughs].

It's so exciting. There's no limit to where we can go. I hope to be a pioneer in this space with Andy Serkis. I worked a lot with him on this. I'm very excited by what he's doing. We are retraining the studio to see this as integral a part as the first unit. This is not second or third unit or motion capture unit. This is first unit. This is performance. It's completely driven by the actor and it has to be honored as much as anything else, so that's kind of where we're heading with this technology and it's very exciting."

Are you excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron assembling at Comic-Con 2014? Chime in with your thoughts below.
Andy Serkis:

You’re involved with both “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Star Wars Episode VII.”

The Imaginarium is the performance capture consultant, and I’m playing a role (in both films). On ‘The Avengers,’ I’ve been working closely with Mark Ruffalo.

Mark Ruffalo has played the Hulk before. Why does he need coaching?

Performance capture was used on the previous “Hulk,” but not to the same extent Mark is using it now. There are tools and ways of working with an actor that makes them feel that they own the character. And a character the size of the Hulk needs ownership, which Mark has now.
Ahora en castellano...


Andy Serkis y “Los Vengadores 2: La era de Ultrón”

The Imaginarium, la compañía especializada en captura de movimiento de Andy Serkis (“El hobbit”, “El amanecer del planeta de los simios”, “Star Wars: Episodio VII”), trabaja en “Los Vengadores 2: La era de Ultrón” para crear el Hulk más espectacular y veraz posible. Y en una charla con Variety el actor ha hablado acerca de su participación personal en la película.

«Trabajamos como consejeros para la captura de movimiento, y yo interpreto un papel», comenta. «No puedo decir nada al respecto, claro, pero para mí es lo mismo de siempre. No hago distinción entre interpretar en vivo o en captura de movimiento. Actuar es actuar, la diferencia es lo que llevas puesto en el set».

Stan Lee Confirms 'Avengers 2' Cameo, Wants to Be in 'Batman v Superman'. Marvel universe creator Stan Lee recently wrapped his role in 'Age of Ultron', offering DC and 'Batman v Superman' some much needed advice.

Stan Lee confirmed yesterday that he has wrapped his role in Avengers: Age of Ultron, in which he has a cameo. It will be his 18th appearance in a movie over the past 13 years. He shows no signs of slowing down at age 92, and has hinted that director Zack Snyder and DC Comics should now put him in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Will that happen? Judging from the Captain America 3 v Dawn of Justice release date standoff, probably not. But that hasn't stopped the creator of the main Marvel universe from doling out some advice to those rivals at Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

Stan Lee appeared at the London Film and ComicCon event in support of what he's spent a lifetime creating, and commented on the rampant success of Marvel's big screen endeavors.

"All it can do is make it better for Marvel if we do these movies and the movies are successful. There are people reading Marvel comic books that would have never thought to read a comic book before. It helps the comic book business. The movie business has been unbelievably incredible. The Marvel movies are about the biggest money-making movies of all."

What sort of cameo does Stan Lee have in Avengers 2? The Man didn't give any specifics, but he did hint that he will be seen with Captain America himself, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth as Thor.

"The movies have been great. We have been so lucky. We've got the best directors, the best special effects people and wonderful actors. People that had not been big stars before like the fellow who plays Thor (Chris Hemsworth) - he's wonderful! I was with him yesterday - I did my cameo of course [for Avengers: Age of Ultron]. And Chris [Evans] who plays Captain America... He's excellent."

Anyone who remembers the first Marvel's The Avengers shoot knows that Stan originally had a more extensive scene with Cap at an outdoor café that eventually got cut from the movie. Sounds like director Joss Whedon is making up for that.

Stan Lee then hinted that he wants a role in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which, of course, would only help that film financially.

"DC could probably make a lot more money with Superman and Batman if they announced that I'd have a cameo in it! People wouldn't believe it - they'd have to go to the theatre to see it! "

Come on Zack Snyder, put 'The Man' in the movie!
"DC could probably make a lot more money with Superman and Batman if they announced that I'd have a cameo in it! People wouldn't believe it - they'd have to go to the theatre to see it! "

Menudo troll maravilloso. :mparto

Descripción del primer avance de 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'

Durante la presentación de 'Guardianes de la Galaxia' en Londres, el presidente de Marvel Studios y productor Kevin Feige sorprendió a la multitud al mostrar algo totalmente inesperado, las primeras imágenes en movimiento de 'Los Vengadores: La era de Ultrón'. Desde RadioTimes (vía CBM) han hecho una breve descripción del vídeo de dos minutos, la cual pueden leer a continuación.

Según el medio, se confirma que tal y como vimos en los artes conceptuales mostrados hace unos meses, veremos la armadura de batalla Hulkbuster de Tony Stark en un mano a mano contra Hulk. El símil que hacen es muy curioso, pues comparan la armadura normal de Iron Man con un misil, así como la nueva armadura con un tanque.

Además, veremos una escena con la Bruja Escarlata donde lucha junto a Ojo de Halcón en una calle italiana en ruinas. Pero antes tanto ella como su hermano Mercurio son encerrados en una cárcel de metacrilato. Por último, el medio apunta que aparecen imágenes de la Torre de los Vengadores, la cual contará con laboratorios individuales para Stark y Bruce Banner, así como estacionamiento para aviones supersónicos. En términos de construcción, parece que contará con una gran cantidad de pilares metálicos brillantes.

Aunque no está confirmado, parece posible que Marvel Studios muestre este material en la próxima Comic-Con de San Diego. En estos momentos el rodaje está sucediendo en Londres, con un elenco formado por Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson​, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Kretschmann, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen y James Spader. Dirigida por Joss Whedon, la película llegará a los cines el 1 de mayo de 2015.
Kevin Feige:

S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone – for people who are following along. S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded and brought down at the end of The Winter Soldier because it turned out to not be the best organisation ever. So Tony’s bank-rolling The Avengers now. And he’s bank-rolling their headquarters. So it’s now Avengers Tower.

On Avengers Tower:
“Tony designed it so in addition to a hanger for a brand-new Quinjet, laboratories, places where he can build and store his Iron Man suits, there are I believe two bars. Beautiful multiple space living rooms which are perfect for parties and social gatherings. But it’s a primary location in the film this time around.”
¿Primer vistazo a Ultron?

If you’re part of a group that has already saved the world nine times, eventually you can’t help but wonder: Isn’t it somebody else’s turn?

Unfortunately, that kind of thinking directly leads to the latest global threat in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Entertainment Weekly‘s Comic-Con 2014 preview gives you an exclusive First Look at the big, bad robot causing all the grief in next summer’s superhero team-up.

The good guys are tired, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been destroyed, and there’s no one else for the planet to turn to when menace looms on the horizon. Everyone wants a break—and that’s exactly how they’re about to be broken. There’s no abdicating heroism.

“What you said about abdication is apt, but I think it’s also about recognizing limitations,” Robert Downey Jr. says. “The downside of self-sacrifice is that if you make it back, you’ve been out there on the spit and you’ve been turned a couple times and you feel a little burned and traumatized.”
For better or worse (trust us, it’s worse), his Tony Stark has devised a plan that won’t require him to put on the Iron Man suit anymore, and should allow Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Hulk to get some much needed R&R as well. His solution is Ultron, self-aware, self-teaching, artificial intelligence designed to help assess threats, and direct Stark’s Iron Legion of drones to battle evildoers instead.
The only problem? Ultron (played by James Spader through performance-capture technology) lacks the human touch, and his superior intellect quickly determines that life on Earth would go a lot smoother if he just got rid of Public Enemy No. 1: Human beings. “Ultron sees the big picture and he goes, ‘Okay, we need radical change, which will be violent and appalling, in order to make everything better’; he’s not just going ‘Muhaha, soon I’ll rule!’” Whedon says, rubbing his hands together.

“He’s on a mission,” the filmmaker adds, and smiles thinly. “He wants to save us.”
The hard part about battling Ultron, as the cover image suggests, is that he’s not just a robot—he’s a program, capable of uploading himself and disappearing not into the clouds but the Cloud. And he has a bad habit of rebuilding himself into stronger and more fearsome physical forms.

The cover story runs through a pivotal early scene in the movie that I witnessed on set, and explains where some of the new characters (Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, The Vision) fall on the good-guy/bad-guy spectrum. It also reveals exactly how Marvel Studios is retooling the origin story for Ultron, who first appeared in the comic books in 1968.

“I know you’re ‘good’ people. I know you mean well… But you just didn’t think it through…. There is only one path to peace… Your extermination.”

"Sé que sois "buenas" personas. Sé que vuestra intención es buena... Pero nunca os disteis cuenta... Solo hay un camino hacia la paz... Vuestro exterminio."

Linea de dialogo de Ultron en la pelicula. Detalles de la pelicula y comentarios de director y cast en el articulo de EW:

Y tiene más razón que un santo :cuniao

Eso en Whedon casi es obligatorio... no pocas verdades decía Spike cuando ear un cabrón sin alma. :cuniao

Vamos, que si la primera versaba sobre si estamos hechos para ser ovejas sin libertad esta nos pregunta si merecemos siquiera existir. Pero con hostias. Whedon, el eterno optimista. :p

No es lo mismo exactly, pero pinta muy bien el personaje. ahora hay que verlo en movimiento y demas, pero en principio no esta nada mal.
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